Writing Assignment For Goals

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Writing Assignment for Goals


1. What was you committing offense that brought you here to O&A 2. In your own words what happened 3. What is your criminal history? 4. How many misdemeanors and/or felonies do you have? 5. At what age did you first get in trouble with the law? 6. Have you been probation or been order to any other programs? - When? 7. Are you enrolled in school? Full time or Part time? 8. What grade? 9. What school? 10. What are your grades like? What is your GPA? 11. What age were you first expended or expelled from school? 12. How you been expended or expelled from school? If you how many time? 13. Do you feel close to any or your councils or teacher and if so who and how many? 14. Do you feel school provide you with an encouraging environment? 15. How do you get along with your family? 16. What do you fight over and why? 17. What kind of relationship do you have with your mom, dad and siblings? 18. What age are your parents? 19. How old are your siblings? 20. Ages of your siblings? 21. What do you feel you are missing at home or what do you need more of? 22. Do you feel close to anyone in your family? Who and why? 23. Are you able to express your thoughts with your parents? Why or Why not? 24. How does it affect your family when you get into trouble? 25. What kind of friends do you have?
Writing Assignment for Goals 1

26. What do you do to get into trouble? 27. Do you get into trouble with any of your friend or do your friends get into trouble? 28. Do you see yourself as a leader or follower in your group of friends? 29. Are you involve in any social activities or sport if so what kinds and how long? 30. What kinds of things interest you? 31. Do you drink or do drugs/ 32. What kind or drugs have you tried? 33. What is your drug of choice? 34. At what age did you first drink and/or do drugs? 35. How offend do you do drugs for drink? 36. Why do you do drug or drink? 37. Where do you want to be in 5 years? 38. Who are your friends names and ages? 39. How you been to more programs or DT before this? 40. Any work history? If yes when and how long? 41. Do you have a no contact order with anyone? If yes why? 42. List 3 short-term goals to work on why in O & A? 43. List 3 long terms goals to work on after O & A?

Writing Assignment for Goals

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