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Bebington District Scout Council

St George's Day Parade and Service

Sunday 22th April 2012 At Christ Church, Port Sunlight.
Please find, below and attached, details of the arrangements for this year's District parade and service for St. George's Day. 1. Parade Marshall: 2. 3. Service Marshall's: Bebington District ADCs Timetable: 14:15 Assemble at the Lady Lever Art Gallery 14:35 Move off 14:45 Arrive at Christ Church 14:50 General Salute on the breaking of the St. Georges 15:00 Service Commences 15:50 Re-assemble outside the Church 16:00 March Past. Saluting base at the Leverhulme Memorial 16:15 Parade dismiss 4. a General: Dress: Full Official Uniform as defined in Chapter 10 of POR with black or brown shoes to be worn, with the addition of a Red Rose (real or artificial) pinned above the World Badge. No outer garments are to be worn. Beavers: Beavers are to march in the parade. Ceremonial: Leaders to practice the ceremonial with their sections prior to the parade. Let everyone take pride in being a Scout. Wet Weather: In the event of wet weather the parade to the Church will be cancelled by the Parade Marshall and Groups will make their own way to the Church to arrive not later than 14:45 hrs. The March Past may be cancelled by the Parade Marshall or shortened to the end after the War Memorial. Entry to Church District Colour Parties and Group Standard Bearers, following the General Salute, will fall out on the command of their Group Leaders, and proceed through the main Church entrance to line both sides of path to the main door Beavers will enter the Church via the Transept entrance. Cubs, Scouts and Explorers enter through main door. Distribution: D.C., A.D.C.'s, Group & Section Leaders.


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