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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Value Based Prioritization ~ 3 / 50

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Value Based Prioritization ~ 3 / 50

Return On Investment: Higher the Better

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Value Based Prioritization ~ 3 / 50

Return On Investment: Higher the Better

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Value Based Prioritization ~ 3 / 50

Net Present Value (NPV) is Value of Specific Stream of Future Cash Flows presented in Todays Dollars

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Value Based Prioritization ~ 3 / 50

Net Present Value (NPV) is Value of Specific Stream of Future Cash Flows presented in Todays Dollars
1000 Pizzas x $5

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Value Based Prioritization ~ 3 / 50

Net Present Value (NPV) is Value of Specific Stream of Future Cash Flows presented in Todays Dollars
1000 Pizzas x $5

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Value Based Prioritization ~ 3 / 50

Net Present Value (NPV) is Value of Specific Stream of Future Cash Flows presented in Todays Dollars Projects with +ve NPV should be Carried out Projects with -ve NPV should be Rejected
1000 Pizzas x $5

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Value Based Prioritization ~ 3 / 50

Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) Measures Investment Yield The Discount Rate which sets the Net Present Value (NPV) to 0

IRR is sometimes also called Economic Rate of Return (ERR) Need tools to calculate IRR
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Value Based Prioritization ~ 3 / 50

Internal Rate Of Return (IRR): Higher the better

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Value Based Prioritization ~ 3 / 50

Customer-Valued Prioritization

Short Term Gains but Long Term Losses Help your customer make profits

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Value Based Prioritization ~ 3 / 50

Minimal Marketable Feature (MMF)

An MMF is a feature that is minimal, because if it was any smaller, it would not be marketable. A MMF is marketable, because when it is released as part of a product, people would use (or buy) the feature.

An MMF is different than a typical USER STORYmultiple User Stories might be coalesced to form a single marketable feature, MMFs are a little bit bigger.

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Value Based Prioritization ~ 3 / 50

Relative Weighing / Value Based Prioritization

Priority = Value% / Cost%

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Value Based Prioritization ~ 3 / 50

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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. In an organization, there are 3 projects running, Project A with an NPV of -0.2, Project B with an NPV of -0.5 and Project C with an NPV of 0.1. If the board has to choose One project to discontinue, which one should it be?

a) b) c) d)

Project B Project A and B Project C Project A

Answer: a
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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. Company A has 2 options to stay competitive in their domain. Option #1: Hire 10 employees @ $60K/year/employee to service its client and generate $1.2 million Revenue at the end of the year. Option #2: Buy a custom software for $1 million to service its clients resulting in a $1.5 million year end Profit. Which option makes most sense to take?
a) b) Option 1 Option 2

Answer: b
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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. Given the following Cost Value metrics, as a Product Owner, how will you rank the features in the order of decreasing priority?

Feature A Feature B Feature C

Value % Cost % 40 50 50 40 20 40

a) b) c) d)

A, B, C C, A, B B, A, C C, B, A

Answer: c
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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Risk Management ~ 2 / 50
~ 2 / 50

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Risk Management ~ 2 / 50
Risk Adjusted Backlog and Risk Reduction
Agile Projects are Business Value and also Risk driven Trade-Off: High or Low Rank for High Risk Feature?

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Risk Management ~ 2 / 50
Risk Exposure or Risk Score or EMV

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Risk Management ~ 2 / 50
Risk Burn Down Chart Iterations/Time Vs. Risk Exposure

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Risk Management ~ 2 / 50
Risk-based Spike A spike is a short exploration or solutions to figure out answers to tough technical or design problems. Spike are build to address the particular problem under examination only and ignores all other concerns. The goal is reducing the risk of a technical problem or increase the reliability of a user story's estimate.
For Example: When a technical difficulty threatens to hold up the system's development put a pair of developers on the problem for a week or two and reduce the potential risk.

