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Dear Neighbor:
The annual meeting the W.P.I.A. will be held in the Room
the Roosevelt SChool on Wednesday, March 7, 1956 at 8 o'clock. This
meeting will mark the 12th year this oranization.
The principal business to be conducted will be the election directors
and the coming year. You will be regarding past activ-
ities and plans the year ahead. There will also be an opportunity to dis-
cuss and present problems or proposals the neighborhood and the
subdivision. There will be a discussion on mosquito control and we have been
assured by Michigan state University that the wild life will not if
the spray is properly used, The best price .sq obtained by the Association
is $5.00 per lot. The would appreciate hearing anyone knowing
where a better price can be obtained.
Many children injured by automobiles on residential streets, are struck
because a parked car obstructed the driver's vision. We have received a re-
quest the Police Department permission to experiment with a parking
control program within our subdivision. This matter will be discussed at the
meeting and a vote those present will determine the acceptance or rejection
this proposal.
We are very pleased to have obtained Mayor Garbutt as speaker i'or our
meeting. We are sure his talk will be interest to everyone.
The 1956 annual dues oi' $1.00 are payable at this meeting. Light
will be served.
You are invited and urged to attend this meeting and to
show your active interest in the our neighborhood.
Sincerely yours,
Bladen R. McClelland

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