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Glossary G


Action record

Record containing all data necessary for notifications to the municipality. The action record is generated for the water division and given to the municipality so that it can levy waste water fees.

Billing order

Data record created during the meter reading order creation relevant to billing. A billing order is created for each contract.

Billing schema

Active energy Active power

Structure that defines the order in which variant programs for rates to be billed must be executed.

Component of apparent energy which is actually used to do work. Component of apparent power which is actually used to create power. It is used to convert electric power into mechanical or thermal power.

Billing-related device installation

Allocation of a device to a utility installation. Upon billing-related installation, meter reading orders can be created for the registers of the device, and the device is included in billing of the utility installation.

Billing-related device removal

Advance payment

Budget billing amount specified in the budget billing plan. It is paid before the utility company has rendered services.

Termination of the allocation of a device to a utility installation. The device remains technically installed, meaning it remains installed in the device location.


Allocation month

Month that determines the starting point for the reading of data required for thermal gas billing (such as calorific value, temperature, and gas law deviation factor).

Certain sequential quantity areas (for demand or energy) where specific prices apply for each area. This is to prevent higher consumption from being cheaper than lower consumption.

Apparent power

Budget billing

Total electrical power of a reference value. It is usually measured in kilovolt amperes (kVA).

Fixed partial payment on the expected bill, which is charged in advance. These partial payments are charged on budget billing due dates. For the utility company, budget billing payments are down payments on the bill, which is charged later.

Base period

Time period in which periodic meter readings are performed. This period serves as the basis for extrapolation and updating of annual consumption.

Budget billing amount

Basic device category

Fixed partial payment on the expected bill, which is charged in advance. These partial payments are charged on budget billing amount due dates. For the utility company, budget billing payments are down payments on the bill, which is charged later.

Grouping together of devices of the same category. Examples include meters, transformers, and audiofrequency ripple control receivers.

Best-rate billing Billing class

Determination of the most favorable rate for the customer using several alternatives. Classification of contracts within one division, for example, residential contracts or nonresidential contracts.

Budget billing cycle Budget billing plan

Time difference in months between two budget billing amount due dates. Basis for the budget billing request. It is used for managing all budget billing plan items for a contract in a billing period.



Budget billing request

Process in which customers are requested to pay their budget billing amounts. Budget billing requests are entered in the system as statistical line items. According to country, they can serve as the basis for a bill (actual debit entry).

Compaction factor

Factor by which the waste volume is reduced when the waste is compacted. Waste is compacted using either a compactor or a device attached to the vehicle.

Calibration validity Calorific value

Company consumption

Statutory time period that determines when an externally certified device must be recertified. Conversion factor indicating how many kWh of energy are obtained from one cubic meter of gas. The calorific value is calculated using several influence parameters.

Energy that a utility company uses for its own purposes, such as for lighting its own building. This is different from the energy it uses during the production of energy (plant consumption).


Link between the supply grid and the installations being supplied. The connection is represented as an equipment master record in the Plant Maintenance (PM) application component.

Calorific value district Cash deposit

Part of the gas supply grid in which the calorific value of the gas is the same. Amount of money a utility company requires from customers with poor credit standing or expected bad payment behavior before services are rendered. There are several ways in which cash deposits can be paid back. Check number Random number generated for each order during meter reading order creation. It checks that the allocation of meter reading data to the corresponding registers is correct.

Connection object

Link between installation and postal regional structure. This is usually a building, but can also be a piece of property or other facility, such as a fountain or construction site. The connection object corresponds to the functional location in the Plant Maintenance (PM) application component.

Connectivity information

Information about the physical links between nodes of a supply grid. This information states whether or not the supply medium is transmitted between two nodes. It is usually derived from a network information system (NIS) or from a geographical information system (GIS).


Signal sent out by a utility company that triggers certain actions in ripple-control receivers.

Command group

Construction class

Grouping together of several commands in a logical way. Example: for street lighting, the command group is made up of the commands turn on, diminish power, and turn off.

First summarization level in the classification of device categories. Several similar device categories can be grouped into one construction class.


Agreement between business partner and utility company that applies to a single division.