An Architectural Spike intends to identify areas of maximum risk, to get started with estimating them correctly. {RUP calls it as Prototype}
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Risk Management ~ 2 / 50

Risk Board

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Risk Management ~ 2 / 50

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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. Which report / artifact shows the trend of Risks Identification and their Mitigation in a Project?

a) b) c) d)

Risk Burn-down chart Risk Register Risk Board Product Backlog

Answer: a
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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. There is a 1 in 5 chance of an unfortunate event A happening which may throw a project back 5 days. Whereas another unfortunate event B has only 1 in 10 chance but will cause a 10 day impact on the project. Which one of the 2 events has higher Risk Exposure?

a) b) c) d)

Event A Event B It is not possible to determine their Risk Exposures Both the events have same Risk Exposure

Answer: d
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Metrics ~ 1 / 50

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Metrics ~ 1 / 50

Velocity helps Forecasting and hence Release Planning

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Metrics ~ 1 / 50
Cycle Time is the measure of how long does it take for an idea to get from business charter to delivered capability Cycle time = WIP / Throughput

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Metrics ~ 1 / 50
Earned Value Management is technique to assess the performance of a Project against a Plan in an Object way. The aim is to detect project problems early

Description Estimated value of work to be accomplished within a fixed period. It serves as a baseline against which Planned Value (PV) actual performance is measured. Earned Value (EV) Value of the work completed in a fixed period. Actual Cost (AC) Actual Money spent in a fixed period
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Metrics ~ 1 / 50

Schedule Variance (SV) Cost Variance (CV) Schedule Performance Index (SPI) Cost Performance Index (CPI)


+ve is good +ve is good >1 is good >1 is good

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Metrics ~ 1 / 50

Agile EVM Agile EVM is an adapted implementation of EVM

Agile EVM requires a minimal set of input parameters:

Estimates can use flexible units (hours, story-points, team days..)

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Metrics ~ 1 / 50

= 30,566 40,500 = -9934 = 30566 31500 = -934 = 30,566 / 40,500 = .75 = 30566 /31500 = .97

Red Green

Status EPC = RD / DR APC = PC / PS PV = BAC * EPC EV = BAC* APC AC = 42/21 = 50% = 20/53 = 38% = $81000 * 50% = $40,500 = $81000 * 38% = $30,566 $31,500

Less than 0.9 Between 0.95 0.9 Between 1 0.95

Red Amber Green

Above 1.1 Between 1.05 1.1 Between 1 1.05

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Metrics ~ 1 / 50

Escaped Defects If Defect creation date is after version release date then this defect is an escaped defect.

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Metrics ~ 1 / 50

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

TEST Your Knowledge

Q. A team was able to complete stories with total 10 story points in last iteration. Which of the following stories (ranked in the order of priority) should the team take in this iteration. A 2p; B 3p; C 5p; D 1p; E 4p;

a) b) c) d)

A, B and E C, D and E A, B and C C and E

Answer: c
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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. Which of the following metrics reflects the performance against the plan.

a) b) c) d)

Velocity Escaped Defects SPI and CPI Cycle Time

Answer: c
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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Value Stream Analysis ~ 1 / 50

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Value Stream Analysis ~ 1 / 50

Value stream mapping The value stream map is a visual tool to show workow, including information, data, communication, handoffs, and value added versus non - value added activities from the customer perspective. Metrics associated with value stream maps often include process time, wait time, lead time, rst time quality, 100 - percent accurate, 100 - percent complete, and rst time completed. Value stream maps focus on the customer requirements and link work activities with information and data ow. As such, they are able to represent complex processes and show which activities add or do not add value for the patient or customer.

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Value Stream Analysis ~ 1 / 50

The goals of value stream mapping are as follows:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Focus on value to the customer. Reduce waste. Design simple and clear forms of communication. Instill quality in each step of the process. Align resources to meet demands. Improve ow of customer, information, and data. Ensure caregivers have what they need when they need it to provide services. 8. Increase interdisciplinary understanding of roles and processes of providing care.

