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Anaesthetic Science Patient Positioning and Injury TCI and TIVA Antibiotic Sensitivities Renal Function Assessment Renal

Assessment Renal Tubular Acidosis Hepatic Failure Jaundice Swallowing Disorders Bowel Obstruction Mucosal Barrier Effects of Prematurity TOE Cardiac output Measurement Sleep Studies Principles Principles of Hygiene Old age and anaesthesia

Statistics Aspects of study design Statistical versus clinical significance Limits of clinical trials Pitfalls of systemic review Effects of bias Anaesthesia for Pancreatic Resection Liver Resection Neuroendocrine tumours Splenectomy Retroperitoneal Masses Chemo- / Radio-therapy and anaesthesia Ethics of organ donation Renal Transplant Management of patients with transplanted organs Bariatric surgery Enhanced recovery Programs

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