The contract contains control data for billing purposes, for creation of the budget billing plan, and for contract accounts receivable and payable. Contracts for services (for example, maintenance contracts) are managed by the Sales and Distribution (SD) application component.

Dependent validation

Validation of meter reading data. This check applies to several registers in one device, installation or contract.

u u u u

Contract demand limit Control relationship

Upper limit on the demand of a connection. Register relationship in which one register operates simultaneously with another in order to control the other registers readings.

Individual, physical object that is to be maintained as an autonomous unit. Devices can be: Counting devices (meters) Controlling devices (ripple control receivers) Data processing devices (converters) Devices with protective or adjustive functions (pressure controllers)

Convergent billing

Billing procedure in which one utility company includes the billing amounts for the services of a third party together with its own on one bill. In contrast to intercompany billing, postings in contract accounts receivable and payable are managed using the gross procedure (that is, including tax) and transferred to general ledger as transitory items.

A device corresponds to a piece of equipment in the Plant Maintenance (PM) application component.

Device category

Grouping together of devices with the same technical characteristics (data). Examples include singlerate meters and double-rate meters. The device category corresponds to material in the Materials Management (MM) application component.

Creation date

Date on which the master data was created.

Customer information

Device category description

Description of device category. This can be either the manufacturers name for the device or any name you give the device category.

Function which gives a utility company a quick and comprehensive overview of a customers data. This may include information on the customers utility service, bill, or account. This information allows a clerk to handle questions directly while talking to a customer.

Device group


Division of billing values caused by data changes within the billing period. Example: on the date when a duty is changed, the calculated consumption and the settlement price must be split up.

Grouping of devices into a logical unit. This facilitates data entry. For example, if you enter the number of a device in a group during installation, all of the other devices in that group are automatically displayed for processing. Example: In the device group integrated water meter there are two separate water meters that are installed together (as a unit), but meter separately and are billed individually.

Demand meter

Meter for measuring demand. The maximum demand in a certain time period (such as every 15 minutes) is measured.

Device installation reversal

Demand price

Function that cancels an erroneous installation of a device.

Price per unit of demand to be billed for a certain period (such as one year).



Device location

Location within a connection object where devices are installed. Device locations correspond to functional locations in the Plant Maintenance (PM) application component.

Division category

Type of supply or service which is predefined in the Utilities Industry (IS-U) component. Examples of division categories are: 01 electricity, 02 gas, 03 water.

Device modification
u u u u

Change in the following parameters for devices: Device category Register group Input/output group Command group

Dunning Duty

The process of customer and internal notifications to ensure collection of unpaid bills. Duty on the net amount of a bill, differing from region to region. Examples: compensation tax, Bigge surcharge.

In the case of installed electronic meters, modification refers to reprogramming.

Employee billing

Device replacement

Billing for employees of utility companies. Employees receive more favorable terms for some divisions.

Replacement of a device with another device from the same or similar category.

Device requirements planning

Energy charge Entry

Tool for planning the expected need for devices and the work associated with their periodic replacement. This tool gives the user an overview of how many devices of a device category must be replaced every year.

Unit price for electricity, such as cents/kWh. Recording of meter reading results. There are three ways of entering data: u u u Fast entry Single entry Data transfer from non-SAP systems

Disconnection costs

Costs which arise as a result of disconnection of a utility service.

Disconnection order

Excess demand

Document which aids a field service employee in collecting a payment from a customer or disconnecting a customers utility service.

Positive difference of the demand actually used and the demand agreed upon in the contract.

External certification

Discount Division

Contractual or rate regulation concerning a reduction in the amount charged to a customer. Company-internal key for the division category that is predefined by the Utilities Industry (IS-U) component. One or more divisions are allocated to the division category. For example, a utility company might divide the division category water into drinking water and waste water.

Technical inspection and renewal of a measuring device by a licensed technician. The measuring accuracy of the device is inspected according to legal requirements.

u u u u

Procedure that can be used for forecasting the following: Meter readings Budget billings Simulation values Period consumption




Concrete values (such as 100 kW) or keys (for prices, for example) that are allocated to operands and are valid for a specific period. According to the level on which the facts are allocated, they can refer to installation facts, rate category facts or rate facts.