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Value stream mapping Example

Traditional Project Flow

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Value stream mapping Example

Lean / Value Stream Mapped

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Value Stream Analysis ~ 1 / 50

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

TEST Your Knowledge

Q. What is NOT a goal of Value Stream Mapping?

a) b) c) d)

Generate more value for the customer Simplify process Reduce Waste Derive more money from the stakeholders

Answer: d
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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. In order for testing to begin, you provide the software tester a brief, high level description of what they are looking for when exploring a system. What are you providing?

a) b) c) d)

Roadmap Retrospective Charter User Story

Answer: c
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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

TEST Your Knowledge

Q. Which kind of Version Control model is Best suited for Collective ownership of code?

a) b) c) d)

Locking Model Concurrent Model Both Locking and Concurrent model Neither Locking nor Concurrent model

Answer: b
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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. While evaluating an Agile Project, what question should you ask to determine if the project is moving satisfactorily?

a) b) c) d)

Given the circumstances of last iteration, did we make sufficient progress? How are we progressing according Agile Project Charter? Both of the above None of the above

Answer: a
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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

TEST Your Knowledge

Q. If you can ear 10% interest on your money and a new project will earn $1 a year from now, what is the NPV of this project investment?

a) b) c) d)

$0.91 $1.00 $1.10 $2.00

Answer: a
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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. Two members of the team want to do Pair Programming. Which is Best to facilitate the radiation of information between the two?

a) b) c) d)

Daily Stand ups Have them in the same room Place them in a side-by-side office Play Planning Poker

Answer: b
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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Knowledge and Skills 50 Questions

Total 43 Knowledge and Skills to cover Level 1 33 Questions
18 Skills

Level 2 12 Questions
12 Skills

Level 3 5 Questions
13 Skills

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Level 1
Active listening Agile Manifesto values and principles Assessing and incorporating community and stakeholder values Brainstorming techniques Building empowered teams Coaching and mentoring within teams Communications management Feedback techniques for product (e.g., prototyping, simulation, demonstrations, evaluations) Incremental delivery Knowledge sharing Leadership tools and techniques Prioritization Problem-solving strategies, tools, and techniques Project and quality standards for Agile projects Stakeholder management Team motivation Time, budget, and cost estimation Value-based decomposition and prioritization
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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Active Listening (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Attention Take Notes Paraphrase Summarize

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Agile Manifesto (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Value 1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools 2. Working software over comprehensive documentation 3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation 4. Responding to change over following a plan

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Agile Manifesto (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Twelve Principles of Agile Software..

1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.



4. 5.


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Agile Manifesto (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Twelve Principles of Agile Software.. (contd.)

7. 8. Working software is the primary measure of progress. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.


10. Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential. 11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. 12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Community and Stakeholders (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Stakeholder Analysis Power/interest grid

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Community and Stakeholders (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Community and Stakeholder Values Vision Servant Leadership Trust Collaboration Honesty Learning Courage Openness Adaptability Leading Change Transparency

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Brainstorming (Level-1, 33 / 50)


Rule 1: Postpone and withhold your judgment of ideas Rule 2: Encourage wild and exaggerated ideas Rule 3: Quantity counts at this stage, not quality Rule 4: Build on the ideas put forward by others Rule 5: Every person and every idea has equal worth

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Building Empowered Teams (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Team Empowerment (an XP idea)
Don't bottle neck decisions with a single authority. Leadership and Management are two very different things. Highly productive self organizing teams are not easy they require discipline. Remove Blame. Set rules to become free and Not to get constraint by them.

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Coaching and Mentoring (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Coaching and Mentoring Tips Demonstrate / Lead by example. Promote self-responsibility. Encourage group-think mentality. Clarify your expectations and verify understanding. Foster Improvements in your Employees / Members. A Coach/Mentor does not have to be an Expert in everything.

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Communication Management (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Communication Modes

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Communication Management (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Communication Strategy Face to face (F2F) F2F at Whiteboard Overview diagrams Online chat Overview documentation Teleconference calls Videoconferencing Email Detailed Documentation
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Within Team 4.25 4.24 2.54 2.1 1.84 1.42 1.34 1.08 -0.34

With Stakeholders 4.06 3.46 1.89 0.15 1.86 1.51 1.62 1.32 0.16
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Feedback Techniques (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Prototyping Simulation Demonstration Evaluation

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Incremental Delivery (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Incremental Delivery is often confused with Iterative Development Incremental Delivery is closer to Release Planning

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Knowledge Sharing (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Software development is a collaborative process that needs to bring together domain expertise with technological skills and process knowledge.

