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John F.

Kennedy-An American Legend

- Name: John Fitzgerald Kennedy
- Born: 29.May 1917 in Brookline - Died: 22.November 1963 in Dallas
John F. Kennedy was from 1961 to 1963, the 35th President of the United States and a member of the Democratic Party. Kennedy was the second-youngest U.S. President. He was the only Catholic in this office.

Family and Affairs

John F. Kennedy was ill, for example jaundice (Gelbsucht) or Addison's disease (Nebennierenrindeninsuffizienz) John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Lee Bouvier married on 12 September 1953 in Newport, Rhode Iceland. The first years of their marriage they spent in Washington. John and Jacqueline Kennedy had four children: Arabella (stillborn 1956), Caroline Bouvier Kennedy (born 27 November 1957), John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. (born 25 November 1960, died 16 July 1999) Patrick Bouvier Kennedy (born 7 August 1963; died 9 August 1963). John F. Kennedy was rumored to several affairs, for example with Marilyn Monroe

In January 1961 Kennedy was the 35th President and he was only 1036 days in office. In this period there were dramatic external events: the failure of the invasion of Cuba, big trouble in Vietnam and the strengthening (Strkung) of militaries of the U.S. leads to deployment of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba, the moon landing (1970) and the construction of the Berlin Wall and its known speech. He didnt reach great political success because of his short reign.

On 22 November 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy at a campaign trip with two gunshots while John F. Kennedy drives through downtown Dallas.

John F. Kennedy is an American legend because he was president at an important time and he symbolized a strong man. But he didnt reach much because of his short reign. He is just a legend because we didnt know of his affairs while he life and because of his tragic death.

Johannes Weikert

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