Full device removal Function class

Billing-related and technical removal performed in one step. Second summarization level in the classification of device categories. Several device categories or construction classes (each containing several device categories) can be grouped into one function class.

Final billing

Billing triggered when a customer moves out or when the service territory is transferred to another supplier.

Gas billing according to standard cubic meters

Flat rate

Billing record that is used when a certain value cannot be measured, for example, if using a meter would be uneconomical. Flat rates break down as follows: u u Flat-rate consumption Flat-rate amounts

Type of gas billing in which the gas quantity supplied to the customer is billed based on the gas volume correction factor.

Gas billing type

Classification for gas billing. There are three gas billing types: u u u Thermal gas billing Gas billing according to standard cubic meters Volumetric gas billing

Formal validation

Plausibility check of meter reading data. This check applies mainly to tables and fixed values.

Gas law deviation factor

Franchise contract

Quotient of the compressibility factors of a gas in normal and operating conditions.

Contract between a utility company and the municipality about payment of a franchise fee. The franchise contract applies to only one division.

Gas volume correction factor

Franchise fee

Conversion factor used for converting an operating volume (measured gas quantity) into a standard volume.

Payment by the utility company to municipalities whereby the utility company obtains the right to supply energy directly to customers in these regions. This allows the utility company to use public traffic routes for the laying and operation of lines. The franchise fee is determined for each division in a separate franchise contract.

Independent validation

Validation of meter reading data based on validation parameters and tolerance limits dependent on consumption. This validation applies to one specific register.


Franchise fee group

Companys own grouping of business partners that are subject to the same franchise fee conditions, such as major customers.

Name for the branch of industry to which an installation belongs, such as trade or construction.

Initial access

Full device installation

Initial access to the random number table during the sampling procedure. Start access consists of a starting line and several starting columns.

Technical and billing-related installation performed in one step. The device is installed in a device location and allocated to a premise.

Initial data creation

Function aiding the creation of one premise and all the installations belonging to it.



Input/output group

Group of interfaces of one or more device categories or devices. Example: a group of several pulse input points and a modem interface in the case of remote meters.

Contract accounts receivable and payable contain the information specific to company codes and transfer the data to separate general ledgers.

Internal certification

u u u

Technical inspection and renewal of a measuring device by the utility company itself. The measuring accuracy of the device is tested using company standards.

Group of all devices, registers and flat rate billing values that are: Specific to a division Allocated to a premise Grouped together for billing purposes

Internal certification period

Period defined by the utility company that determines when an externally or internally certified device must be recertified.

One premise can have several installations. These installations can refer to the same or different divisions.


Installation removal

Permanent dismantling of an installation, whereby energy supply is stopped completely.

Automatic extrapolation of a meter reading result from another meter reading result within the entry interval. The entry interval is entered in the meter reading unit. Example: Periodic meter reading: April 15 Move-out: April 18 Entry interval: April 01 to 30 The meter reading order for the final meter reading (to take place on April 18) is suppressed. The meter reading result is extrapolated from the meter reading result of the periodic meter reading.

Installation shutdown

Temporary dismantling of all meter devices, whereby no energy is supplied to the installation for a limited period.

Installation structure

Description of devices built into an installation. It mainly contains data necessary for billing the contract associated with the installation.



Person authorized by the utility company to perform installations. The utility company determines the installers and the service territories for which they are authorized.

Interface between billing and contract accounts receivable and payable. It is used for the following functions: u u u u Posting to a customer account Creating the collective document for the general ledger Supplying information for statistics Printing the bill

Installer directory

List of authorized installers in a service territory and of other companies of interest to a utility company (for example, architects).

Intercompany billing

Lot size

Billing procedure in which one utility company creates a single bill for the end customer, including services of several companies all having separate balance sheets. This one company also maintains joint contract accounts receivable and payable for the customer for all other companies.

Number of devices in a sampling lot used in a sampling procedure.