Customer -> Analyst -> Architect -> Designer -> Chief Programmer -> Coder 10% communication error: 5% communication error: 59% of information gets to coder 77% of information gets to coder

Customer -> Developer 10% communication error: 5% communication error: 90% of information gets to coder 95% of information gets to coder

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Knowledge Sharing (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Knowledge Sharing in Agile is promoted by

Release and Iteration Planning Pair Programming and Pair Rotation On-site Customer Daily Stand-ups Cross-functional Teams Retrospective ..

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Knowledge and Skill (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Active listening Agile Manifesto values and principles Assessing and incorporating community and stakeholder values Brainstorming techniques Building empowered teams Coaching and mentoring within teams Communications management Feedback techniques for product (e.g., prototyping, simulation, demonstrations, evaluations) Incremental delivery Knowledge sharing Leadership tools and techniques Prioritization Problem-solving strategies, tools, and techniques Project and quality standards for Agile projects Stakeholder management Team motivation Time, budget, and cost estimation Value-based decomposition and prioritization
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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

TEST Your Knowledge

Q. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an Agile Project Manager?

a) b) c) d)

Allow teams to self-manage and adapt their process empirically Assume different leadership styles for different stage of team formation Manage daily tasks of team members Facilitate collaboration and remove impediments.

Answer: c
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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. Which statement below does NOT represent Agile Value?

a) b) c) d)

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Following a fixed plan without distractions

Answer: d
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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

TEST Your Knowledge

Q. What is NOT an Agile Knowledge Sharing practice?

a) b) c) d)

Daily Stand ups Retrospection Have only Analyst talk with Customers Close collaboration with the Customer

Answer: c
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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. An agile team is not sure if a particular technique will work for implementing a story. What should be their next step to inculcate confidence?

a) b) c) d)

Develop a Prototype to prove the concept. Simulate same scenario and check if the solution may work. Start implementing anyways. Try to find experts outside of the team who may have some more knowledge.

Answer: a
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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Knowledge and Skill (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Active listening Agile Manifesto values and principles Assessing and incorporating community and stakeholder values Brainstorming techniques Building empowered teams Coaching and mentoring within teams Communications management Feedback techniques for product (e.g., prototyping, simulation, demonstrations, evaluations) Incremental delivery Knowledge sharing Leadership tools and techniques Prioritization Problem-solving strategies, tools, and techniques Project and quality standards for Agile projects Stakeholder management Team motivation Time, budget, and cost estimation Value-based decomposition and prioritization
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Leadership Tools and Techniques (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Agile Leadership is application of Agile Principles (Agile Maenifesto) Work environment as well as the specific leadership abilities expected from the managers and stakeholders. Objective i. Make Team Successful ii. Make Members Happier Transfer certain powers to the team members themselves Demonstrate openness to Ideas and Innovations Provide necessary Support and Resources Become a Change Agent Systematically involve business people Use Democratic Approach
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Prioritization (Level-1, 33 / 50)

General Prioritization Techniques..

MoSCoW Theme Screening Theme Scoring Relative Weighing / Value Based Kano

Project Prioritization Techniques..

ROI NPV / NPW IRR / ERR Customer Value based Prioritization Value Based / Relative Weighing

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Problem Solving (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Problem Solving is a Collaborative Effort. As a Lead / Facilitator Establish yourself as a devils advocate Be Kind, Rewind Dont let them linger on meta-problems Ask Probing Questions Use Reflective Listening Avoid injecting your own ideas Lead them to the answer
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Process and Quality Standards (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Agile Methods and Process/Quality Standards Management wants to know if they can maintain conformance (ISO 9001, TL 9000, 6, CMMI..) while using an Agile method There are benefits to both Agility and Standards Primavera Systems established a quality management system that conformed to ISO 9001 while retaining its agile (Scrum and XP) development approach. More examples, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU in Norwegian), The Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research, ... Level 2 of CMMI can be met by combining activities from several agile methods.
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Stakeholder Management (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Stakeholder Analysis Matrix -- A document that describes the strategies to manage the stakeholders of a project.


Stakeholder Interest(s)

Assessment of Impact

Potential Strategies

A template for the stakeholder analysis matrix

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Stakeholder Management (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Stakeholder Analysis Power / Interest grid

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Stakeholder Management (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Stakeholder Register -- A document that identifies stakeholders of a project with information that includes their identification, assessment, and stakeholder classification.

