WPR 20120222 v001 Draft

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Fixed Assets Progress Report w/e 15 Feb 2012

BRAG Status

Deliverable Activities
# Work Stream Last Weeks Activities (22 Feb)
Final Cleansing and Normalization of manufacturers and models in the

Next Weeks Actions (week ending 29 Feb)

Merged Normalized Manufacturer/Model information in the FED

25 Feb 26 Feb 27 Feb

FED database by means of Option/Plan B. 3 Field Collection

database Finalize and review FED database. Distribute FED database for STC review and approval. Delayed due to additional time required to cleanse and normalize manufacture/model information in support of electronic matching with FAR. Delay provides no impact at this point to the project schedule.

Fixed Assets Progress Report w/e 15 Feb 2012

BRAG Status

Action Summary
Work Stream

Action Task
Complete merging of cleansed and normalized data into FED database. Distribute and discuss the FED Database content after cleansing and normalizing activities have completed

Henk Ray/Jim

25 Feb 27 Feb


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