Recruitment & Selection Process

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PREFACE INTRODUCTION TO THE INDUSTRY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Scope and Importance Literature Review RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Title Type of Research RESEARCH PROCESS Development Of Working Hypotheses Preparing The Research Design Determining Sample Design Deliberate Sampling Collecting The Data Execution Of The Project Tools and Techniques FINDING AND ANALYSIS CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES Questionnaire

A student always collects bouquets and brickbats. If there are some bouquets then I would like to mention it to the people who had been instrumental in assisting me to successfully prepare the report. At the outset, I would like to thank Mr. D. Kalia, Dy General Manager (Trg.) , Mr. O.P.Mathur (Trg.) & Mr. K.K.Pandey, Manager (Trg.) for giving me the approval in the organization. I wish to acknowledge the entire HR Team at IFFCO Ltd. Special appreciation extended to Mr. SLM Warrier, Manager (HR), Mr. Arun Kumar, Manager (Law), and Mr. Sanjeev Saxena, Manager (HR) and Mr. A.S.Chauhan, Manager (HR), who helped me to shape the direction of my research work & he is my leader in my summer training. This project would not have been possible without his help. I am very grateful to my institute faculty of Human Resource for their assistance. A heartfelt thanks to the respondents surveyed whose ideas, critical insights and suggestions have been invaluable in the preparation of this report. Last but not the least a very warm thanks to all the faculty members of Esteemed Institute for providing me Guidelines in summer training project.

As a part of the partial fulfillment of the MBA(HR) programme at K.N.Institute of Management Summer Training was undertaken with the BAREILLY Urea Plant a unit of INDIAN FARMERS FERTILIZERS COOPERATIVE Ltd. AONLA (U.P.).

Bareilly Unit is one of the biggest Unit in India and it is working on a latest technology in the present scenario. And also is a biggest industry in the Asia. The company has now completed their 40 years and now using new technology day by day to improving the quality of the product.

The purpose of the training was to have the practical experience of working in a Human Resource department and to have the exposure to the various management practices in the field of human resource & how the Recruitment and selection of the located and approached candidates is done in the company.

This report is an attempt to provide the details about the Recruitment and selection procedure adopted by the IFFCO AONLA UNIT(U.P.)

I hereby declare that the project report entitled RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS of the IFFCO Aonla Ltd.

The analysis and findings in this report are based on the information collected by me through a structured questionnaire having open ended questions.




Indian farmers fertilizer cooperative limited, popularly known as IFFCO, has emerged as the pioneering venture in the cooperative sector, born as multi-unit cooperative society on 3rd Nov 1967, IFFCO witnessed a meteoric rise & blossomed into the largest manufacturer & marketer of fertilizers in the country with an authorized capital of Rs.10000 million, its membership extended to over 35000 cooperative societies through which its products NKP, DAP & UREA are channeled in 22 state & two union territories in the country. The society came into being with a modest equity capital of Rs.6million in 1967-68 that grew to Rs.3838.7 million in 1998-99. Indian farmers fertilizer cooperative ltd. (IFFCO) was established as a with broad objective of augmenting fertilizer production , ensuring fertilizer availability at farmers doorstep , strengthening cooperative fertilizer distribution system & educating , training & guiding the farmers for improving agricultural productivity.

The organization is distinct in the sense that the farmer owners represented through their village cooperatives also become its customers. IFFCO presently own four giant fertilizer unit at Kalol and Kandla in Gujarat and Phulpur and Aonla in Uttar Pradesh, having and production capacity of 26 lakh tones of fertilizer material and Phosphatic Fertlizer in Paradeep in Orissa. In fact outsourcing is said to have emerged a few thousand years ago with the production and sales of food, tools and other household appliances. As soon as small communities and societies began to form, people with specialized professions began to trade with each other for goods and services. In effect it can be said that each worker was outsourcing some activities to others. The history of outsourcing shows that even in the industrial age, a few thousand years later, very few companies out source any of their operations. Companies in 1800s and 1900s were vertically integrated

organizations, taking care of their own production, mining and manufacturing from raw materials to finished goods as well as then shipping the goods to company owned retail outlets. These companies were often self-insures, handled their own taxes, employed their own lawyers, as well as designed and built their own taxes, employed their own lawyers, as well as designed and built their own buildings without outside assistance. This of course is not applicable to all companies during that time period, but it gives a general idea of the time. The history of outsourcing shows that through specialization contracting began to be more popular, especially in the service industry. This in turn led to the first wave of outsourcing during the industrial revolution pushing the large-scale growth of services such

as insurance services, architecture and engineering services, among many others. At this changing Global environment mostly the companies turned to outsource the work.


