CLP 325 Reset Guide

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First Part

Let's begin. For start, the ugly part is that you have to buy all 4 chips (black/magenta/yellow/cyan). Or, if you already have the chips and still did not received the message "toner low", we will make a copy from them. We'll be building the diagram below, it's quite simple and inexpensive, and it will help you in the future, you need a USB cable, two 5.6k resistors, a serial com mother jack, and four clips. I will attach schematic below:

The final product (device) should look like this:

I will attach some pictures to help you make an opinion.

First Part

If you do not know how to use it, along with pony prog, you will find the necessary explanations here. How to use pony prog

Samsung clp 300 chips looks like this:

First Part

other chips:

The device can program, a small group of chips, in principle, the 24cxx. You should check the code on the IC, on and see if it's something like "EEPROM". Then determine where the contacts are, DATA(SDA), GROUND(GND), CLOCK (SCL) and Vcc (+5V) then connect them to the device.

First Part

Some of the manufacturers erase the chips serials. In the next part, I will tell you how to indentify ic chips and how to connect to the device. And more..

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