Meter reader payment

Payment for the services of a meter reader or distributor. These persons are compensated according to the service rendered. Example: The meter reader is paid according to the number of registers read, and the distributor according to the number of customer newsletters distributed.

Meter reading order

Data record created during meter reading order creation. It contains data specific to the register and information for the meter reader.

Meter reading order creation

Procedure for creating meter reading documents and preparing for entry of meter reading results. This procedure also includes preparation for billing, depending on the meter reading reason indicated by the user. This applies to the following meter reading reasons: u u u u Periodic meter reading Interim meter reading with billing Final meter reading with move-in/out Service territory handover with billing

Meter reading

Register reading displayed by a device. Meter readings are stored in the system as meter reading results.

Meter reading announcement Meter reading category

Notification to the customer indicating the meter reading date and the installations to be read. Classification of meter readings. The following predetermined meter reading categories exist: u u u u Meter reading by the utility company Meter reading by the customer Automatic estimation Interpolated meter reading

Meter reading result Meter reading time

Meter reading that has been taken or estimated and that is stored in the system for a certain date. Time (e.g. hours) required to read a meter reading unit.

Meter reading type

Customer-defined meter reading category. Each meter reading type is allocated to one of the following meter reading categories: u u u Meter reading by the utility company Mete reading by the customer Automatic estimation

Meter reading document

Data record which is the basis for meter reading orders and meter reading results . Meter reading documents first exist as meter reading orders in the system. Documents become meter reading results as soon as specific meter reading data (such as readings or notes from the meter reader) is available to the system.

A utility might, for example, divide the meter reading category Meter reading by the customer into the meter reading types Entry via telephone and Entry via internet.

Meter reading interval

Period in which only one meter reading and the related billing are to be carried out. If the system establishes in meter reading order processing that a meter reading order was already created within the relevant period, or that a meter reading result already exists, the meter reading order with lower priority is suppressed on the basis of the priority of the meter reading reasons.

Meter reading unit

Installations grouped together according to region, consisting of built-in devices and their registers. Installations are grouped this way for purposes of meter reading and device management. The meter reading unit is the basis for the meter readers work list.



Mobile data entry Move-in

Portable data entry system employed by utility companies, for example for entry of meter readings. Registration for utility service by the customer. This is different from moving into the residence.

With the exception of move-in and move-out data, all data for the contracts of a contract account can be changed and checked for consistency using this function.

Mutual help

Move-in date

Date on which the billing-related aspects of the contract with the customer begin. The move-in date serves the following functions: u u It is the scheduled date for the meter reading at move-in It is the start of the next billing period

Service mutually agreed upon by utility companies that allows a utility company to demand payment on an outstanding bill from customers who have moved into the service territory of another utility company.


Explanatory text for master data or transaction data. Notes can be subdivided into themes for individual business entities. These are called note types. Example: contract u u u u Note type 1: general terms and conditions Note type 2: contract notes Note type 3: special agreements Note type 4: general processing notes

Move-in notification

Notification to the municipality regarding the installation of a water installation. The utility company uses this notification to inform the municipality of new customers (for waste water billing).


Note from the meter reader

Function whereby the move-out of one customer and possibly the move-in of another customer can be entered for one or more contracts of a contract account.

Information from the meter reader for entry of meter reading results. In conjunction with the control note, the note from the meter reader initiates certain processes or followup actions in recording of meter reading results.


Cancellation of utility service by the customer. This is different from moving out of the premise.

Note to the meter reader

Move-out date

Date on which the billing-related aspects of the contract with the customer end. The move-out date serves the following functions: u u It is the scheduled final meter reading date It is the key date for the final billing

Information the meter reader needs in preparation for the meter reading (such as get key first) or for the meter reading itself (that the device was read several times by the customer, for example).

Notification interval Operand

Time span between creation of notifications and normal entry of meter reading data. Individually determined symbolic name for the assigned values that are used as input and output parameters in variant programs. One or more operands are allocated to an operand category.

Multiple meter reading order creation Multiple-contract maintenance

Order creation which enables you to enter more than one meter reading in a certain period. Simultaneous maintenance of all contracts of a contract account that have not been terminated.