Production of fertilizers


68.47 lakh MT

(previous best 70.13 lakh MT in 2006-07)

Highest production of urea MT


39.63 lakh

(previous best 37.63 lakh MT in 2006-07)

Production of NPK/DAP/NP MT


28.84 lakh

(previous best 32.26 lakh MT in 2006-07)

Highest sale of fertilizers MT


93.24 lakh

(previous best 32.26 lakh MT in 2006-07)

Highest sale of NPK/DAP/N MT


38.95 lakh

(previous best 33.69 lakh MT in 2006-07)

Profit before tax 380.52 crores



(previous best 807.09 crores 2002-03)

Highest turnover 12163 crores



(previous best 557.21 crores 2002-03)

Highest marketing productivity tone/emp.



(previous best 5736 tone/emp in 2006-07)

Plant productivity tone/emp.



(Previous best 1669 tone/emp in 2006-07)

Lowest energy consumption-urea ---gcal/MT


(Previous best 5.922 gcal/MT 2006-07)


The story of Indian Farmers Fertilizers Cooperative Ltd. is a success story unparalleled in ever since its Kalol & Kandla plants went into commercial production during 1974-75 they have carved a niche for themselves in the realm of capacity utilization & establishing new production performance records each year. Within three year of their going into the commercial production IFFCO has occupied the coveted position of the countrys largest manufacturer of fertilizer , the honor it has steadfastly maintained IFFCOs Phulpur plant which went into production in 1980-81 further strengthened the organizations production capacity thus enabling IFFCO to provide a giant supply base for the cooperative distribution system. IFFCO added another feather in its cap by commissioning its fourth ammonia-urea plant at aonla , Bareilly (U.P) on 29th may 1988. Seeing the success of IFFCO, the government of India has allowed IFFCO to expand all its four plant. Thus the capacity of the plant at aonla has been doubled. The commercial production from the expansion units started from 25th dec. 1996. Kalol plant has been expanded & commissioned in Sept. 1997. Phulpur expansion unit, a replica of Aonla Expansion activities are in progress. Thus IFFCO has emerged as the largest producer and marketer of fertilizers in the country. Its contribution to the nations total fertilizers requirement in nitrogenous & phosphate fertilizer are about 18% by Kalol , Phulpur and Aonla 27% by Kandla unit.

(1). IFFCO is cooperative institute - ``of the farmers, for the farmers, by the farmers . in country. (2). Augmenting fertilizer and ensuring fertilizer availability at farmers door step. (3). The broad objectives as stated and declared : while IFFCO is one of the leading cooperative institutes which today stand committed to strengthen cooperative movement

establishing the organization were augmenting fertilizer production ensuring fertilizer availability at farmers door step , strengthening cooperative distribution systems , educating for and guiding for the improved agricultural technology.

(4). The main thrust of IFFCOs activities is increasing agricultural

productivity and rural Economy. (5). Educating, training, and guiding the farmer for improving agricultural productivity and rural economy. (6). some of the innovation of IFFCO in the pursuit of its commitment to serve the Farming community are village and district adoption programmes , intensive Fertilizer promotion campaign and reclamation of production. (7). Other side, objectives of IFFCO are to provide relief to rural masses at the time of Contingencies and to help them in the treatment of wasteland.

IFFCOS Mission

IFFCO's mission is "to enable Indian farmers to prosper through timely supply of reliable, high quality agricultural inputs and services in an environmentally sustainable manner and to undertake other activitities to improve their welfare" To achieve our mission, IFFCO as a cooperative society, undertakes several activities covering a broad spectrum of areas to promote welfare of member cooperatives and farmers. The activities envisaged to be covered are exhaustively defined in IFFCOs Byelaws. Our thirst for ever improving the services to farmers and member cooperatives is insatiable, commitment to quality is insurmountable and harnessing of mother earths' bounty to drive hunger away from India in an ecologically sustainable manner is the prime mission All that IFFCO cherishes in exchange is an everlasting smile on the face of Indian Farmer who form the moving spirit behind this mission.

