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Lesson 8: “Let the Music Begin”

Novel section focused on for this lesson:

Pages: p. 166-183

What’s on for today and why?

Today students will have brought in their two song choices with lyrics.
Today’s goal is to have the students look at the lyrics as if they were original
pieces of poetry. By examining the lyrics and breaking the lyrics down, the
goal is to have them examine specific literary devices, elements and
techniques the song writer used. The goal is to show them that lyrics require
the same input from the songwriters that novelists or poets put into their

What to do:

Each student will re-read their lyrics again and chose one* of the two that
connects the theme closest to the novel. Once they have chosen – this is the
piece of literature they will be focusing on for the rest of the day. Have the
students annotate the lyrics underline:

 Literary devices, elements (such as imagery) techniques or terms

that are present in the lyrics.

Next pass out the graphic organizer for the students and explain the
instructions. Students should have the rest of the period to work on this
assignment. Have the students staple and hand in the graphic organizer as
well as the copy of the song lyrics by tomorrow.

Create a warm work environment - **While the class is quietly working

stream NPR’s Kate Remington’s classical music program. – It usually plays
from 9am- 1pm. If this doesn’t work consider or bring in a lyric-
less * c.d. so students can relax and focus.

(See graphic organizer attachment)

Finish the song lyric exercise and graphic organizer. Read up to p. 183. Extra
Credit*- bring in a copy of the song burned onto a c.d.

How did it go?

Today’s assessment should be based on the student’s productivity and effort
put into the in-class activity. To assess the graphic organizer that will be
turned in the next day:

• Did the teacher notice examples from the song lyric having clear
connections to the textual evidence?

• Did the graphic organizer display their knowledge of literary devices?

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