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Mahatma Gandhi: Indian Rebellion Reformed Protesting One Man Can Make a Change

Ilsa Siddiqui Individual Website Junior Division

Primary Sources

Angkasa, Nugroho, gandhi3.jpg. 1937. Photo. November 2011.

Badar, Hamida. Citizen of India, Housewife. October 9th, 2011. Growing up, my grandmother was the person who raised me. Every night she would tell me interesting stories about how Gandhi was the hero and because of him everything has changed. As a young child, Gandhi to me was just a fantasy and was like Superman by my definition, but as I researched more in depth I realized that one can be super without any powers.

Bednarz, Sarah, Smith, Marci, Miyares, Ine's, Ogle, Donne, White, Charles. World Cultures and Geography. United States: McDougal Littel, Rand Mcnally, 2008. Book

Cornwallis, Charles. 8510668-charles-cornwallis.1800.8510668, England. Photo. December 2011.

General Cornwallis being one of the leaders in the British Army who not only participated in the American Revolution, but also helped the British in claiming territories, eventually claiming India, which is a country that is two times bigger than Great Britain.

Eyewitness: Mahatma Gandhi Assassination. Dir. Msjaitly, YouTube. February 4, 2007. Video Interview conducted by the grandson of an Eyewitness of Gandhis Assassination. Recalling key details of the horrific event.

Gandhi, Jayanti, Gandhi+Jayanti+Picture+3.jpg. 1893. Rajkot, India. Photo. November 2011. Living by the word Ahimsa (non violence), Gandhi shows a kind and gentle response to a little child in this photo.

Gandhi, Mahatma. All Men are Brothers. New York: World Without War Publications, 1972.

Reading through All Men Are Brothers showed how a man can change, not only himself, but the world. Gandhi tells us his story as a young rebellious man who changed his whole way of being. Gandhi shares with the reader details about his evolution and about becoming a world leader for peaceful revolution. The change in the methods of protesting has put people in awe. Not only agreeing but showing that there is more than one option when doing something. Gandhi has inspired me to try to help and contribute to society just as he had.

Gandhi, Mahatma, gandhi2.jpg. 1947. Photo. November 2011.

Gandhi, Mahatma, MahatmaGandhi_17185. 1928. Photo. November 2011.

Gandhi, Mohandas, mohandas-gandhi_2048_1.1942.India. peoplepictures. tk. Photo. December 2011.

Gandhi, Mohandas, Mohandas-gandhi.jpg. 1943. India. Photo. October 2011.

Gandhi, Mahatma. Mahatma- Gandhi-pictures, 1893. A&E Television Networks, India. Photo. October 2011.

Gandhi, Mohandas. Provoke Until You Get a Response .1932. Citizen Warrior, India. Photo. November 2011.

Sangrahalaya, Gandhi, Bhavan, Mani, archives_youngindia.htm. 2004. With the internet it is easy to access countless of web sites about Gandhi. This websites information was the most important for me because it was organized and summarized in a way to help me

clearly understand what had happened in the event. This site is easy for all age groups. The pictures show the story of Gandhi.

Gandhi Video Archives. Mohandas Gandhi. YouTube, 2009.Video.

Gandhi Speech Video Archives. Mohandas Gandhi., September 24, 2009. Video

Mahatma Gandhi Speech. Dir. Truly Incredible, YouTube. October 1, 2009. Video

Millbourn, Annie, civil_rights_march_cut.jpg. 1964. America. Photo. December 2011. Being able to see what events have also happened after India's Independence and the same methods being used over. Is as if history were to be repeating itself over and over. This photo helps me feel in the position of what the Colored People had felt when being discriminated.

Merton, Thomas. Gandhi on Nonviolence. New York: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1964. To be able to read some of Gandhi's real words is astounding based on the fact that almost all what he aid has been written down somewhere.

Naidu, Sarojini. mahatma__sarojini_naidu_1930. Mahatma Sarojini Naidu 1930.jpg. 1930. Gandhi Salt March, Dandi. Photo. November 2011. Helped see how tired the protestors must have been walking 250 miles for salt, peacefully. =1426. Nonviolence: The Only Road to Freedom. May 4, 1966. =1131. The Power of Nonviolence/ Martin Luther King Jr., June 4, 1957 This Document showed an example on how one man can make a change in the world. Influencing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Tignor, Robert, Adelman, Jeremy, Aron, Stephen, Kotkin, Stephen, Merchand, Suzanne, Parkash, Gyan, Tsan, Michael. Worlds together, Worlds Apart. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2002. In reading through the book Worlds Together, Worlds Apart I felt the stirred emotions of the protestors were probably feeling. The authors were able to give me a more in depth explanation of the revolution, rather than my grandmother. The part about how the Indians were killed and tortured to death made me emotional knowing that without their bravery and courage, that I may not be alive right now. The book also talks about the courageous leadership of Gandhi, and how his methods reformed protesting forever in society. The book gives students an organized structure for studying and was written in a way to help me get the theme to support my topic. ublictag:japan*&searchLimits=l-title=The+CourierMail+(Brisbane%2C...%7Ctitleid%3A12. Gandhi Boycotts British Goods, 1937. Trying to find many primary sources, I was astonished that history was not lost, but was also easy to find. Being able to read articles on the opinions of many journalists created a feel of the setting of that time.

Secondary Sources 01.shtml. BBC History: British India and the Great Rebellion. 2011. Was a good summarization of the whole event, which eventually helped write the key points of the Revolution. .shtml.BBC History, 2011. The site helped me find some good examples and references for the impact of Gandhi's non-violent methods.

Beck, Sanderson. 2011. Gandhi heir opposes hunger strike, 2011.

Gandhi, Mohandas. Provoke Until You Get a Response. 1932. Citizen Warrior, India. Photo. November 2011.

Gandhi, Mohandas. Salt March. 1930., Photo. November 2011. This photo helped me recreate and feel the emotions as shown in the picture of the protesting. leads Revolt. 2011. I was not only able to learn about Gandhi, but also the type of leadership he had brought through in the protest.

Keay, John. India a History. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2000. The beginning history of India had helped me tie the whole story together, but had also made me realize that life was not easy then, and should be appreciated now. Gandhi Album, Gandhi: Biography, 2011.

Luce Edward. In Spite of Gods. New York: Doubleday, 2007. 04/indianrev.htm. Einde OCallaghan/. November 2011. Philosophy. 2002.

Meltzer, Brad. Heroes for My Son. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2010. Barua, Kanti, Sona. 2011. The Story of India, 2008 ml. Mahatma Gandhi. 2002. David Koeller/. 2003. g/mohandas_k_gandhi/index.html. Mohandas K. Gandhi, 2009

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