IFFCOS Approach

IFFCOS Commitment

VISION ( 2010 )

The giant organization involving thousands of dedicated works at various levels is continuously, leading the fertilizer production and marketing in the country. The increasing population in the country and the need for more foods every year necessities a scientifically developed agricultural sector. IFFCO the leading fertilizer producing and marketing organization is fulfilling the demands of fertilizers. After successfully accomplishing the objectives envisaged in mission 2005 the society is in the process of formulating another growth plan `` VISION 2010 which aims at attaining an annual turnover of Rs. 15000 crores by 2010 , installation of ammonia and urea plants including acquisition of fertilizer units ; backward integration to meet feedstock requirement .

Such as phosphoric acid etc ; generation of power , exploration / distribution of hydrocarbons , production and marketing of micronutrients , seed , Bio-fertilizers pesticides etc . value addition to agric-product and marketing ; Manufacture of petro chemicals ; banking financial service ; and information Technology and it enabled service.



Pursuant to IFFCOs plants to diversity into areas other then fertilizers , IFFCO and TOK 10 marine and fire insurance company limited , Japan establishment a joint venture company known as IFFCO TOK 10 GENERAL INSURANCE CO. LTD ( ITGI ) for undertaking general insurance business in India . IFFCO has subscribed to 51% equity in the share holding of ITGI followed by KRIBHCO with 20% and Indian potash ltd ; with 3%. The remaining 26% equity has been subscribed to by the TOK 10MARINE and fire insurance Co. ltd.


IFFCO has set up a hybrid wide area network connecting its head office, marketing, central office, all production units, all zonal state and area marketing offices using based lines, vsats and ISDN lines. The hub of the network is at the resource center, gurgoan. The WAN has been integrated with LAW at these offices and has becomes a lifeline of the organization for messaging, date transfer on line replication, voice communication, access to various remote applications and troubleshooting. Robust security with fire wall protection to check unauthorized access has been setup.

Enterprise wide applications have been contributing to employees productivity and efficiency in the organization. Financial accounting system & human resources management system are illustration of successful organization wide application Leveraging WAN. QA parch breaking initiative to launch `E-procurement using the state Of art digital signature approach with vendors is under development.

IFFCO has launched , ICT initiatives for rural India to empower farmers ,Cooperatives and others living in or working for rural India. Through this IFFCO is Developing and providing pertinent ICT based information and services to bring about An improvement in quality of living in the villages of the country. The strategy envisages provision of multilingual content with audio and service to interest to rural India and effective dissemination through a well developed through

A well developed touch screen based kiosk network promoted by IFFCO as well as Cooperatives about 100 farmers information kiosks are proposed to be set up March, 2004. The honorable president of India flagged off the initiative at the kisan mela September 4, 2003.

NITROGENOUS FERTILIZER PROJECT IN OMAN :IFFCO and KRIBHOCO have entered into an agreement with OMAN oil company (OOC) Oman for setting up an ammonia-urea fertilizer project in Oman with an annual capacity Of producing 16.52 lack tons of urea and 2.5 lack tones of surplus ammonia. OMIFCO Project which commenced on august 15, 2002 is expected to be completed within 35 months.


Towards increasing the fertilizer production under the overall national planning for utilization of natural gas available in Mumbai high, a major progamme for setting up six new gas based fertilizer units was envisaged by government of India along the H.B.J gas pipeline. IFFCO was entrusted for setting up one fertilizer unit at aonla with annual capacity of 7.26 lakh MT of urea. The site at aonla is about 28km south west of Bareilly on Bareilly aonla road. The aonla plant was built in a record time of 36months from zero date of 08 Jan, 1985 against many odds & started its commercial urea production on 16 July, 1998. The plant achieved a new recorded by attaining nearly 98% capacity utilization in the very first

year of its commercial production. The aonla plant consist mainly of ammonia plant , urea plant , steam and power generation plant , other offsite facilities like water supply and treatment system , inert gas plant instrument air compressor bagging plant laboratory and storage for spares consumables and produces etc. in addition to these infrastructure facilities such as railway siding etc. are also created.

