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People and culture: The Amish LESSON PLAN TITLE: TIME: MAIN AIM(S) 1:30 minutes Students will

ll have to understand the differences between the Amish culture and American one.


Students will be able to describe how the Amish culture is and its main characteristics Students will be able to To describe and compare To extract information from web sites about the Amish culture. To write a letter asking for information about their culture. Amish culture vocabulary Asking and providing information Making comparisons One computer per group (group of 4)



PROCEDURES Pre-lab discussion Speaking activities Introduce the topic talking about the Amish culture using images and asking students some questions Questions: Do you know anything about the Amish culture? Do you believe that they use technology? Are they a hardworking culture? Do they look happy in the pictures? Where do they live? What are the similarities between them and country side people in our country?

Lab activities Listening activity questions are based on the 3 first minutes of the video. Questions: When did they arrive to America? How many Amish people did arrive to America? How do their houses look like? What is the main difference between Amish and American culture? What is the role of the horses in their community? Reading activity: from Scan the text and answer the following questions: What do they celebrate? What do they generally eat in their main holyday? What do children do at school before holydays? What do they use to decorate the classroom? What do adults do after dinner? Writing activity: Write a letter to an Amish family asking for information about how do they live, likes and dislikes and their main characteristics of the community. Introduce yourself , explain why are you writing the letter and ask for an answer Follow-up activities Homework: Create a poster using, showing the Amish lifestyle ( their houses, animals and holydays)

Jose Cancino Adrian Soto

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