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Each day, there are children all over the world being tricked, forced and sold into

slavery, hazardous labour, combat and prostitution. Millions end up in brothels, factories, sweatshops and private homes. We dont see them or hear their suffering. These children have no voice. Simply because they dont have a birth certificate or fixed address, many of these children are deprived of their basic rights to protection, to go to school and to receive healthcare. World Vision Australias Child Rescue raises funds to provide rehabilitation and support for children who are at risk of, or have been the victims of exploitation and abuse. It also supports children who are made vulnerable by terrible circumstances, and who cannot be reached by Child Sponsorship. Ride2Rescues purpose is to raise the awareness of child trafficking and raise much needed funds. For as little as $15 a month you can help support this important initiative to rescue, rehabilitate and protect children. To put things in perspective the cost of supporting Child Rescue is about the same cost of purchasing one coffee a week.

Setiap Senin dan Selasa PAGELARAN KARAWITAN Waktu : Setiap Senin dan Selasa, 10.00 - 12.00 WIB Keraton Yogyakarta Tempat : Jl. Rotowijayan No. 1 Phone: +62 274 373721 Kategori : Pertunjukan budaya, Musik Pertunjukan gabungan dari alunan musik gamelan dan menyanyi. Karawitan berasal dari bahasa Sansekerta "rawit" yang berarti halus. Menyaksikan pertunjukkan ini Deskripsi : dapat diibaratkan menghirup nilai - nilai ideal musik Jawa tepat di tempatnya, Keraton Yogyakarta. Acara ini gratis, kita hanya membayar tiket untuk masuk ke Kraton (Rp. 5.000 untuk Tiket : wisatawan lokal, Rp. 12.500 untuk wisatawan mancanegara)

Daniel Aaroon Jhon Chris teman

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