Aonla Unit

Sh. A K Singh Sh. Anil Kumar Maheshwari

Senior General Manager General Manager (Technical)



2*1350 MT/DAY






Ammonia 4, 45,500 MT Urea 7, 26,000 MT Project zero date 30 Sep 1993 Mechanical completion 30 Nov 1996 Urea production started 26 Nov 1996 18 may 1988 08 may 1988 08 Jan 1985 7, 26,000 MT 4, 45,500 MT


Commercial production started 25 dec 1996 Feed stock natural gas

16 July 1988

natural gas

(With naphtha) Guaranteed specification 7.34 gcal (NG) Energy per MT ammonia with NG+naphtha Ammonia production started 13 dec 1996 15 May 1988 7.43 gcal 8.03 gcal

Natural gas meters per day Water meters per day Plant & township area Project actual cost -

1.7 million cubic

31200 cubic

1273 acres Rs. 666 crores

EQUITY :Government of India IFFCO contribution - Rs. 2530 million - Rs. 520 million

Coop. societies Total million

- Rs. 430 million - Rs. 3480

LOAN :Government of India / World Bank / financing institution (UTI , IDBI , RBI , GIC ) Rs. 3480 million

SHIFT :In IFFCO there are 4 shifts in which workers are working the timing of the shift are as follows; Shift A Shift B Shift C Shift G (general) : : : : 6:00 to 14:00 14:00 to 22:00 22:00 to 6:00 8:15 to 17:30

In IFFCO there is provision for intervals for rest of about 30 minutes. They can also taken Occasional break if required.


Aonla projects mechanical completion achieved within 36 months from zero date. Commissioning of ammonia plant within 36 days from the process feed cut in into primary farmer. Commencement of commercial production in just 42 months forms zero date. Implementation of aonla project has been taken as a model for future projects by government of India.

IFFCO has bagged two prestigious national awards one for best

project implementation (2nd prize) by ministry of programme implementation government of India and other for technical film ``New Horizons Aonla project by FAI. ASCI Hyderabad has adopted implementation of aonla project as a model case study for their general management level courses. The consumption of energy per ton of urea produced at aonla has been record lowest in Indian fertilizer industries. The project was implemented with a saving of Rs. 30 crores from the original estimate of Rs.696 crores. Door darshan Lucknow & Delhi in its national network presented the story of the aonla project highlighting project completion and its other social activities. Development of 50 meter inside green belt around the factory to keep environment clean. Certification as ISO 9002 unit for quality of production. Accreditation as ISO 14001 unit for efficient environmental management.

Quality Policy of IFFCO Aonla

IFFCO Aonla Unit is committed to achieve satisfaction of its cooperative societies, farming community and customers by manufacturing and supplying specified quality product, by pursuing: Improvement of Technology for enhancing/maintaining productivity and growth. Creating safe & healthy working conditions and ecofriendly environment. Continual improvement of effectiveness of its quality management system. Co-operation and team spirit. Development of human resources. Quality Objectives Following are the quality objectives and achieved at IFFCO Aonla Unit Objectives Unit of Target Values Target Achiev ed Action was Plan

1. Specific Energy Consumption

M e a s u r e G Cal/Ton Urea



1. Reducing the CO2 suction

temperature. 2. Controlling NH3 in C-3. 3. Reducing specific steam consumption. 4. Optimization of parameters 2. Urea spillage Kg/Day 36 36 Preventive Maint. Of Belts/skirt & Idlers Creating awareness and reduction in oil leakage by preventive Maint.

3. Cotton Waste Consumption





The organization development is due to the employer development IFFCO provide full function training and development section which provide there earning avenues to the employees. Most of the employees are recruited as trainees and are required to undergo extensive off the job and on the job training in various disciplines. IFFCO also provide the other managerial and development training it is also arranged in house as well as at the other prestigious institutions. The developmental activities do not end with the employees but extended to the families also.


