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SOME KJV DEFENSE AUTHORS 1. A Creationists Defense Of The King James Bible Henry M. Morris 2.

Defending the King James Bible - D.A. Waite 3. For Love of the Bible - David W. Cloud 4. The King James Version Defended - Edward F. Hills 5. Final Authority - William P. Grady 6. Counterfeit or Genuine - David Otis Fuller 7. Which Version is the Bible - Floyd Nolen Jones 8. One Books Stands Alone - Douglas D. Stauffer 9. Is Our English Bible Inspired - Samuel Gipp 10. God Wrote Only One Bible - Jasper James Ray 11. Which Bible - David Otis Fuller 12. True or False- David Otis Fuller 13. One Book Rightly Divided - Douglas D. Stauffer 14. Thou Shalt Keep Them - Kent Brandenburg 15. Touch Not the Unclean Thing - David H. Sorenson 16. The New Athenians - James H. Son 17. Authorized King James Version Defended Chester A. Murray 18. New Age Bible Versions - G.A Riplinger 19. Crowned with Glory - Thomas Holland 20. Double Jeopardy - Laurence Vance 21. Could the NIV be the True Word of God Paul Heaton 22. A Testimony Found Forever - James Sightler 23. Look Whats Missing - David W. Daniels 24. Origin of the Critical Text - H.D. Williams 25. The Lie that Changed the Modern World H.D. Williams 26. 8,000 Differences Between the NT Greek Words Jack Moorman 27. Forever Settled - Jack Moorman 28. Given by Inspiration - William P. Grady 29. Why We Hold to the King James Bible David W. Cloud 30. My Plea for the Old Sword - Ian R.K. Paisley 31. KJV 1611: Perfect - Dr. Roy Branson 32. Serious Omissions in the NIV Bible - Keith Piper 33. Purified Seven Times - Evangelist Bill Bradley 34. The Last Twelve Verses of Mark - Dean Burgon

35. Myths about the Modern Bible Versions - David W. Cloud 36. Answering the Myths on the Bible Version Debate David W. Cloud 37. In Awe of Thy Word - G.A. Riplinger 38. If the Foundations be Destroyed - Chick Salliby 39. Westcotts New Bibles - James H. Sightler 40. The Little Light of Mine - Marty Braemer 41. Modern Bibles - Jack Moorman 42. Lively Oracles - James H. Sightler 43. Gods Inspired Book: The Bible - Dennis Corle 44. The Myth of Early Revisions - David F. Reagan 45. The Word of God - Doug Hammett 46. Fundamentalist Mis-Information on Bible Versions D.A. Waite 47. Gnosticism: The Doctrinal Foundation of the New Bible Versions - Janet Moser 48. The Doctored New Testament - D.A. Waite 49. Inspiration & Interpretation - Dean Burgon 50. Revision Revised - Dean Burgon 51. Which Bible is Gods Word - Gail Riplinger 52. Gods Perfect Word - David Sorenson 53. The Identity of the New Testament Text - Wilbur Pickering 54. The Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels - Dean Burgon 56. Septuagint: A Critical Analysis - Floyd Nolen Jones 57. The Modern Bible Version Hall of Shame - David W. Cloud 58. The Causes of Corruption of the Traditional Text Dean Burgon 59. King James Bible & the Modern Versions - Jack Moorman 60. When the KJV departs from the Majority Text Jack Moorman 61. Guide to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament Edward Miller Kent Hovind on the Bible WEBSITES chart.gif KJV DEFENSE YOUTUBE VIDEOS The Roman Catholic Influence Behind The Modern Bible Versions

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