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Second Semester Final Exam Review 2007

This is a good way to start studying. Please be sure to review your class notes, textbook, labs, and any
additional information. Good Luck 
1. Bacteria and Viruses
Focus on the diversity of viruses, bacteria and the archaea as well as their structures and mechanisms of
a. prokaryotic cell structure h. shapes of bacteria cells
b. organelles i. transformation
c. retroviruses j. plasmids and genomes
d. lytic and lysogenic cycles k. gram positive and negative
e. HIV and the different membrane structures
f. immunity
g. virulence

2. DNA- know and or explain what is:

For chapter 13 - Know the history of early research leading to the discovery of DNA as the genetic material
and the structure and replication of DNA. For Chapter 14 – Know the historical research of gene action and
the process of converting information in DNA into protein synthesis.
Main Ideas include:
a. Structure and the role Nucleotides play including Purines and Pyrimidines
b. How do we know that DNA is the transformation material
c. Griffith exp't -how it worked and why it is important?
d. Hershey and Chase's expt suggest what? And why? How did they do it?
e. Meselson and Stahl's expt suggest what? And why? How did they do it?
f. Know Chargaff's rules and the difference between a purine and pyrimidines.
g. Know the parts of a nucleotide and Watson-crick model of DNA.- including Purines and Pyrimidines
h. DNA replication- how it occurs. Direction of replication, okazaki fragments, base pairing, helicase .
i. Transcription of mRNA processing, including introns and exons, RNA polymerase and the making of an
mRNA transcript.
j. Translation and what happens at the ribosome (initiation, elongation and termination)
k. What is the lac operon and how does it allow for gene regulation. What are the parts of a operon. How do
these complexes work?
l. Okazaki fragments
m. Mutation
n. Genes specify a enzymes and then a polypeptide. Why the change? and why/how do we know which is
which or better?
o. Translation Requires three steps: chain initiation, chain elongation, chain termination
p. RNA types
i. Be able to read the genetic code: 5'-AAATTT-3'
ii. gives what mRNA
iii. give what tRNA
Other terms to know: nucleic acid, DNA, RNA, nucleotides, bacteriophage, adenine, guanine, thymine,
cytosine, complementary base pairing, helicase, replication forks, DNA repair enzymes, one gene- one
polypeptide hypothesis, transcription, translation, central dogma, genetic code, start and stop signals, RNA
polymerase, promoter, terminator, exon, intron, spliceosomes, anticodon, , translocation
3. Mitosis

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Focus on the function of cell division and the details of the cell cycle, the stages mitosis and the causes of
cancer in light of the cell cycle. Main ideas include:
i. Stages
ii. chromosome structure
iii. diploid
iv. cancer including p53 gene
v. the cell cycle and its parts/functions
Other key terms: G1, G2, G0, S stage, M stage, interphase, chromatin, diploid, haploid, sister chromatids,
centromere, centrioles, kinetochore, tumor-suppressor genes, proto-oncogenes, telomerase

4. Meiosis Understand the contribution of meiosis to the evolutionary process. Also know that meiosis occurs
at different times in the life cycle of plants, animals and fungi, but its phases are the same. In humans, meiosis
is a part of spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Be able to compare stages of mitosis to meiosis.
i. haploid
ii. tetrad
iii. recombination (crossing over)
iv. gametes
v. polar bodies
vi. egg cells
vii. sperm cells
viii. chromosome number at each stage
also know about: zygote, homologous pairs, synapsis, bivalents or tetrads,
Genetics For chapter 11, know Mendel’s discovery of the general laws of heredity including monohybrid and
dihybrid crosses, genetic disorders and non-Mendelian genetics. For chapter 12, focus on gene linkage and
chromosomal mutations. Main ideas include:
a. Down Syndrome, Abnormal Sex Chromosome Inheritance
b. Autosomal genetic disorders both Dominant and recessive
c. Polygenic Inheritance, Multiple alleles, variation in dominance and Genetic counseling
d. Hardy-Weinberg Population Genetics (we also did the first semester with evolution)
e. Know something about each of the Autosomal genetic disorders both Dominant and recessive and
Abnormal Sex Chromosome Inheritance. For example what causes Down Syndrome and any other
disorder noted in the textbook.
f. What are the autosomes, sex chromosomes?
g. Why do we care about non-disjunction?
h. Know the differences between Polygenic Inheritance, Multiple alleles, variation in dominance
i. What are the test crosses and why do we need to know
j. Be able to do a Mono and a Dihybrid cross- what are key ideas, reasons and w.r.t. the squares. Can you
calculate the various probabilities of the squares?
k. Dominant and recessive and Hetero and homozygous - what they mean and why- their use in a pedigree
l. What are Mendel’s rules and the rules of probability- how do they apply to genetics and families
m. What are the genetics of blood and how does blood typing work
n. what are some of the way chromosomes are tweaked: inversions, duplications, etc.
o. Know how to fill out a pedigree
p. Calculate probabilities of various events. 2 coins, 3 coins, 3 head in a row.
q. Understand Mendel’s experiments? –why were they so successful?
r. Understand thing like P1, F1, F2 and other genetic jargon?

Other key terms: true-breeding, reciprocal crosses, hybrid, monohybrid cross, dominant, recessive,
homozygous, gene locus, heterozygous, genotype, phenotype, probability, test crosses, dihybrid cross, carrier,
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incomplete dominance, pleioptropy, multiple allelic traits, codominance, epistasis, autosomes vs. sex
chromosomes, monosomy, trisomy, nondisjunction, deletion, translocation, duplication

5. Reproduction : For chapter 43 be able to compare asexual and sexual reproduction, the anatomy and
physiology of the human male and female reproductive systems and sexually transmitted diseases. For Chapter
44 understand the differentiation and specialization of cells, the development of human embryos and fetuses.
a. Sexual vs. Asexual reproduction
b. Know the key hormones in the menstrual cycle
c. Know the pattern of hormones and what they do for males and females.
d. What do the following hormones due: GnrH, Inhibin, testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, FSH,
e. Know the parts of the male and female reproductive system
f. What is the function and location of all male and female reproductive parts
g. How do birth control pills work? The morning after pill?
h. What are the steps of fertilization?
i. What are the 3 germ layers and what does each layer make?
j. What changes- (what stages) occur from an egg to embryo?
k. How do organisms go from a mass of cells to an organized set of tissues?
l. What are homeotic genes and how do they work and why do we care. What is the homeobox.
m. What are the key steps in development
n. What is morphogenesis. Why is it important?
o. How does cell differentiation of tissue occur?
p. What is the role of placenta?
q. Focus on the key events of the first 3 months of a pregnancy
6. Human Evolution For chapter 32, understand primate characteristics and diversity leading to the evolution
of Homo sapiens

a. Key Primate characteristics

b. Hominid vs. Primate

c. Out of Africa and/vs Multiregional hypothesis

d. Common ancestry means what?

e. Oldest Homo sapien fossil are

f. Lucy-what does she teach us?

g. Homo vs Australopithecus ? who are the genetic dead neds?

h. What does the tree of primate evolution look like?

Other helpful things to do:

Go to these web sites to see great DNA, Transcription, and Translation animations

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