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Many of us feel that seeking truth is synonymous with asceticism. Naturally; some of us are tempted to capitalize on our notion; and show that they are ascetics! They pretend to have no physiological or material needs (even if they indulge secretly). We revere these people for their asceticism (whether apparent or real; but irrespective of their contribution to global welfare)! He or she; thus becomes a popular spiritual leader. Physiologically; it is absurd to glorify/hate the asceticism, or indulgence. It is a different matter altogether; to evaluate the consumable commodities; from health point of view; or on the basis of their effect on consciousness. Seeking the truth (which is what spiritualism is); essentially implies objective and holistic perspective and striving for the blossoming of all! In absence of study and practice of Total Stress Management (the core of which is NAMASMARAN); the arbitrary and coercive asceticism or indulgence; due to; for instance; peer pressure; imparts pathological stress on a seeker of truth, who gets stunted and remains unjust, intolerant, prejudiced and petty.

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