4th Ed Mission Updates

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Mission Updates

Here I present alterations to the missions in the 3rd and 4th edition rulebooks to make them compatible with the 5th edition system. I have made some simplifications and alterations which significantly change some of the game play, but which I feel preserve the spirit of each mission. For these missions, ignore the Scenario Special Rules and Game Length sections listed in the missions original entry. Always assume that the deploying of units and determining the first turn is done by the 5th edition method rather than by taking turns placing units, but that all other Set-up rules in the mission are followed unless otherwise specified. Always assume that the 5th edition scoring rules are used, and always assume that the game length is determined by the 5th edition rules unless otherwise specified. 4th (and 3rd) Edition: Always use the Alpha mission objectives unless otherwise specified. Cleanse, pg. 81: -To occupy a table quarter there must be at least one scoring friendly unit and no enemy units numbering more than two models or any single enemy models worth more than 100 points in the quarter.

Secure and Control, pg. 82: Very similar to Seize Ground. Seek and Destroy, pg. 82: Very similar to 5th Ed. Annihilation.

Recon, pg. 83: -The first turn is played with the Night-fight rules on the roll of a 4+. Determine this after the roll to choose side and deployment is made but before the first player deploys his forces.

Take and Hold, pg. 83: No additional updates needed.

Rescue, pg. 190: -Reserves are allowed from any part of the table edge within the players deployment zone.

Night Fight, pg. 191: -Include the Night Fighting rule, obviously. -To occupy a table quarter there must be at least one scoring friendly unit and no enemy units numbering more than two models or any single enemy models worth more than 100 points in the quarter.

Patrol, pg. 191: Very similar to 5th ed. Annihilation, with unique deployment zones.

Bunker Assault, pg. 194: -The attackers list has 20% more points than the defenders list. -After setting up the terrain, the defender sets up 3-5 bunkers, their choice, anywhere in their deployment zone at least 6 from any table edge. The attacker gains an additional 50 points to their list for each bunker in play. -The defender then places up to six pieces of non-impassable terrain, being no greater than 6 in any dimension, anywhere on the map. -The attacker receives one artillery strike per bunker at the start of the first turn. The attack is a S9 AP3 Large Blast, Ordnance, Barrage. The attack scatters 2D6 with no subtraction for BS. If a Hit is rolled on the scatter die, subtract 3 from the scatter distance. -Each bunker is an objective, and is held if a Scoring unit is inside an intact bunker, or if a Scoring unit is in base contact with a destroyed bunker. Whichever player holds more objectives at the end of the game is the winner. -The defender deploys first, but the attacker gets the first turn. The defender may try to Steal the Initiative.

Hold at All Costs, pg. 195: -Follow the Set-up rules directly.

Meat Grinder, pg. 195: -Include the Sustained Attack rules from the 4th ed. Rulebook on page 193. -Begin the random turn count on turn six rather than five, making this a 6-8 turn game.

Sabotage, pg. 206: -Follow the Set-up rules directly, omitting step 3 as the Sentries rule is not used. -The Night Fighting rule is used for the first game turn.

Ambush, pg. 206: -Include the Divided Force rule from the 4th ed. Rulebook on page 205. -Follow the Set-up rules as written except for step 2; instead have the attacker deploy his active force after the defender has deployed. -Evacuated defender units count as one kill-point for the defender. Destroyed defender units count as two kill-points for the attacker. Whoever has the most at the end of the game wins.

Strongpoint Attack, pg. 207: -Follow the Set-up rules as written except for steps 4 and 5; omit step 4 as the Sentries rule will not be used, and for step 5 simply allow the defender to place up to six pieces of non-impassable terrain with no dimension greater than 6 anywhere on the field.

-Each bunker is an objective. A bunker is considered to be captured if a Scoring unit is inside an intact bunker or in base contact with a destroyed bunker. -The Night Fighting rule will be used for the first turn of the game. Rearguard, pg. 212: -Include the Divided Force rule from the 4th ed. Rulebook on page 205 for both players. -Follow the Set-up rules as written, except steps 3 and 6. During step 3, the defender only places up to six pieces of non-impassable terrain with no dimension greater than 6 anywhere on the field. The defenders forces are deployed in between the Attackers first Movement and Shooting phases. The attackers passive force still arrives on Turn 4. - Begin the random game length count on turn six rather than five, making this a 6-8 turn game.

Blitz, pg. 213: - The defender places 1-3 bunkers and up to six non-impassable pieces of terrain with no dimension greater than 6 anywhere in their Fortification Zone. -The defender deploys their forces after the attacker. -The attacker receives one artillery strike per bunker at the start of the first turn. The attack is a S9 AP3 Large Blast, Ordnance, Barrage. The attack scatters 2D6 with no subtraction for BS. If a Hit is rolled on the scatter die, subtract 3 from the scatter distance. -Kill-points are used for this mission, with the attacker gaining two additional kill-points for each attacker unit in the attackers Second Line at the end of the game, and with the defender gaining one additional kill-point for each attacker unit in No Mans Land at the end of the game. -Begin the random game length count on turn seven rather than five, making this a 7-9 turn game. Breakout, pg. 213: -Follow the mission as written. Neither side may hold units in reserve.

Anyway, I havent had a chance to playtest all of these, but those that I have tried seem to work pretty well. There will always be balance issues with missions that havent been designed with every army in mind, so feel free to try these out and tweak them as you see fit. Hopefully the nostalgia will make up for any imbalances! Enjoy, -DB

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