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Redemption - Adam to the Future Home

Gen 2:16-17 Luke 3:38 Adam & Eve Fell Gen 3:1-10

7th Dimension
Rapture All Born Again Believers Holy Ghost / New Birth

3 Years Wedding Supper Bride


Future Home

I Thess.4:13-17 I Cor. 15:52

Isa. 64 65 Rev. 21 - 22

Rev. 19

Two Tables of Stones World as We know it. 1. Life 2. Light 3. Matter Dimensions
Preached 6 Seals

Luke 23:46 Matt. 27:50

Matt. 28:1-3
10 Days

Bride Church Ages Rev. 1, 2, 3

Rapture to Jews

Acts 1:3-11 Ascension


ALL IN ALL Rev. 20:1-7 Millennium Satan Bound Rev. 20:11-15 Matt.25:31-46 White Throne Judgment The Lamb is the light thereof ETERNITY

Old Testament Time

33 yrs

40 Days
Matt 27:51-53

40 Days

2 Prophets Rev. 11:3-13 3 yrs to Jews Tribulation Period

Battle of Armageddon

I Thess. 4:16 1st Resurrection

Blood of Birth of Jesus Animals Luke 2:7 Covered Sin

Pentecost Acts 2:1

GoG & MaGoG Rev. 20:8-9

Gen. 4:8


6th Dimension
Where Born Again Believers go if they die

All on Earth Die

Those Who Turned God Down

Jesus Preaches to the ones who turned God down I Peter 3:18-19

5th Dimension - Lost Souls, No New Birth

2nd Resurrection

Luke 23:42-43

Lake of Fire
Conduct Order Doctrine The Bride, when she's taken from the church, then the church age will cease. Laodicea goes into chaos; the Bride goes to glory; and the tribulation period sets in upon the sleeping virgin for three and a half years while Israel is getting its prophecy; then tribulation sets in upon Israel; and then comes the battle of Armageddon which destroys all things. And then, the Bride returns back with the Groom for a thousand years, the millennium reign; after that comes the white throne judgment; after that comes the new heavens and new earth and the new city coming down from God out of heaven. Eternity and time blends together.


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