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The embryo or fetus does not seek untimely freedom to break open womb the prison in which they live. A bud does not seek untimely freedom to blossom instantly into flower. A seed does not seek untimely freedom to become a tree instantly. A musician does not seek untimely freedom to express rhythm and melody instantly. Freedom has to be understood as a timely capability and motivation to transform a given stage or state, which has become restrictive now! The embryo, the bud and the musician ought to be delivered, be blossomed and be melodious; respectively; at right time! This may be called timely freedom! If we judge the time for timely freedom correctly and strive for it; then we succeed and if we dont, then we miss the golden opportunity; of timely freedom! It is said that the innate urge, restlessness or stress of unknown origin (actually the instinct to be free) can be transformed into the movement of timely freedom; through the practice of NAMASMARAN. We may not believe; but can verify this!

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