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Anthony Netzel 1 (708) 822-8353 Education Providence Catholic High School DePaul University GPA 3.7/4.0 Class of 2009 GPA 3.5/4.0 Class of 2013

Experience STARS Peer Mentor 2010-present

As a STARS Peer Mentor I was given eight mentees. I met with these mentees every other week and mentored them. I gave them advice from my past experience and from the workshops I attended weekly. These workshops included finical aid, credit awareness, multicultural sensitivity, sexual orientation sensitivity, and group leadership.

Operation Support Our Troops Illinois ( 2007-present

OSOTIL is a nonprofit organization which sends care packages to military personnel deployed in harms way. I unload, sorted and package donations received.

The Community Center Foundation ( 2000 present

The Community Center Foundation is a nonprofit organization which operates a Childrens Farm and provides various services to the community. I have volunteered regularly in a variety of ways; I have helped with the many festivals and 4H fairs. Recently I have wrapped and delivered packages to the post office for their Ebay Store.

Providence Rummage Sale 2006-2008

While a student at Providence I helped plan and run the rummage sale. I coordinated pickups of large items and pricing of those items. All the profits benefited the Providence Catholic Marching Band.

Volunteer at Illinois Masonic 2011-prestent

As a part of the pre-medical program I helped guests and patients around the hospital. I also helped the OR staff with patient care and preparation. Awards & Activities O.M.S.S. STARS Peer Mentor Dodge Ball Club DePaul scholarship Residence Hall Council senator Music and Pop-Punk DePaul Ambassadors NHS Member Skills I am skilled at using various computer software programs such as Word, Excel, PASW and Access. I have organized and planned many social and fundraising events. I have professional phone skills. 2010-present 2009-present 2009-present 2009-2011 2009-2010 2009-2010 2007-2009

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