Operating volume Outsorting

Volume of a gas quantity under current physical conditions. Procedure whereby a document is placed on an exception list if it has failed validation during billing or invoicing. The clerk must check and, if necessary, release each outsorted document. Outsorting check group General term for a group of checks to be performed for the purpose of outsorting bills.

Periodic billing

Consumption billing performed in regular intervals. The time sequence of this billing process is defined in scheduling. Examples: u u u Annual consumption billing Monthly billing Bimonthly billing

Periodic replacement Plant consumption Political entity

Parameter record

Replacement of devices that must be replaced as required by law or other rules. Energy that a utility company uses during the production and distribution of energy. Element of the political regional structure, such as a county.

Data record which contains control data for generating schedule records.

Period consumption

Consumption or demand for a register that is relevant to meter reading in a period with a maximum of 365 days. Period consumption is used for extrapolating meter reading results if no representative meter reading result is available.

Political regional structure Portion

Division of a service territory according to political or administrative criteria, such as states and counties. Group of contracts that are to be billed together.

Period for general terms of utility service

Statutory time period which guarantees that the customer is informed of a budget billing amount or of a bill amount at least two weeks prior to the due date.


Period length

Enclosed spatial unit which is supplied with energy, such as an apartment or factory.

Value that, in conjunction with the period category, controls the length of a billing or meter reading period.

Price adjustment clause Price class

Control for the price adjustment factor, which is multiplied by a basic price to obtain a current price. Classification of device categories that are treated the same with respect to price. In conjunction with the price level, the price class is used to determine the rental price.

Period-end billing

Additional billing at the end of a period whereby the customer is billed for the closed period, for example, by means of backbilling.

Period-end billing schema

Schema containing the steps required for periodend billing.

Print/debit entry date

Date used when: u The budget billing request run generates the print document for the budget billing plan item The partial bill run posts the budget billing plan item as a debit




Division of a billing period due to changes in data. Example: A rate changes in the middle of the month. Consumption is calculated using the old rate for the first half of the month and the new rate for the second half of the month.

Reactivation costs Reactive energy

Costs of resuming utility service after a disconnection. Component of apparent energy that does not yield energy. It arises when electromagnetic fields are built up or broken down (in transformers or motors, for example) in connection with alternating voltage.

Purchase contract

Agreement between a utility company and a customer. The customer (for example, a small power producer) provides the utility company with services, usually power.

Reactive power

Component of apparent power that does not yield work. It arises when electromagnetic fields are built up or broken down (in transformers or motors, for example) in connection with alternating voltage.

Quantity-based price Rate

Price that has a quantity reference but no time reference, such as an energy price ($/kWh). Billing rule for a register or a reference value that refers to all the billing-related steps executed during billing. A rate consists of one or more variant programs, which are part of the billing schema.

Reconnection (installation)

Procedure whereby a disconnected installation is reconnected when the reason for disconnection no longer applies.

Reference value

Value not measured by registers that is used for calculating charges. This is normally a charge for the provision of energy or water. Examples: u Number of households for calculating the service charge

Rate category

Classification of an installation for billing purposes. In conjunction with rate type, the rate category is used to determine the rate.

Rate fact group

Grouping of individual facts that are allocated to a rate. Several rate fact groups can be allocated to one rate. Rate fact groups enable you to use the same rate but apply different operand values. Example: Rate fact group X contains the rate facts minimum demand = 20 kW and discount rate = 10%. If a customer uses 20 kW, a discount of 10% is granted.

u Connection load of a lighting unit for calculating the energy price in conjunction with the burning hour calendar

Regional structure area

Role-specific grouping of regional structure groups. The regional structure area can be used, for example, for meter reading order creation in order to determine maintenance planning plants.

Rate type


Device that measures consumption, energy, etc. This can refer to an actual register or a display in an electronic device.

Classification of a register, flat rate or reference value for billing purposes. In conjunction with rate category, the rate type is used to determine the rate.

Register category

Register attribute used for interpreting meter reading results.



