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Week 4. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - 2

Richard Haddlesey


WEEK 4 Examine the differences between vector and raster graphics Discuss which data types are best represented by each Examine how ArcGIS treats vector graphics Outline vector data sources Create new vector themes by digitising in ArcGIS
WEEK 5 Discuss the use of photography and satellite date in GIS Outline raster data sources Load and geo-reference aerial photographs in ArcGIS Examine different display options when using raster images in ArcGIS

Key text

Conolly J, Lake M 2006. Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology: Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge

Geographical Information Systems are a powerful technology that offer a host of analytical possibilities for investigating the spatial organisation of cultural and humanenvironment relationships (p31)

Data models

Data models and data structures: [are] the digital representation of spatial phenomena

A GIS works by manipulating the digital representations of real world entities[this is known as a]

data model

(Conolly and Lake, 2006: 24)

Two main types of Data models in GIS

Objects represented as nodes (X,Y points) and connecting lines, attributes of objects attached as database tables

Geographical space represented as a grid of cells, numerical values represent attributes of each cell

Vector and Raster GIS


Forest Site

Lake Road




Spatial precision Compact data storage Scalable presentation Object based Database linkage

Analytical capabilities Surfaces Continuous quantities Pixellated data Photographs

Vector applications

Spatially referenced database applications (information about objects):

Location maps Sites and Monuments Artefacts

Mapping applications Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) elevation models

Vector applications

Very CPU intensive Boundedness Elevation is hard to express without a TIN

Raster applications

Each cell can be given:

A quantitative value that signals the mean elevation a single attribute

This is simple, in comparison to a vector, but that is its strength:

It can be mathematically manipulated and displayed much quicker than a vector

Fuzzy boundaries Map algebra

(Conolly and Lake, 2006: 28)

Raster applications

Fixed resolution (not multiscalar) Its difficulty in representing discrete entities (too blocky) Limited ability to handle multiple attribute data through a DBMS

(Conolly and Lake, 2006: 30-1)

The good news: Hybridisation

Vector/raster systems

Most modern GIS software packages combine both vector and raster capabilities Image processing Aerial and satellite integration ESRI desktop GIS suite ArcView ArcCatalog and ArcMap

The good news: Hybridisation

Vector/raster systems Most modern GIS software packages combine both vector and raster capabilities Image processing
Aerial and satellite integration DBMS integration

ESRI desktop GIS suite (

Arc Info ArcEditor ArcView

ArcReader ArcGIS extensions

ArcCatalog and ArcMap

Hybridisation through layers in ArcView

MSc lecture notes 2005/6


AutoCAD, Microstation

Image processing
MicroBrain, ERDAS Imagine

Raster GIS
Idrisi, Grass (Unix), Grassland, Spans, MapII (Mac)

Vector GIS
ArcInfo, ArcGIS, MGE

Desktop mapping
ArcView 3, MapInfo

Map objects

Point Line/Polyline Area/Region/Polygon Text


Database linkage
Map objects = attributes

Mapping to Database

Most mapping applications are intimately linked with a database of objects:


Historical records Sites Museum objects Features Excavated/collected artefacts

Graphical objects

Layers / themes

Why themes?

Logical breakdown of data - related objects in each theme Assemble maps for different purposes by combining themes Examine interaction between themes, create new themes
Paper maps use symbolism to distinguish between layers, to compensate for the limitations of the technology

Data collection (1)

Conventional databases
Point data Attributes for line & area objects

Digital vector data sources

Geographically referenced
Worldwide, DCW BGS National (e.g. Ordnance Survey) Other e.g. Developers plans etc

Drafting / surveyors plans (DXF)

Data collection (2)

Map digitising Considerations:

Accuracy, costs, heads-up/down Projection, geodetic system, topology Topographic / projected Plans / unprojected Historical maps & plans

Data collection (3)

EDM, GPS & conventional survey

Architectural survey

Field survey & recording

Sites Survey units / material count Individual artefact locations

Surface collection Excavation

Units & features as objects 3D / volumetric systems / voxels

Vastly increased data requirements

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