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Sentence Fluency Lesson Name: Christa Jennings Date: November 2011 Grade Level/Subject: 3rd Grade Science/Technology Prerequisite

Knowledge: -Information on how to search on a computer Approximate Time: 60 minutes over 2 days Student Objectives/Student Outcomes: -Students will use reliable sources for research -Students will create a PowerPoint about 2 planets including information requested Content Standards: 11.A.2e Report and display the results of individual and group investigations. Materials/Resources/Technology: -5 computers

Opening of lesson: (Objectives, hook, behavior expectations)


-Explain to students that we will be researching planets to make a presentation -When we research it is important to use information that we think is good information -Why is this important? -We do not want to give the wrong information Procedures: Include critical thinking questions and accommodations for individual needs
5-50 -Show students how to tell if a website is reliable by using a computer -Includes .org -Is from a reliable place such as NASA for this project -Looks professional -Show students websites that are not professional or reliable -Split students into groups of 2 with one group of 3 -Assign two planets to each group for research -Provide checklist so that students know what is expected -Monitor the class for any necessary help or to remind students to look for reliable information 50-60

Summary/Closing: -Students will all present their PowerPoints to each other

Student Assessment: -Assessment will be done informally through the presentation -Assessed on whether checklist is followed -Assessed on usage of reliable sites.

Solar System PowerPoint Checklist

**Use this checklist to make sure that you have everything you need on your planet PowerPoint**

___Title page with a title and both partners names ___Slide backgrounds ___Transitions between slides ___Animations and sounds for the pictures and words on slides

Planet Choice 1
___Name of the planet ___Picture of the planet ___2-3 facts about the planet

Planet Choice 2
___Name of the planet

___Picture of the planet ___2-3 facts about the planet

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