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Doomsday: Truth? 2012 Doomsday: The Most Inconvenient Truth?

By: Ryhen Satch

Before you read the rest of this article, I want you to have one question in mind to serve as your guide. The question is, Is the world going to end on 2012? Many people do not subscribe to the idea of the world coming to an end in 2012. Why should they? Thinking about it is certainly uncomfortable, it makes you worry, and, most of all, its frightening. Im a little bit frustrated because I cant find a way to share this with the people around me for fear of getting a blank stare, so Ive decided to put my thoughts here. By the way, this article is loaded with information and should only take a small amount of your time. Trust me, its worth reading. Ignorance is bliss. Even if any of my friends and relatives listened to me, I still dont think they would understand. Everyone on the planet is too busy doing their own thing, right? Of course! You have your job which consumes most of your time, you have your family to take care of, you have your basic needs to sustain, and you have a wonderful life that is much too valuable to spend worrying about whats going to happen on Earth a few years from now or 3.6 years to be exact. We have all become attached to this world. A world which everybody thinks is the only reality that exists. However, it is this kind of behavior that diminishes the glory of being human. We are not here to spend our lives acting like machines enslaved by patterned activity, habits, and conformity. We are all deprived of the true meaning of life by the controlling forces of society, but there is no escape from the fact that we are all going through a transition a period of change. What this change is, I will explain later. You can become part of it or you can deny it, but either way, you should become AWARE of it.

WHAT IS 2012?
I believe I have a purpose, and that purpose is to share my understanding of this anticipated phenomenon (if its indeed going to happen). In my younger days, I was pretty much convinced that the world was going to end in the year 2000 (which is coincidentally the year I graduated from college). As that year went closer, the anxiety was still there, but the effect of its impact when I first heard about the prophecy had gradually decreased in magnitude. I was probably too busy dealing with the harsh realities of life from the point of view of a young adult. Fortunately, nothing happened and we are all still alive. Cheers!! More recently, I came across 2012 while I was doing research for my first eBook a few months ago. I saw the words end of the Mayan calendar, and attached to it is the word doomsday. Thats a pretty good eye-catcher, isnt it? I said to myself, Oh no, not again! Anyway, it did catch my attention, but this time I investigated. People are divided into two beliefs about what is going to happen on 2012. On one hand, there are those who believe that the world is going to end exactly on December 21, 2012. This date marks the end of the Mayan calendar and the time when the solar system and the galactic equator will come into alignment. It is said that this alignment will trigger global catastrophic events that ultimately leads to the apocalypse or the destruction of Earth and mankind. Sounds gloomy, doesnt it? Wait till we get to that part. On the other hand, new age thinkers believe that 2012 is the time when everyone on Earth will undergo a spiritual transformation allowing us to move beyond our materialistic attitudes and enter a new age of peace and prosperity. Sounds fun, yes?

If youre already aware of 2012 and you dont think anybody is paying attention to this subject, perhaps it would comfort you to know that the monthly search for this keyword on Google is more than 7 million. More and more people are going to know about it especially when the movie 2012 is released on theaters this November. So, before you come to any conclusion that this is just stupid nonsense, try reading some related stuff about the prophecy first. Im a little bit disappointed, however, because nobody can really give an accurate answer to this question. This is not something that anybody has ever experienced before. We are all just about to witness this event, whatever it is and whether we like it or not. Indeed, the literature that talks about the future of mankind is vast and you can spend your whole life studying it, but who can say whether what you have read, watched, or heard is real or not? Who can accurately tell you what is truth and what is fiction? The answer is nobody, except you. So how will you find out the truth? Well, if youll ask me, Im just waiting for it to unfold. And, inevitably, thats the only thing all of us can do. We can only WAIT. While we are waiting, lets try to find out the reasons for this hype. Was there ever a time when you suddenly had an Aha! moment because your mind was able to connect the dots by analyzing past events? What you will read below are some of the dots I was able to connect that led to my Aha! moment. However, as much as I would like to explain everything in detail, I realize that this is a blog entry and the attention span of people on the internet isnt quite that long. If youre not satisfied with the information here, you can do your own research on these subjects so that you can connect your own dots.

