Wishlistclub Brochure

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What does the gift of mobility cost?

single dollar doesn't buy what it once could. These days, it might buy a soda or a candy bar but, believe it or not, a single dollar can still make a difference. Through the AMBUCS Wish List Club, you can take that dollar and help provide the gift of mobility. Join others across the country in making a difference in the lives of children and adult with disabilities.

AmTrykes for Children Everyday of the Year!

An annual program to provide AmTrykes for children with Disabilities


aking a difference every day of the year is what the Wish List Club is all about. Your donation will help provide annual funding for the purchase of AmTrykes for those on the National Wish List. Your donation of just one dollar a day allows AMBUCS to be one step closer to meeting all of our many deserving Wish List requests, so please





Join Today!
Join the Wish List Club for just $1.00 a day and help children receive AmTrykes everyday of the year.

The AmTryke National Wish List exists to ensure people with disabilities, of limited nancial resources, are able to enjoy the fun and freedom of riding their own AmTryke. People with physical and/or cognitive impairments are greatly limited in their participation in recreational and physical activities. Given opportunities to be physically active, people with disabilities can demonstrate enhanced health and overall quality of life. The introduction of the AmTryke therapeutic tricycle helps strengthen muscles, improves motor skills all while enhancing social relationships and providing an opportunity for families to participate together in a well-known recreational past time. AMBUCSs goal is to grant as many wishes a possible but wishes are only lled as funding becomes available and the wait can be up to 18 months. We want to do better and you can help us grant wishes through a gift of just one dollar a day. Please join others in giving the gift of mobility and become a member of the AMBUCS Wish List Club today!

Membership Benefits
Special Lapel Pin Recognition at National Conference Listed in Fall Issue of AMBUCS Magazine

Yes, I want to be a member of the AMBUCS Wish List Club

Payment Options:
My check for $365 is enclosed. or Please charge my credit card for an initial $5 and $30 for the next 12 months. Card Type: VISA Mastercard Discover American Express Number:__________________________________ Expiration date: _____________ Security code: ______________ Name (if for a credit card as it appears on the card) __________________________________ Address:__________________________________ _________________________________________ City: ______________ State: ____ Zip: _______ Telephone: (_____) _________________________ Email:____________________________________ Chapter: __________________________________ Submit to: AMBUCS Resource Center, PO Box 5127, High Point, NC 27262

Giving the gift of mobility and independance!

The therapeutic tricycle for people with disabilities

AMBUCS is a 501 (c) (3) organization and all gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

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