Stakeholder register for the OGC PM Training Roll-Out project

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Team Motivation (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Healthy Agile Team

Autonomy A team needs to feel

empowered and do whats right.

Mastery By nature, people want to get

better at what they do.

Purpose Deep rooted desire to

understand how their work fits into the big picture.

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Time, Budget and Cost (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Estimations in Agile Development

Points Makes Sizes (Relative Estimating) Fibonacci goes 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21.. Estimate as a Team Planning Poker, Wideband Delphi, Affinity Velocity and Reliability / Predictability Velocity does NOT measure Productivity
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Value Based Prioritization (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Our customers buy our software because it increases their profits. The central idea is to decompose the problem / system by estimating the value of key resources in the game Other references..
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Knowledge and Skill (Level-1, 33 / 50)

Active listening Agile Manifesto values and principles Assessing and incorporating community and stakeholder values Brainstorming techniques Building empowered teams Coaching and mentoring within teams Communications management Feedback techniques for product (e.g., prototyping, simulation, demonstrations, evaluations) Incremental delivery Knowledge sharing Leadership tools and techniques Prioritization Problem-solving strategies, tools, and techniques Project and quality standards for Agile projects Stakeholder management Team motivation Time, budget, and cost estimation Value-based decomposition and prioritization
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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. Adam calls for a Brainstorming session but it turned out to be unproductive. Which act from below could have caused such result?

a) b) c) d)

Some of the invitees arrived 5 mins late to his meeting. He wrote down the topic of discussion on the board and what he has though of already in its context. He took careful notes. While writing ideas from others he carefully evaluated them himself before accepting them as valid.

Answer: d
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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. Which of the following is Most un-healthy for an Agile team?

a) b) c) d)

Sharing Knowledge Having members at different geographical locations in different time-zones. Waiting for the Manager / Lead to approve solutions before proceeding. Involving Product Owner in problem solving.

Answer: c
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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. A CMMI level certification is key to your organizations recognition and brand. However, as a Manager, you see many obvious inefficiencies dues to long development cycles. What is the Best way to approach management with Agile idea?

a) b) c) d)

Deliver a well thought Agile Presentation. Study your efficiencies closely and suggest incorporation of appropriate Agile Principles to remove them. Ask management to sacrifice their CMMI certification and focus that effort on Adding value to your customers. Wait for organization to realize those efficiencies themselves and then suggest change.

Answer: b
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Level 2 (12 / 100)

Agile frameworks and terminology Building high-performance teams Business case development Colocation (geographic proximity)/distributed teams Continuous improvement processes Elements of a project charter for an Agile project Facilitation methods Participatory decision models (e.g., input-based, shared collaboration, command) PMI's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Process analysis techniques Self assessment Value-based analysis

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Agile frameworks and terminology (Level-2, 12 / 100)

Scrum Extreme Programming (XP) Lean

Kanban ?

Feature Driven Development (FDD) Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) Adaptive Software Development (ASD)
More (Read This)

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Building High Performance Teams (Level-2, 12 / 100)

A high performance Agile team is a committed team that has the right people, has been effectively empowered, has established trust and works at a sustainable pace to deliver quality software of a quantity that reflects a consistent high velocity factoring in influences such as capacity and customer support.
Ref to Level-1 Building Empowered Teams section

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Business Case Development (Level-2, 12 / 100)

A Strong Business Case is your best weapon in getting your project approved by the powers that be. Justify the reasons for proposing the project in terms of the measurable benefits objectively. Supplement information (Resources Requirement, Rollouts, Risks, Assumptions)

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CertSchool Certified Agile Practitioner

TEST Your Knowledge

Q. Which Agile Methodology includes Pair Programming as its core principles.

a) b) c) d)

Kanban Extreme Programming Scrum Crystal Method

Answer: b
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Collocated Teams (Level-2, 12 / 100)

Close Proximity Centralized team area Walls Whiteboards

Myths of Collocation.. i. Programmers/artists/designers need to work in quiet isolation ii. If I am not sitting with a group of people , then I wont learn as much
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Distributed Teams (Level-2, 12 / 100)