Calendar Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar

In the Gregorian calendar, the mythical creation date of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar (or Mayan calendar as many would call it) is equivalent to August 11, 3114 BC. Several pre-hispanic cultures in Mesoamerica used the Long Count calendar which completes a "great cycle" of thirteen b'ak'tuns (periods of 144,000 days each). It is about to be repeated for the first time after a span of a little over 5,125 years on December 21, 2012. The completion of this cycle or, as they say, the end of the Mayan calendar, has been significantly attached to various apocalyptic prophecies since the

1960s (psychedelic era). However, academic scholars have not concluded that the Mayan civilization had the same conviction that this date marks the annihilation of all life on Earth. What does this mean? It means that some people out there are just probably using this information to sell books, DVDs, magazines, TV programs, and yes, even movies. You know how much people love to take advantage of spreading ideas to make some money. The 2012 doomsday event is an idea, a cultural meme, which can easily spread like a virus across the human population. Just ask yourself how many people made money after Michael Jacksons death the media? advertisers? merchandisers? record producers? But, we can still never be so sure

Eschatology in Various Religions

Signs of the coming Judgment Day are documented in various religious scriptures. Let me cite some examples. 1. Islam - "When the most wicked member of a tribe becomes its ruler, and the most worthless

member of a community becomes its leader, and a man is respected through fear of the evil he may do, and leadership is given to people who are unworthy of it, expect the Day of Judgment." (are there politicians in the house? house?) are
2. Hindu Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly. Rulers will no

longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world. People will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source. (mass starvation?? ??) mass starvation??
3. Christianity When the first trumpet is sounded, hail, fire and blood fall upon the Earth, Christianity

and a third of its surface, along with a third of its trees and all of its grass, is consumed in flame. Upon the sounding of the second, a great, flaming mountain falls into the sea. A third of the oceans turn to blood, a third of the sea creatures are killed and a third of the ships are destroyed. With the third, the star Wormwood falls upon a third of the rivers and springs, poisoning them and the many men who drink from them. Book of Revelations (aftermath aftermath
war??) of a nuclear war?? 4. Buddhism - "will lose their doubts, and the torrents of their cravings will be cut off: free from

all misery they will manage to cross the ocean of becoming; and, as a result of Maitreya's teachings, they will lead a holy life. No longer will they regard anything as their own, they will have no possession, no gold or silver, no home, no relatives! But they will lead the holy life of chastity under Maitreya's guidance. They will have torn the net of the passions, they will manage to enter into trances, and theirs will be an abundance of joy and happiness, for they will lead a holy life under Maitreya's guidance."

Maitreya is believed to be the successor of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha). Maitreya's coming is characterized by a number of physical events. The oceans are predicted to decrease in size, allowing Maitreya to traverse them freely. The event will also allow the unveiling of the "true" dharma to the people, in turn allowing the construction of a new world. The coming also signifies the end of the middle time in which humans currently reside (characterized as a low point of human existence between Gautama Buddha and Maitreya.) Are these religious scriptures enough to convince you? Of course, not! You want to know what the scientific community thinks about this, right?

Geomagnetic Reversal
A geomagnetic reversal is the change in the magnetic field of the Earth. When this happens, your compass will point towards the south pole instead of the north pole. Before the 1960s, scientists believed that reversals happen every one million years. Today, however, many scientists acknowledge that the time between reversals is erratic. Some speculate the galactic alignment coinciding with the end of the Mayan calendar, could trigger this reversal. A greatly diminished magnetic field during a reversal period and the alarming increase of solar activity that scientists are observing today will expose the surface of the earth to a substantial and potentially damaging increase in cosmic radiation affecting the atmosphere and eventually all life on Earth. There are people who think that the cosmic radiation, instead of destroying human life, may actually activate the junk DNA ( that holds the key to unlocking latent capabilities in humans like psychic powers, higher levels of consciousness, and whatnot.

Global Warming
Global warming basically produces weather changes. Scientific records show that, since the end of the last glacial period, which was about 12,500 years ago, the Earths temperature has significantly increased. Now, it has even reached an alarming rate. Once global warming reaches its peak, Earth could possibly enter a new glacial age. Global warming is expected to cause glacial retreat, Arctic shrinkage, and worldwide sea level rise. Other effects may include changes in crop yields, addition of new trade routes, species extinctions, and changes in the range of disease vectors. Much of the effects of global warming are covered in Al Gores movie called An Inconvenient Truth. However, there is much speculation that natural patterns on the environment are more likely to cause the change in our climate than human influence. Hence, nobody can really say if Al Gore is telling the truth or has a hidden agenda for his campaign. Did somebody just mention inconvenience?

Timewave Zero or Novelty Theory

Timewave Zero is a pseudoscientific theory developed by the writer, philosopher, psychonaut and ethnobotanist named Terence Mckenna. The theory asserts that the universe is an engine designed for the production and conservation of novelty. Novelty, in this sense, can be thought of as creativity,

progress, or simply something new. Yet, another force clashes with novelty which is called entropy or habituation (patterns and cycles). McKenna created a software that showed at what times novelty is supposedly increasing or decreasing over any span of time from a few days to tens of millennia. Surprisingly, a graph from his software points to December 21, 2012 as the end date for entropy.