The attribute specifies whether it is a cumulating or a balancing register. It also determines whether it is a watt register, an energy, or consumption register. In the cumulative register category, the difference in register readings is considered. In the balancing register category, the absolute quantity is considered. Example: meter reading result = 10 (previous meter readings = 5) -> absolute quantity = 10 -> difference = 10 - 5 = 5

Sales support

Function which aids marketing by selecting groups of customers according to certain criteria.

Sample device

Device which is randomly pulled out of a sample lot of devices for a spot check. This device is then dismantled and inspected in order to evaluate the quality of the entire sample lot.

Sample lot
u u

Register group

Any number of devices grouped together to perform a sampling inspection for the following purposes: To extend the calibration validity of these devices (official sample lot) To inspect the quality of these devices internally (internal sample lot)

Group of registers that belong to one or more devices or device categories.

Register identification
Examples: u u u u

Description of the function of a register. Reactive power Apparent power Reactive energy Standard cubic meters of gas

Sampling procedure

Procedure whereby any number of devices is grouped together to perform a sampling inspection for the following purposes: u u To extend the calibration validity of these devices officially (official sample lot) To inspect the quality of these devices internally (internal sample lot)

Register relationship
Examples: u u u

Relationship of registers to each other. The registers can also belong to devices in different installations. Serial switching Control relationships Allocation of reactive to active registers


Certain sequential quantity areas for demand or energy. When one quantity area is exceeded, a different price applies to the total quantity. In this way, higher consumption can be cheaper than lower consumption.

Register type

Schedule record

Indicator for the rate time zone to which a register is allocated. This does not necessarily mean that this time zone must be identical to the time zone used in billing.

Data record in which individual dates are managed, such as meter reading dates, billing dates, and budget billing amount due dates.

Scheduled meter reading category

Classification of a scheduled meter reading. The following predetermined scheduled meter reading categories exist: u u u Meter reading by the utility company Meter reading by the customer Automatic estimation

Rental price

Price for supplying the customer with a measuring device (such as a meter) for a certain period of time. For the electricity division, the rental price also includes the charges for meter reading, settlement and collection.



u u u

Planning and controlling of the following functions: Meter reading order creation Billing Determination of budget billing amount due dates

Security deposit transfer

When a business partner relocates, a link is established between the old contract for the old address and the new contract for the new address. At the same time, any cash or noncash security deposits are automatically transferred from the old contract to the new contract.


Serial switching

Structure that defines the sequence in which variant programs (calculation/processing steps) must be executed.

Register relationship in which one or more registers are connected in a series. The demand of all the registers in a series is measured by the first register in the series.

Schema step Season

Single component (variant program) of a schema. Division of a year into fixed periods that do not overlap and that add up to exactly one year. Separate conditions apply to each period, which are taken into account in billing. Example: Different prices apply to the winter and summer seasons: u u Winter season, 10/1 - 3/31: $0.21 per kWh Summer season, 4/1 - 9/30: $0.15 per kWh

Service frequency

Frequency with which a service (such as emptying) takes place for a container in waste management. The service frequency is only valid for a certain time slice. The external scheduling and dispatching system uses the specified frequency and time slice to determine the exact dates. Example: The service frequency is specified as every first Tuesday of the month. The time slice is from 01/01/ 99 to 03/31/99. On the basis of this data, the external system determines the following dates: u u u Tuesday 01/05/99 Tuesday 02/02/99 Tuesday 03/02/99


Deposit which a business partner must give the utility company as a new business partner or business partner with bad credit standing. The following types of securities exist: u u cash deposits noncash deposits

Service price

Unit price per reference value for providing electric power for a certain period of time.

Security deposit

Service window

Deposit which a business partner must give the utility company as a new business partner or as a business partner with poor creditworthiness. The following types of security deposits exist: u u Cash security deposit Noncash security deposit

Specified period of time in which a waste management service is to take place, for example, only between 09:00 and 11:00.

Spare device

Additional device selected in the process of drawing devices for inspection. This device is used when a device selected for inspection is not suitable (due to damage, for example).



