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Presentasi adalah suatu kegiatan berbicara di hadapan banyak hadirin.

Berbeda dengan pidato yang lebih sering dibawakan dalam acara resmi dan acara politik, presentasi lebih sering dibawakan dalam acara bisnis. Tujuan dari presentasi bermacam-macam, misalnya untuk membujuk (biasanya dibawakan oleh wiraniaga), untuk memberi informasi (biasanya oleh seorang pakar), atau untuk meyakinkan (biasanya dibawakan oleh seseorang yang ingin membantah pendapat tertentu). Jika presentasi Anda bersifat memberi informasi (to inform) maka hal-hal berikut perlu Anda sampaikan sebagai pembuka:

Apa yang hendak dibahas? (What) Mengapa hal tersebut penting bagi audiens? (Why) Apa manfaat yang didapat dari informasi itu? (What) Bagaimana memanfaatkan informasi tersebut? (How)

Definition About Presentation

Presentation is an activity to speak in front of audience to explain something topic usually using media (multimedia) to present in a short time. Different with speech, presentation often performed in business program while speech often performed in formality program and politics program. The purpose of the presentation is such as to persuade (usually performed by salesperson), to provide information (usually perform by an expert), or to convince audience (usually performed by someone who wanted to argue a particular opinion). Therefore we need to say: What is going to be discussed?(what) Why is it important for the audience?(why) What are the benefits of information?(what) How to use the information?(How)

But there is a time they didnt use media, they just speak and explain something to the audience (spontaneous). but presentations just not for business program we can use it to explain something not related with business for the example we want to raise funds for victims of natural disaster, the student explain thei assignment to their techer and friends. There are three basic purpose for giving oral presentations : To inform (usually perform by an expert), To persuade (usually performed by salesperson)

to convince audience (usually performed by someone who wanted to argue a particular opinion.

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