Let me try to explain the theory in simple terms based on my understanding. If you try to observe everything thats going on around you, and I mean REALLY OBSERVE everything, you will realize that almost every event in your life involve patterns and cycles. You go hungry so you buy food to eat which, after being digested by your body, makes you crap. You wake up, go to work, go home, and sleep at night (then repeat). A child is born and becomes a toddler. After entering adolescence and puberty, he or she grows into adulthood and finds a mate to shag and then eventually die. A year starts in January and ends in December. After that point, we enter another year. The moon revolves around the Earth. The Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the Sun. The Sun goes around the galaxy, and so on and so forth. Patterns and cycles. Where does novelty enter the picture? Well, every time something disrupts our patterns, every time we experience a shift in our paradigms, every time we become creative, or every time something bumps us that alters our trajectory, we experience novelty. Today, it seems that many people are forced into habituation; confined by social roles, beliefs, and obligations. However, technology is changing that, and the internet is one of the most highly responsible candidates for causing the changes we experience. What happens on the year 2012, nobody can really tell, but as we come closer to that year, changes in our world will become numerous and will happen more frequently. We will witness changes happening from years to months, from months to weeks, from weeks to days, from days to hours, and so on until we reach the point of inevitability. Ever since I learned about this theory, Ive been keeping my eye on news reports to see how many striking events happen around the world like the economic crisis, flu virus, the Iran conflict, MJs death, etc. Maybe we will see more next year. Who knows?

Technological Singularity
Do you believe in time travel? No? What if I told you a quantum physicist named Ronald Mallett ( is working on it, would you consider the possibility? Have you ever thought about how many of the ideas in science fiction have been turned into reality by scientists in the past century? Computers, laser, space crafts, cellular phones, robots, etc.etc. All of these were once just products of the human imagination and some of the people who thought about these things were probably ridiculed for their crazy ideas, but look at how were making use of them today. Ray Kurzweil talked about the rapid growth of technological progress in his essay entitled Law of Accelerating Returns ( He believes that as humans become more and more capable of developing highly advanced technologies, human intelligence and machine intelligence will soon reach a point of singularity ( which suggests unimaginable possibilities. Apparently, its happening. If someone is doing experimental research on time travel, who knows what other scientists are cooking in their kitchens. Youre probably aware already that the computational capacity of human technology is increasing exponentially every year (Moores law). If that is true, then three years from now, our technology will be almost 256 times more powerful than what we have today. By 2013, just right after the December 2012 doomsday event, a supercomputer ( will be capable of simulating the human brain. Pretty timely, isnt it?

Welcome to Modern Slavery What am I? What is reality? What is my purpose? What is the meaning of life? What will happen to me after I die? These are the kind of questions that most people no longer spend time to think about. They are more inclined to ask questions like: How much will I earn here or there? What clothes should I wear tomorrow? Wheres the best place to go on a vacation? When is Michael Jacksons next concert? Oh, I forgot he just passed away. Indeed, it is much more realistic to contemplate on these questions because we are predisposed to address our existential needs. We have to survive life on Earth and we must do everything to assure that. However, this way of thinking is exactly the reason why many of us suffer. This way of thinking is exactly the reason why these shallow questions exist. We are raised in a society that has led us to believe that resources are scarce, that material possessions are more valuable than human life, and that we are simply organic bodies humping at each other. Is this all bad? If you tend to think of it that way, then perhaps it is. But theres probably a reason for this. Maybe its exactly whats causing us to want to step up from one level of consciousness to another. Maybe it is a necessary element that will drive our species to evolve. Ok, Im just trying to be optimistic for a moment. Let me slip back to my indignant mode. So, if a global catastrophic event should be the catalyst for human evolution, why the hell do we need the government, corporations, religion, and other higher powers to tell us what to do? Why are these egotistical-to-the-point-of-cranial-expansion oppressors trying to lead us away from discovering our spiritual nature? The simple answer to that is POWER. Yes, folks. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Human Extinction or Human Evolution?

It is said that the extinction of a dominant species happens less often than once in a million years. In the Mesozoic era, the dinosaurs were the dominant vertebrate animals of terrestrial ecosystems for over 186 million years. There are three periods in this era: the Triassic (251 199 million years ago), the Jurassic (199 145 million years ago), and the Cretaceous (145 65 million years ago). The Homo genus, a sub classification of the bipedal primate species, which includes modern humans, is estimated to be about 2.5 million years old. I dont want to sound like a glorified-brush-armed-oldbearded-man who digs dinosaur bones for fun, but if you compare the two examples, you may come to realize that we havent really walked the Earth long enough to become extinct as an entire species.

