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Name: Camila Andrea Hernndez Salcedo Teacher: Martha Roci Londoo Subject: English Shift: Morning Grade: 801 Table: 14 School: Gerardo Molina Ramrez
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The bad of my neigborhood is: The bad of my neigbirhood is the uncertainty, there are many thieves4/5/12 , there are some dirty

My School Gerardo Molina Ramrez


The good of my neigberhod

My school is very big and beautiful is the most beautiful in my 4/5/12 neigberhoo

Negligence of the neighbors Some neighbors in

my neighborhod are fully to all look bad . For their negligence when hanging clothes, or do not have your home 4/5/12 cleanliness.

.The bad. The bad of

my neigberhod is garbage and the Neros also there to around my neigberhod .There are also many criminal.


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