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1) Individual essay writing in your group page in the ClassWiki

Go to your group page in the ClassWiki. Based on the decisions taken by the team in Part II, each student should write approximately 200 words and post this in the group page. Remember to write your name next to your writing. The spokesperson should inform the teacher when all the parts are ready for correction. Your teacher will then look at your work and highlight (but not correct) your errors.

2) Essay revision & preparing collaborative group essay in your Group page

Read each others contributions. Check that different points of view are represented in each paragraph and that there are examples to illustrate the main ideas. Write your comments under each part on the document in the wiki. Help others to improve their writing and dont be afraid to indicate/correct any grammar or vocabulary errors you notice. Revise your own writing, taking into account the comments from other group members, the teachers highlighted errors and the Essay Revision Checklist which are posted on the classroom Noticeboard.

Remember to save any changes that you make to the group essay.

3) Finalise collaborative group essay

You will probably need to make some final revisions to your group writing so that

each section fits together to make a coherent whole .

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