Engineer Pedestrian Facilities

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Engineer pedestrian facilities

Designing, engineering, operating, and maintaining quality roadways and pedestrian facilities is a critical element in producing a pedestrian-friendly environment. This section describes a number of engineering solutions to improve the quality of the pedestrian network, organized into the following groups: 1. Roadway and Pedestrian Facility Designcovers roadway width issues, raised medians, street conversions, sidewalks, curb ramps, and other pedestrian-focused facilities 2. Trail Designincludes various types of trails and trail design and development issues 3. Street Crossingsincludes issues and solutions for improving safety at street crossings, including crosswalks, curb radius reduction, right-turn slip-lane design, signals and signs, and other crossing enhancements 4. Traffic Calmingdescribes various ways to design streets, using physical measures, to encourage people to drive more slowly 5. Traffic Managementincludes traffic control devices such as diverters and street closures that manage volumes and routes of traffic 6. On-Street Parking Enhancementsdiscusses ways to improve and manage on-street parking 7. School Zone Improvementscovers engineering issues, facilities, operations, and signage as applied specifically to areas near schools 8. Designing for Special Pedestrian Populationsdiscusses the physical needs and abilities of pedestrians with disabilities and older pedestrian populations and the related design and engineering responsibilities 9. ITS Technologiesdescribes various Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technologies related to pedestrian safety and access

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