In my opinion (its strictly mine so dont argue), 2.5 million years is a relatively short time compared to how long the dinosaurs lived. Even if we, Homo Sapiens or modern man, become extinct, theres no doubt that another form of species will come out. More and more people are experiencing spiritual awakening around the world. Ive read a very nice article that suggested this new species should be called Homo Spiritus ( Other futurists call this new species of man Superhumans (

Timeline of the Evolution of Consciousness

I remember the first time when I started to doubt my religious beliefs. I think I was thirteen years old at that time. The school teacher in our religion class was talking about the Book of Genesis; you know how God created everything in seven days, Adam and Eve, Noahs Ark, and those kinds of stuff. I was having a good time listening when I suddenly heard my inner voice say, Is Adam older than the dinosaurs? What an epiphany!

After that, I thought science had all the answers until I realized that these guys are just as messed up as their findings. First, they made people believe that the universe was created in an explosion. Then they say that matter is all that exists. Eventually, they arrive at the fact that matter is made up of nothing. Another epiphany! You know what Ive learned after all of this? NOBODY REALLY KNOWS WHAT THE TRUTH IS. We cant find the truth, so we have to wait for the truth to find us. Thats why I said earlier that theres nothing we can do except wait. Maybe this time the long wait will finally be over. Why? Ok, lets take a look at another theory that is based on the Mayan calendar. Its called The 9 Underworlds. I found a ten minute video that provides a good explanation so check this out: Tzolkin and Tun Calendar Timeline (

Image taken from:

Have you ever wondered how many people may die if a global catastrophic event happens at any time? Is it in the thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Millions of people? Sigh billions of people? Actually, it depends on the kind of event. If a huge asteroid hits Earth, for instance, Im pretty much convinced nobody will survive. The last time we got hit by an asteroid 10 km or more in diameter was 65 million years ago. It marked the end of the Mesozoic Era (age of the dinosaurs) and the beginning of the Cenozoic Era (65.5 million years ago up to present). I was saying to myself, Naah nothing could possibly happen to our planet. But what if we really are moving towards a shift in consciousness, leaving our materialistic views behind, how can we do that if there are so many material objects scattered around us? Who will need these things? Certainly, something should wipe out all of these distractions and useless garbage from the face of

the planet, right? Besides, will a highly intelligent or highly spiritual being need to possess fancy objects made up of matter? That is very doubtful. As I mentioned earlier, many scientists are starting to believe that matter is made up of nothing. I dont want to scare you or anything, but lets look at some of the possible ways the world could end.

The graph shows how different events trigger each other. I understand its an unsophisticated graph, so if it doesnt impress you, just ignore the small words and look at the biggest box. Heres my definition for each event in alphabetical order: Alien Invasion You say you dont believe in aliens? Cmon! There are 200 400 billion stars in our galaxy alone. What makes you think that were the only living creatures in the universe? However, if there are advanced civilizations out there far more superior to us in technology, they wouldnt bother adding you on YM to chat, let alone invade our planet. Were far too dumb to deserve their attention. That is soooo not hot! Artilect War Will humans become capable of reverse engineering the human brain to create Hugo de Garis machines capable of surpassing human intelligence? Professor ( thinks its possible. However, he also believes theres nothing to celebrate about this event because the machines might eventually turn on us humans and wipe us out in one swoop. Dont worry! We have Neo and Morpheus on our side. Asteroid Impact An asteroid a few kilometers in diameter smashing on Earth can release as much energy as several million nuclear weapons detonating, one after another. When that happens, I dont wanna close my eyes because I dont wanna miss a thing. Biotech Disaster Genetics is one of the three leading technologies that we have today. The other two are robotics (see: Artilect War) and nanotechnology (see: Nanotechnology Disaster). Engineered

