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Sunday, April 15 | 10 am To be part of our dedica!on service, email, or call the oce at 239-6134.

with love, God the cross changes everything elementary service the mystery of the 7 words preschool service Jesus is alive!
adult service
This morning features an exciting service for the whole family. There will be a special presentation With Love, God. Then Pastor Steve will be preaching the message The Cross Changes Everything. Children will have a blast learning about Jesus. Elementary kids become investigators this morning as they seek to uncover the Mystery of the 7 Words. Preschoolers will learn Jesus is Alive with fun Easter activities and games. At parent pick-up, all the children will receive a candy-filled Easter basket! We hope you enjoy our service, and sense the presence of the Lord during our worship. Thank you for coming!

Saturday, April 14 | 9-10 am | Caf Come learn and master the art of coupons with Margaret Pinson of Coupons for Christ. Bring scissors, coupons, and a $5 class ac!vity fee!

911, What is Your Emergency?

April 21 | 10 am | Fireside Room If youre a woman, you need to be in this urgent mee!ng! You wont want to miss this!

Adop on & Foster Care Seminar

April 21 | 8a 3p | Sojourn Church Orphan Care Alliance is partnering with Sojourn Church for a day-long seminar to answer your ques!ons about adop!on and foster care. Contact Kevin and Susan Mercer or visit

VBS 2012
Wanna be part of something great? Sign up for a neighborhood block party! You must live in J-town, Fern Creek, or Highview to par!cipate. Send an email to or see Ma> Owens. Informa!on will be available at the Info Center.

Get the email version of this bulle!n. Sign up at

Sermon Notes: April 8, 2012

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