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ERP and Tools (PCA- 403) Lab Assignment 05 1.

Create a class student and find out the grade using below member Data members: Rollno,Name,Marks in Mst1,Marks in Mst2,Marks in Lab Member functions: getdata():to take the input,Grade():to calculate the grade,Display().



An electricity board charges the following rates to domestic users to discuss large consumption of energy: For the first 100 units -60P per unit For next 200 units - 80 P per unit Beyond 300 units - 90 P per unit All users are charged a minimum of Rs 50.00. If the total amount is more than Rs 300.00 then an additional surcharge of Rs 15% is added. Write an ABAP program to read the name of user and number of units consumed and print out the charges with names. Use the concept of class and create different methods to accept the input, to calculate the charges and to display the charges. Write a program to access the private data of class by non-member function through friend, where friend function is declared in the location of public category.

4. 5.

Write a program to calculate the simple interest by making a constructor with the rate of interest as default arguments. Using BAPI, write a program to check whether a particular user is locked? Take the user id from TUAB-001 to TUAB-200. If a particular user is locked, then store the id of that user in a table (for this, create your own database table). Then display the list of all users which are locked by the system.

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