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To learn we need to develop our thinking skills.

The more developed our thinking skills are, the better we understand. To develop your thinking you need to start at the top of this list and work your way down. The lower you get, the more developed your thinking will become. This will mean better understanding of your work.

What do I know? What do I remember?

Describe in my own words How can I explain? What does it tell me about?

How could I use? Where else does this occur? How would I show that?

What caused? What are the benefits/disadvantages of? What is the result of? How are similar/different?

How else might I tackle this problem? What other ways might be used to? How could I improve? Devise my own.

What do I think? How could I improve my work? What is there still to understand/ find out about?
H.Boyle/Campion School/ Opening Minds

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