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Although / Even though

Although Taxco is a town surrounded by hills, its weather is very hot during the summer. There are a lot of poor people in Taxco although it is a rich mining town. Even though the town offers good entertainment, it doesnt have many tourist during the year round.

But / However

DF has a lot of theatres, but the people dont usually go there. Many people in DF have a car; however, they usually prefer taking the subway. There are a lot of police officers in the city. However, people feel insecure.

Just the same / Nevertheless

The salaries in the city are quite high; just the same, the price for housing is pricey. The city presents a lot of problems, nevertheless, many people would never move to the country. There are many job opportunities, nevertheless, a lot of people find it hard to get one.

On the other hand

The weather in Acapulco is hot most of the year. On the other hand, some of the beaches are very dirty. The nightlife is excellent. On the other hand going out at night may be dangerous if you walk on the streets alone.

Despite / In spite of

Despite the lack of public parks in Cuernavaca, the open areas are interesting In spite of being called The City of Eternal Spring, Cuernavacas weather has suffered great changes in the last decades Many foreign visitors love Cuernavaca despite its many problems Locals complain about the traffic despite the fact we dont respect the law.


My hometown is a quiet town, however, ____ The environment in the place I live is comfortable, just the same, ________ The office where I work is comfortable. On the other hand,____________ Despite the great facilities in my work, ____ Even though I feel tired after work, _____

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