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Bobservations April 1, 2012 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God There is a story that has

as been going around on the Internet for the last few years. It was about a lawsuit brought by the American Society of Atheists. It seems there was much grumbling going on among them because they had no special day of recognition, celebrating their beliefs. They reasoned that the Christians had Christmas and Easter. The Jews had Passover, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The Muslims had the whole month of Ramadan. The atheists felt slighted. They sought legal representation to bring it before the courts in order to have a day they could celebrate each year in honor of their lack of belief in God. It would be a defining day. It turned out to be a rather short Court Proceeding. The presiding Judge had a day in mind for them almost immediately, and the atheists scratched their heads. From 365 days, how could the Judge determine a date of recognition so quickly? When their lawyer made inquiry of the Judge as to what his reasoning was, the Judge called for the Bailiff to bring to the Bench the Court Bible that was used for swearing in witnesses. He quickly found Psalm 14:1 and read the verse aloud for the Court Recorder to type into the record. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God The judge quickly turned to Psalm 53:1, where it is again written, The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God The judge stated, The God in whom the atheists do not believe had already made accommodation in His Word for the desire of their hearts. Therefore, I designate April 1st of each year in recognition of National Atheists Day. And with the whack of his gavel said, NEXT CASE! Needless to say, the atheists were less than pleased. April Fools! We should always be prayerful, thoughtful, and careful about the things we strive to accomplish.

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