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SIOP Lesson Plan Different Methods of Transportation: Focus on Surface Ellen Spendel

Context: Kindergarten Social Studies/General Class with ESL beg-intermediate and some native speakers Standards: Speaking: 1. Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. a. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion). b. Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges Writing: W.1.2.c Write simple sentences using keywords available in the classroom environment, W.7.1.a Record or dictate knowledge of a topic in a variety of ways, such as by drawing pictures, making lists, or using graphic organizers to show connections among ideas Unit: Transportation Background: Students have been learning about different modes of transportation. They have been learning different types of transportation. They have learned the names of different types of transportation and the verb that corresponds (car drives, airplane flies, ect.) This lesson will focus on the methods different vehicles use, such as air, water and land. Preparation:

Content Objective: Identify what surface vehicles move on (air, land, sea) Be able to distinguish between vehicles and what surface they move on Language Objective: Be able to retell and draw what different methods of transportation travel on. Be able to use correct verb and preposition with the correct vehicle (given in class). Key Vocabulary: Bus, car, truck, airplane, boat----- review previous class What each vehicle does (verb)- drive, sails, flies--review on land, in the air, on water --- new vocabulary Materials:

White board, laminated/sticky pictures that can be stuck to the white board, pre-made blank 8 x 11 books, tape, paper (5-10) Minutes: Motivation (Whole Class-on carpet skills listening/speaking): SIOP features: Links to background and past learning Review of different methods of transportation. Show a short clip on transportation Ask class how they go to school, how their parents got to work, how they travel to far away places for vacation (have this also written on the white board and point to it). Have students share with person sitting next to them (Think Pair Share- Elbow to Elbow Eye to Eye). Then call on a couple students. Ask them for the vehicle and the verb that describes movement (i.e. drive). Repeat answers and write answers on white board. Then ask what did it drive on? (This leads into new topic) (15 minutes)Presentation (Whole Class): SIOP Features: Scaffolding/Modeling Have many different cars, trucks, boats, airplanes of different sizes and colors cut out in a large size. Hold one of the pictures up; ask the whole class what it is. Then point the white board, which is titled: What do vehicles move on? Underneath the title it is separated into three columns, each labeled with a picture and a description. The first column says: Drives on the road and has a picture of a road. The second is labeled: Sails on water and has a picture of a body of water. The third is labeled: Flies in the sky and has a picture of the sky. Tell the students that each method of transportation fits into one of these categories. Write the instructions next to the three columns on the board. Do the first one as an example; ask the students how does a car travel?- it drives on the road. So you put the car in the road column. Then hold up each picture and chose one student to place it on the board. If they place it correctly, repeat the answer (i.e. Very good! Trucks do drive on the road, thats right!). If they place it incorrectly, ask the other students to help. After all the pictures have been put up, review with the class. Ask the class: What do cars drive on? What do boats sail on? What do airplanes fly in? Call on one student to answer each question. Then write on the board- The car drives on the road, The boat sails on the ocean, The airplanes flies in the sky.

Drives on the Road

Sails on the ocean

Flies in the Sky

(15-20minutes): Practice/Application (Partners/Group Work/Reading/Speaking) SIOP Features: hands on/linked to objectives/promotes engagement Set up partners-put ELL students with native speakers. Divide the pairs into three groups. Give a third of the partners pieces of paper that have a picture of a vehicle on it and a label (i.e. The car, The airplane, The boat.). Give one of the other groups a piece of paper that says one of these three sentence fragments: flies in, drives on, sails on. Give the other third of the class a piece of a paper labeled either: the road, ocean, the sky; with a corresponding picture. Have tape on back of the papers so that students can tape them on their chests (there is only one of each sentence fragment) Explain to students that each of them has part of a sentence and they are going to find their two other matches. Explain how the airplane goes with flies in and with the sky (repeat for each three scenarios). Write the instructions on the board. Let them know that they can look at the board if they can not remember what to do or the vocabulary (columns with pictures should still be up). Encourage them to work together, and help their partners. Tell them to start. If they are having trouble organizing themselves work with the students. Find two other students and ask if they fit together. For example, if a partner is having trouble and they have an airplane find any other group and ask if it fits, have them say the sentence aloud. When

each group has found its two other corresponding partners tell them to practice their sentence (wait a couple of minutes) and then to sit on the floor together. Call each group up and have them each say their part, help them out if they are out of order. Repeat each sentence. After each group has gone, have them take off their piece of paper and sit in their seats. Examples of what will be on the papers: the road the ocean the sky

drives on

sails on

flies in

The car

The boat

The airplane

(15-20 minutes): Review/Assessment (individual and written): Hand out pre-made blank books. Give students crayons. Write on the board: What does your Vehicle move on? Tell them to write this sentence on the front cover. Then tell them to draw a picture on each page of a different vehicle. Tell them to write one of the three sentences they learned underneath the picture, depending on the vehicle. Write and the instructions on the board (accompany with visuals) and let students know they can read the board if they are lost on what to do. Draw an example on the board of what a page will look like. Walk around and help students who are having trouble.

Extension: Have students finish the book at home. Next have students read their books to each other in pairs. Let students put their books underneath the Elmo (document camera) and share them with the class, help them read them aloud if you need to. Then teach how vehicles can move fast, slow and can go far or short distances.

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