microbes are potentially dangerous especially in the hands of idiots who might think its divine will to create an airborne virus that can annihilate the entire human race. Earthquakes I just realized that even for catastrophic events, everything is interconnected. If supervolcanoes erupt causing massive earthquakes that can trigger the explosion of nuclear missiles, a country that possess these kinds of weapons is in big trouble. (See: Nuclear War) Ecosystem Collapse All of Earths species are interconnected with one another. Wipe out any one in particular and you affect numerous other plants and animals. Every year, around 17,000 100,000 species become extinct. Can you guess whos on top of the food chain? GammaGamma-ray Burst If one of the stars within our galaxy releases turns into a supernova and releases a burst of radiation, it will burn the Earths atmosphere leading to the destruction of the biosphere. For the good news, this is extremely rare and occurs only a few per galaxy per million years. All of the observed gamma-ray bursts have originated from outside our galaxy. The bad news is that a star within our galaxy can explode at any time. Giant Solar Flares When the sun suddenly decides to relieve itself of flatulence, get ready for a taste of Earth barbeque. Explosions happen in the Suns atmosphere from time to time. A massive explosion (giant solar flares) can change the course of our history forever. That is assuming we have somebody left here to write our history. I recommend the movie called Knowing starring Nicholas Cage if you havent seen it yet. Global Epidemics Climate change and the reduced levels of biodiversity are two leading factors for the rise of new epidemics. The 1918 flu pandemic (Spanish flu) killed an estimated 50 to 100 million people worldwide. Nanotechnology Disaster Klatu (Keanu Reeves) in the movie called The Day The Earth Stood Still plans to exterminate Earths most stubborn inhabitants (humans) by using atomic-scale machines (nanobots). But what happens if, instead of aliens coming to our planet to destroy us, a retarded scientist accidentally creates a bacteria-like nanobot that can spread faster than you could ever pick your nose? Would that be any better? Nuclear War The United States and Russia still have almost 19,000 active nuclear warheads. What about other countries? That sounds nice. Albert Einstein once said, I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. Particle Accelerator Mishap Scientists are fond of playing with subatomic particles. Two of their most favorite toys are the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider ( and the Large Hadron Collider ( In my opinion, thats perfectly fine as long us they dont blow us to smithereens or suck us all into a void. Polar Shift A polar shift is the abrupt reorientation of Earth's axis of rotation. It is said that the accumulation of ice at the poles caused recurring tipping of the axis. A polar shift could result in major climate changes for most of the Earth's surface, as areas that were formerly equatorial become temperate, and areas that were temperate become either more equatorial or more arctic.

Simulation Shutdown Aside from playing with subatomic particles, scientists also like to play god. They are hoping that, in the future, they will be able to create superhuman intelligence that will radically enhance life on earth. Once we reach that stage, they believe we can simulate life on earth just like how we simulate programs on a computer. What makes them so sure that we (the entire human race) are not already part of a computer simulation being run by another intelligent life of some sort? In his essay entitled ARE YOU LIVING IN A COMPUTER SIMULATION? (, Nick Bostrom argues that the possibility of us being able to simulate our own civilization, just like in the Matrix film, is very close to zero. The Big Crunch What is the ultimate fate of the universe? One of the possible events that could happen is the universe collapsing upon itself. Just imagine watching the Big Bang on Youtube while its being played backwards and you will get the picture. Volcanic Eruption I can still remember when Mount Pinatubo erupted when I was twelve years old. I cant recall how long the ash fall lasted, but it sure looked like winter all over our city which is only three hours away from the volcano. Today, geologists have their eyes on Yellowstone National Park, one of the few places on the planet where a supervolcano lays dormant for thousands of years. It is believed that a catastrophic event, like a geomagnetic reversal, may trigger the Yellowstone supervolcano to erupt.


In esotericism and ancient philosophical traditions, people believe that the human body has three aspects. First is the gross body which interacts with everything in our physical environment. It has five sense organs (ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose) to receive sensations and five organs of actions (tongue, hands, feet, genital and anus) to perform the functions of speech, grasp, motion, reproduction and excretion. The second is the subtle body. You can think of this body as the one that experiences everything that happens inside your dreams. Lucid dreamers are able to control this body, but for most people this is not achievable. The third aspect is the causal body which is the highest and innermost body of the human being. You experience the state of being in your causal body when you are in your deep/dreamless sleep. Do you know what it feels like to be in a deep or dreamless sleep? It feels like nothing, looks like nothing, sounds like nothing, etc., etc. All there is is absolutely nothing, right? Why do I mention this? I mention this because many of us are so afraid of death. What most people dont know is that we experience death all the time when we enter the non-rapid eye movement sleep every night and turn into our causal body. We enter the state of being nothing. Is death something to be scared of? For most people yes, but for those who understand what life is all about and who have a clue regarding whats beyond this life, death for them is just a transition. People will respond in different ways when they learn about 2012, the apocalypse, the end of the world, doomsday event, and so on. My only message to you is that make the most out of your life whatever happens and whether this is true or not. Before you believe in anything, have a sense of doubt and trust only what you feel is true deep inside yourself. Other than that, try to find the answers to the most important and fundamental questions that have been on your mind for so long.

Spend more time with your family and friends - the ones who really love and care about you. Nurture your soul so that you dont have to be afraid of anything.

*** END ***

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