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3/4/12 Ham, Feta And Tomato Quiche Recipe -

Ham, feta and tomato quIche member mel81q called this "by far one of the best
quiches ever". Is she right? Try it tonight and see!
IngredIents (serves 4)
2 sheets frozen ready-rolled shortcrust pastry, partially thawed
100g ham, chopped
100g feta cheese, crumbled
100g semi-dried tomatoes, chopped
4 eggs
1/2 cup thickened cream
1. Use pastry to line base and sides of a 2.5cm deep, 22cm (base) fluted, loosebased flan pan. Trim
excess pastry. Freeze for 10 minutes or until pastry is firm.
2. Preheat oven and a baking tray to 200C. Place flan on hot tray. Bake pastry case for 10 to 12 minutes
or until light golden. Remove from oven. Reduce oven to 180C.
3. Spread ham, feta and tomatoes over pastry. Beat eggs, cream and salt and pepper in a jug. Pour into
pastry case. Bake for 25 minutes or until set in centre. Serve.
To freeze: Allow to cool for 30 minutes. Remove from pan. Place in an airtight container. Freeze for up
to 3 months. To reheat: Thaw in fridge for 12 hours. Place quiche on a baking tray and heat in a
180°C oven for 15 to 20 minutes.
Super Food Ideas - November 2006, Page 71
Recipe by Kirrily La Rosa

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