Dailymonitoringreport 1-4-2012

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Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies

The Daily Monitoring Report

The Field Situation
- Anti-Al-Assad demonstrations erupted in all Syrian governorates. (Al-Jazeera) - Women demonstrations took place in the Darya neighborhood of Al-Taala to demand the release of detainees. Following the demonstration, Al-Assad's forces launched crackdowns and detention campaign against Darya. (Asharq Al-Awsat)


- The Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al-Faisal reiterates that letting the Syrian revolutionaries to be armed is a must. (Asharq Al-Awsat, Reuters, the Washington Post, Russia Today) - Samir Geagea, head of the Lebanese Forces Party, criticizes linking the fate of the Christians with the Syrian regime. (The London-based Al-Hayat)

31st/Mar death toll: 55

The Military Situation

- Fresh clashes erupted between Al-Assad's forces and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the Damascus neighborhoods of Jobar, Al-Abasyeen and Jaramana. (Asharq Al-Awsat, Al-Jazeera) - According to FSA sources, Colonel Raed Agib of the government forces was killed yesterday along with some 25 troops. Maj. Gen Ayham Ahmed, three officers and 100 other soldiers also were killed last week in Deir Al-Zour. (Asharq Al-Awsat) - The FSA forms a company called "Baba Amr Brigade". The FSA launched an attack against the State Security headquarters in Deir Al-Zour during which two military vehicles carrying Shabiha (militia affiliated to Syrian regime) were burnt to the ground. (Asharq Al-Awsat) - Colonel Khalid Yusuf Al-Hamood, commander of military council in Damascus, confirms the presence of Iranian Revolutionary Guards among Al-Assad's forces. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

- The United States and the Arab Gulf States urges the UN -Arab envoy Kofi Annan to produce a "timeline for next steps" for Al-Assad to accept a new peace plan and put and end to violence against the protesters. (Reuters, the Guardian, Russia Today) - US and European security officials accusing Iran of providing a broad array of assistance, including high-tech surveillance technology to guns and ammunition, to Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad to help him suppress antigovernment protests. (The Lebanese Al-Mustaqbal) - The Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu says, "The peace plan, which was drawn up by the UN and the Arab League, was a "last chance" for Syria to stop the bloodshed. The Syrian regime must understand that if they miss this last chance, they will be facing strong measures by the international community." Davutoglu told a delegation of the Syrian opposition, "We do not want a regime of this type on our side." (Asharq Al-Awsat)

The Political Mobillity

- Najib Al-Ghadban, member of the Syrian National Council (SNC), says it is not possible that the Syrian regime will accept the UN-Arab envoy Kofi Annan's plan, despite unfairness of such a plan that put the victim and the criminal on an equal footing. Al-Ghadban adds that if AlAssad accepted a tow-hour ceasefire, millions of Syrians would take to street calling for ousting him. (Asharq AlAwsat)

The Internal Situation

- The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that two attempts for smuggling weapons from Turkey and Lebanon were aborted. (The Syrian Al-Baath)

Political Stances Syria

- Jihad Makdisi, the Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman says, "Syria is not waiting for Kofi Annan to leave, this is a Syrian matter. Our goal now is to ensure stability and create a perspective for reform and development in Syria." (Asharq Al-Awsat, Al-Jazeera, the Guardian, Russia Today)

This Report was issued by Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies, and it contains pure news that do not reflect an opinion.

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