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Draft Analytical Expisition

Group members : 1. Hilda Arssy Wiga C. 2. Meidina Fitrie Lestari 3. Moch. Arif hidayatullah 4. Rizka Irjayanti (14) (18) (19) (26)

Genre Title

: Analytical Exposition : Homework shouldnt be given too much

Sosial function

: Homework : To persuade the readers that homework should be one case

Using Generic structure


: Present Tense :

: Many Homeworks are given to students in school. But, besides the obligation to do homework, there are also many obligations for student.

2.Arguments : 1) Too much homeworks are not effective. 2) Not focus into the lesson. 3) Causing lazy personality on student. 3.Reiteration : Too much homeworks could cause strees and give a lot of burden to students.

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