Different Time-zones Selected Tools (Communication) Human Factors Cultural Differences Hours of coverage Communication differences Visuals
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Continuous Improvement (Level-2, 12 / 100)

Constant Feedback and responding to change.. Check Points to Inspect and Adapt Progressive Elaboration

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Elements of Agile Project Charter (Level-2, 12 / 100)

Agile Project Charter

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Facilitation Methods (Level-2, 12 / 100)

(Also includes Participatory Decision Models)

The art of team-based decisions Problem Solving Leadership Tools and Techniques

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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. Distributed Agile Teams are NOT affected by which one of the following Human Factors

a) b) c) d)

Lack of Visual Interaction Time-zone difference Cultural differences Religious Beliefs

Answer: d
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PMI Code of Ethics and Prof. conduct (Level-2, 12 / 100)

PMI Code of Ethics and Professional conduct

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Process Analysis Techniques (Level-2, 12 / 100)

1. 2. 3. 4.

Identify System Users Define Main Users Goals Define System Usage Patterns Invent Functional Solution to Meet Users Goals and Usage Patterns 5. Define Main Navigation Paths 6. Create UI Mockups 7. Polish UI Elements

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Self Assessment (Level-2, 12 / 100)

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Value-Based Analysis (Level-2, 12 / 100)

is a part of Value Based Prioritization. Also, see Value Stream Analysis.

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TEST Your Knowledge

Q. Which of the following is Most effective facilitation method when working as an Agile PM.

a) b) c) d)

Collaborative approach to Problem Solving. Micro-managing Playing Planning Poker Informal Knowledge Sharing

Answer: a
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Level 2 (12 / 100)

Agile frameworks and terminology Building high-performance teams Business case development Colocation (geographic proximity)/distributed teams Continuous improvement processes Elements of a project charter for an Agile project Facilitation methods Participatory decision models (e.g., input-based, shared collaboration, command) PMI's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Process analysis techniques Self assessment Value-based analysis

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Agile Certified Practitioner Session 3-4

Level 3 (5 / 100)
Agile contracting methods Agile project accounting principles Applying new Agile practices Compliance (organization) Control limits for Agile projects Failure modes and alternatives Globalization, culture, and team diversity Innovation games Principles of systems thinking (e.g., complex adaptive, chaos) Regulatory compliance Variance and trend analysis Variations in Agile methods and approaches Vendor management

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Agile Contracting Methods (Level-3, 5 / 100)

Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation Why do you want Agile mode? Mode of Contract (T&M, Partnership, Fix bid) Length of Term Contract Outsourced or In-house Collaboration Terms (DoD etc.)

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Applying New Agile Practice (Level-3, 5 / 100)

Process Tailoring Process and Quality Standards (Compliance)

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Control Limits, Failure Modes and Alternatives(Level3, 5 / 100)


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Globalization, Culture and Team Diversity (Level-3, 5 / 100)

Distributes Agile Teams

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Agile Games (Level-3, 5 / 100)

Planning Poker Planning Game Kano Analysis Wideband Delphi Priority Poker

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Principle of System Thinking (Level-3, 5 / 100)

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Vendor Management (Level-3, 5 / 100)

Technology Stack Tools Agile Consultation Contracts

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Level 3 (5 / 100)
Agile contracting methods Agile project accounting principles Applying new Agile practices Compliance (organization) Control limits for Agile projects Failure modes and alternatives Globalization, culture, and team diversity Innovation games Principles of systems thinking (e.g., complex adaptive, chaos) Regulatory compliance Variance and trend analysis Variations in Agile methods and approaches Vendor management

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CertSchool Certified Agile Practitioner

TEST Your Knowledge

Q. Which of the following is NOT typically included in Agile Contract?

a) b) c) d)

Payment Terms Important Dates Contract Mode and Execution Model Agile Charter

Answer: d
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Miscellaneous Topics

Exploratory Testing Continuous Delivery Scaling Agile Teams Scope Creep / Feature Creep Technical Debt Spike

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Revise Slides Read the contents from the resource links Review important formulae Read Scrum Book shared online Practice Sample Questions

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