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Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies

The Daily Monitoring Report

The Field Situation
- Anti-Al-Assad demonstrations took place in all Syrian governorates.(1) - The Autostrad Al-Mezzeh, near the new embassy of Iran, was blocked by a group of "Damascus Youth Union for Change" expressing its solidarity with the rebel Syrian cities.(1)(9) - Anti-Al-Assad demonstrations took place in the districts of Alasali in Damascus, Al Bayda in Baniyas and Al-Bab in Aleppo. In addition, demonstrations also took place in the Faculty of Arts in Al-Haska.(5)(9)


The Political Mobility

3rd/April death toll: 74

- In a conference held in Istanbul, a national document revealing the Syrian National Council (SNC)'s vision and obligations with regard to solving the Kurdish cause in Syria on the basis of the constitutional recognition of the nationalistic identity of the Kurdish people and considering the Kurdish cause as a main part of the general national cause- was issued.(1) - Abdul Basit Sida, the Kurds' representative in the Syrian National Council (SNC), said" This document meets all the public demands of the Kurdish people.(1)

The Military Situation

- Al-Assad's battalions besieged Horaira village using 53 tanks. In addition, Al-Assad's detachments stormed Zabadani city, Rif Dimashq in which they conducted many random arrest campaigns after storming the houses and robbing them. Moreover, they stole the cars there. This came after the city had witnessed heavy shelling on the part of the governmental forces, amid news about clashes between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Al-Assad's detachments in Duma city, Rif Dimashq.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(9) - Two blasts hit Damascus; one of them near the Political Security Branch and the second is near the police station in Al Marja district in the center of the city.(9) - 35 military persons- affiliated to the brigade 61dissented from Al-Assad's battalions and joined the Free Syrian Army (FSA) during storming Sahem town, Daraa by the security and army forces.(1) - The Daily Telegraph newspaper said that the Free Syrian Army (FSA) abandoned its attempts to stick to its sites in the major Syrian cities and towns and resorted to the guerrilla war on the heels of what had happened in Daraa, Homs and Idleb.

- Samir al-Nashar, member of the Syrian National Council (SNC), said" The international support to the Free Syrian Army (FSA) has not arrived yet, in spite of the fact that the SNC had sent one million pound sterling to the activists inside Syria.(12)

The Internal Situation

- The number of the martyrs exceeded 10,000. In addition, the number of the injured people hit 75,000, and the number of the missing persons there hit 65,000. Furthermore, the number of detainees hit 210,000. All the aforementioned estimations came according to a report issued by the French Foreign Ministry.(1)

Activities of Civil Organizations

- A financial support agreement- between the Jordanian Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) to the tune of $1.6 million with the aim of backing the Jordanian government in bearing the burdens of hosting the Syrian students in the Ministry of Education's schools whose number hit 5,500 students according to the ministry' statement- was signed.(1)

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Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies

The Daily Monitoring Report

Political Stances Syria
- Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem alleged that Al-Assad's regime would continue ensuring all matters required for succeeding the work of the International Committee of the Red Cross.(1)(4) - Syria's Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Bashar al-Jaafari accused Turkey of financing a war against Syria.(7)(12) - Refaat Al-Assad, uncle of Bashar Al-Assad, does not think that Al-Assad's regime would be in power for a long time due to the growing violence currently committed in Syria.(1)(4)(16) - Recep Tayyip Erdoan, the Turkish Prime Minister, accused the UN Security Council of indirectly supporting the oppression of the Syrian people by failing to adopt a united stance on Syria, this came during the meeting with the parliamentary body of the Justice and Development Party.(1)(3)(4)(5)(7)(9)(12)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) Asharq Al-Awsat The London-based Al-Hayat The Kuwaiti Al-Watan Al-Quds Al-Arabi The Lebanese Al-Mustaqbal The Syrian Al-Baath Reuters AFP The Qatari Al-Jazeera The Israeli Haaretz Washington Post wall Street Journal The Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth The Guardian The Telegraph Russia Today


- Arab League Secretary General Nabil Al-Arabi thinks that Kofi Annan's task would not succeed in reaching a political solution for the current crisis in Syria without putting an end to violence currently committed there.(16)

- Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov asserts that Al-Assad's regime made many mistakes in the last year, especially with regard to the incorrect reaction against the protests there, noting that those who call on AlAssad to abdicate are "nave" because it is a provocative demand.(1) - Relief in Moscow because of Al-Assad's decision on withdrawing his troops from the Syrian cities until April 10th as the first step within the framework of the implementation of the international and Arab envoy Kofi Annan's plan.(11)(16) - Iran's Shura Council Chairman Ali Larijani calls for changing the name of Istanbul Conference for the Syrian opposition to be bribers of Israel (who met) to breathe a new life into it.(2)(4)

- USA, Britain and France are currently working on a UN Security Council statement putting a formal stamp on an April 10th deadline for Syria to withdraw troops and heavy weapons from protest cities. In addition, the statement would warn President Bashar al-Assad of possible "further measures" if he reneges on a promise to UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan to start implementing Annan's six-point peace plan.(4)(9)(11)(16) - Nasser al-Qudwa, Kofi Annan's deputy, gained the approval of all Syrian opposition parties to Annan' plan on Syria.(4)

Edited by Abdulrahman Al sarraj.

This Report was issued by Umayya for Researches and Strategic Studies, and it contains pure news that do not reflect an opinion. Page 2

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