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Expressing wishes I- Wish + simple past Generally speaking, when we express a wish, it is to show that we are not satisfied

with Circumstances, that we regret past actions or that we hope for changes in the future. Lets Start off with the following situation. At the moment, Jack would like to buy his sister an ice-cream but his pockets Are empty. So, Jack says I wish ( if only ) I had some money to buy my sister an ice-cream Leila is in Agadir on vacation. She cant go to the beach every day because She has a lot of school assignments. Leila says : I wish (if only ) I didnt have a lot of school assignments. Note here that both Leila and Jack are not satisfied with the present circumstances. * Leila is just a nurse in a hospital. She wishes she were a doctor instead.

II- Wish + Past Perfect We can also use wish + past perfect to express regrets ( feeling sorry) about past Situations. Lets start off with the following situation: John spent all his money on wine and women. Now he is penniless. Now he says I wish ( if only) I hadnt squandered all my money on women and wine Or I wish ( if only )I had invested my money in Business. Amina was pregnant. The doctor advised her to relax but she didnt. She spent Her time doing the housework. Finally, she had internal Haemorrhage and lost the baby. Amina wishes she had listened to the doctors instructions. Note that wish or if only + simple past is equivalent to conditional type 2 I wish I were beautiful to be a top model If I were beautiful I would be a top model. wish + past perfect is equivalent to conditional type 3 I wish I had seen Maria before she travelled. I would have told her I love you If I had seen Maria before she travelled, I would have told her I love you.
Omar Ait Hnizzi Lyce IbnBattouta/Aklim

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