Standard volume
u u

Volume of the gas quantity under the following standard physical conditions: Standard temperature (Ts) = 273.15 K Standard pressure (Ps) = 1.01325 bars

Standby power

The technical installation is modeled for the utilities industry as a piece of equipment in the Plant Maintenance (PM) application component. If you do not wish to create this unit (for example, a flat-rate installation) as a device, you can create it as a technical installation for the Plant Maintenance and Service Management components. Examples of technical installations are: u u u u u Night storage heating stove with cable Night storage heating stove without cable Fuse box Distribution cabinet Electrical outlet

Electrical power that a utility company keeps on reserve for customers who produce their own energy. This power is used in case there is a temporary full or partial power outage caused by a malfunction, or if there is a shutdown due to an inspection.

Street route

Sequence for reading the registers in a meter reading unit.

Thermal gas billing

Supplemental demand

Electric power that a utility company supplies to customers who produce their own energy. This covers the customers power need that surpasses inplant generation.

Type of gas billing in which the operating volume (measured gas quantity) is converted into a heat quantity using the gas volume correction factor and the calorific value. This heat quantity is then billed.

Time slice


Amount established in the contract or rate that is included in the customers bill amount. Surcharges do not refer to amounts that a utility company collects only for forwarding to another entity, such as taxes and duties.

Time interval within which a specified object was not changed.

Time-based price

Price that has both a time and quantity reference, such as a demand price ($/kW/365 days).

Technical device installation

Transformer group

A group of transformers. There are certain inspections regarding the permissible combination of transformers and the compatibility of their windings.

Physical installation of a device in a device location. Relationships with other registers and device can be defined upon technical installation. Technical installation is a prerequisite for billing-related device installation.

Time-based price

Technical device removal

Physical removal of a device from a device location. Technical removal cannot be performed until billing-related removal has been performed, that is, the device must no longer be allocated to the utility installation.

Price that has both a time and quantity reference, such as a demand price ($/kW/365 days).

Transformer group

Technical installation

A set of transformers that must meet certain requirements regarding the permissible combination of transformers and the compatibility of their windings.

Division-related unit installed in a premise.

Unbilled revenue reporting

Consumption proration used for determining and valuating quantities sold and billed for the balance sheet of the closing balance period.



Usage type

Key for the rate time zone to which a register is allocated with respect to installation and billing.

Volumetric gas billing

Vacant status

Type of gas billing in which the recorded gas quantity, measured as a volume (for example, in cubic meters), is billed. The recorded operating cubic meters are not converted to standard pressure and temperature conditions. Waste amount Amount of waste per time unit.

Status of a contract or installation if a move-in does not occur directly after a move-out. During vacant status, the customer-related fields in the contract or installation are deleted, as are the meter reading notes about the customer. A contract or installation remains in vacant status until another move-in is registered.

Waste disposal service


Test of meter reading data for plausibility before it is entered into the system. Validations can be divided into the following three categories: u u u Formal Independent Dependent

Service in the Waste Management component, such as a container service, container delivery, or container removal.

Waste level Weighting

Specification of the level to which a container is filled. Procedure for determining expected values when making extrapolations.

Validation class

Winding group

Grouping of independent validations, that is, validations for individual registers. The validation class is entered in the rate.

Group of windings which applies to one or more devices or device categories. This group contains at least one primary and one secondary winding.

Validation group

Grouping of dependent validations, that is, validations for several registers. The validation group is entered in the register relationship.

Yearly advance payment

Payment that a customer makes a year in advance for a service to be rendered by the utility company. In most cases, the utility company grants a discount for using this payment method.

Variant program

Module in rates or schemas that contains a billing rule.

Volume correction factor

Ratio of the standard volume of a gas to its operating volume. Using the volume correction factor, a current operating volume can be converted into a physical standard volume. This is required when the energy content is to be calculated from the calorific value of the gas, which always refers to the standard volume. Formula for volume correction factor (VCF): VCF = Ts * (Pamb + Peff) / (T * Ps * DF) (Ts = 273.15 K, Pamb = air pressure, Peff = gauge pressure of gas meter, T = gas temperature, Ps = 1.01325 bars, DF = gas law deviation factor)


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