This section examines current practices and decision-making in recruitment and selection. They are critical elements of effective human resource management. We can not discuss how recruitment and selection take place without asking why certain techniques are used in preference to others. Within the HRM paradigm, they are not








redundancy can be viewed as key 'push' and 'pull' levers for organizational change. Recruitment and selection allow management to determine and gradually modify the behavioral characteristics and competencies of the workforce. The fashion for team working, for example, has focused on people with a preference for working with others as opposed to the individualist 'stars' preferred by recruiters in the 1980's. Attention has switched from rigid lists of skills and abilities to broader-based competencies. In general - as we noted in the previous section - there is greater regard for personal flexibility and adaptability - a reorientation from present to future stability.

Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a job or function, undertaken by recruiters. It may be undertaken by an employment agency or a member of staff at the business or organization looking for recruits. Advertising is commonly part of the recruiting process, and can occur through several means: through newspapers, using newspaper dedicated to job advertisement, through professional publication, using advertisements placed in windows, through a job center, through campus interviews, etc.

Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected. Recruitment is the process of locating & attracting qualified candidates for job vacancies within an organization. It is the two way process; it satisfies the organization strategic requirement. It helps candidates to assess the job, the organization and whether they meet the position requirement.

It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected.


Word-of-mouth, applicants are likely to stay longer and may be more suitable than recruits obtained by advertising. But word-of-mouth is discriminatory, since it restricts applications to established communities and excludes recently arrived minority groups who have not had time to become part of informal networks. At senior levels the informal method known as 'headhunting' or executive search has become common. Specialist consultancies aim to find 'outstanding' people to fill higher-paying jobs. Whether they really are 'outstanding' is questionable.

Equal opportunity demands equal access. This can only be achieved through public and open recruitment. The likelihood of attracting 'suitable' applicants depends on the detail and specificity of the recruitment advertisement or literature. Key factors such as salary, job title, career and travel opportunities obviously influence response rates. But remember that employers do not want to be swamped with large numbers of applications from unsuitable people.


Recruiting people who are wrong for the organization can lead to increased labor turnover, increased costs for the organization, and lowering of morale in the existing workforce. Such people are likely to be discontented, unlikely to give of their best, and end up leaving voluntarily or involuntarily when their unsuitability becomes evident. They will not offer the flexibility and commitment that many organizations seek. Managers and supervisors will have to spend

extra time on further recruitment exercises, when what is needed in the first place is a systematic process to assess the role to be filled, and the type of skills and abilities needed to fill it. Most recruitment systems will be simple, with stages that can be followed as a routine whenever there is a vacancy to be filled, and which can be monitored and adapted in the light of experience. This describes the main features of such systems, and other related issues. Systems should be: Efficient - cost effective in methods and sources Effective - producing enough suitable candidates without excess and ensuring the identification of the best fitted for the job and the organization Fair - ensuring that right through the process, decisions are made on merit alone.

A vacancy presents an opportunity to consider restructuring, or to reassess the requirements of the job. This assessment is valid

whether it is to fill an existing job or a new one. Ask questions such as: Has the function changed? Have work patterns, new technology or new products altered the job? Are there any changes anticipated which will require different, more flexible skills from the jobholder? Answers to these questions should help to clarify the actual requirements of the job and how it fits into the rest of the organization or department. Exit interviews, or consultation with the current job-holder and colleagues may well produce good ideas about useful changes. Writing a good job description or job specification helps in the process of analyzing the needs of the job. ON Line Test Process: a) Applications are received through on line for Engineers/MBA/MCA etc. for Office Grade and for others(Workmen cadre) through Employment Exchange.
b) It is then sorted out as per the Qualification/Percentage (which is more than 60% as of now) wise norms of the society. c) The selected candidate are being informed thr. Individual E-mail I.D. for Officer cadre employment and they are asked to appear for test on line any where thr. Computer and those who pass in 1st instance they are required to appear 2nd on line test through nominated Computer centres all over India for the same again the candidates are informed thr. e-mail. d) Again those who pass the test they are required to appear before a committee for Personal Interview at Corporate Office, New Delhi. PROCEDURE IS AS FOLLOWS:

1. Candidates will arrive at the cenre 30 minutes, prior tp the start of the examination. 2. Make sure all the cell phones in the examination hall are switched OFF. 3. Make sure no candidate is carrying Flash




drives, Watches with calculators or any other digital / electronic device etc. 4. Ask the candidates to keep their luggage in the luggage room. 5. Make each candidate sit on his or her respective seat. 6. The duration exam shall be conveyed may be 45 mins. Or 1 hr. 7. Candidate should come with their Photo Admit Card(which was issued along with call letter for test). 8. If any candidate forgets to bring the Admit card issue duplicate Admit card on the spot after verification of his/her name from the list and ID Proof. 9. Take candidates signature on the

Attendance Roster and Admit card. 10. Provide Pencils & rough sheets to

the candidates, if required.







malpractice, stop the examination of that candidate and send him back after taking declaration from the candidate and his signature. 12. After examination collect back

Admit card & all the rough sheets used by the candidates.


This should detail the purpose, tasks and responsibilities of the job. A good job description should include: Main purpose of the job - try to describe this in one sentence Main tasks of the job - use active verbs, like 'writing', 'repairing', 'machining', 'calculating', instead of vaguer terms like 'dealing with', 'in charge of' Scope of the job - expanding on the main tasks and the importance of the job. Job importance can be indicated by giving information such as the number of people to be supervised, the degree of precision required and the value of any materials and equipment used. A good job description is useful for all jobs. It can help with induction and training. It provides the basis for drawing up a person specification - a profile of the skills and aptitudes considered

essential and desirable in the jobholder. It enables prospective applicants to assess themselves for the job and provides a benchmark for judging achievements.

Drawing up the person specification allows the organization to profile the ideal person to fill the job. It is very important that the skills, attitudes and knowledge included in the specification are related precisely to the needs of the job; if they are inflated beyond those necessary for effective job performance, the risk is that someone will be employed on the basis of false hopes and aspirations, and both the employer and employee will end up disappointed in each other. Another good reason not to set unnecessary requirements is to avoid any possibility of discrimination against particular groups of potential applicants. The very process of writing a job and person specification should help the employer to develop and implement a policy of equal opportunity in the recruitment and selection of employees. Factors to consider when drawing up the specification include:

Skills, knowledge, aptitudes directly related to the job The type of experience necessary The competencies necessary Education and training is only so far considered as necessary for satisfactory job performance, unless the person is being recruited on the basis of future potential (e.g. graduate trainees), when a higher level of education may be specified Any criteria relating to personal qualities or circumstances which must be essential and directly related to the job, and must be applied equally to all groups irrespective of age, sex, race, nationality, creed, disability, membership or non-membership of a trade union. To do otherwise is potentially discriminatory. The person specification helps the selection and subsequent interview to operate in a systematic way, as bias-free as possible. The use of competency-based approaches can help by focusing on the 'match' between candidate and role, but they are best used where they are an integral part of the continuing assessment and development of staff.

After setting the job and the person specifications, consideration should be given to pay rates. Factors such as scales, grades and negotiated agreements, as well as market rates and skills shortages, may affect the wage or salary, and organizations should be aware of the requirements of equal pay and discrimination legislation. Unless there is a formal system for increments or length of service, paying the new employee a different rate from that paid to the preceding post holder may contravene the relevant legislation. Employers

must also comply with the provisions of The Minimum Wages Act 1998. The Agricultural Wages Board sets the minimum rates for workers in agriculture sectors.

The search for suitable candidates now begins. The process of marketing needs to be undertaken carefully so as to ensure the best response at the least cost. The object is to get a good selection of good quality candidates. Possible methods to consider are: INTERNAL RECRUITMENT - this method can have the advantage of building on existing staff's skills and training, and provides opportunities for development and promotion. It is a good way to retain valuable employees whose skills can be further enhanced. Other advantages include the opportunity for staff to extend their competencies and skills to the benefit of both the organization and the individual, and the enhancement of individual motivation. Job centers of the Department for Work and Pensions - will display employers' vacancies and refer potential recruits. They also administer some of the Government training programmes. The Disability Service Team staff at Job centers can help address the specific requirements of attracting disabled people COMMERCIAL RECRUITMENT AGENCIES - often specialize in particular types of work, e.g. secretarial, office work, industrial, computing, and may already have potential applicants registered with them EXECUTIVE SEARCH ORGANIZATIONS - usually working in the higher management/specialist fields, will seek out suitable candidates working in other companies by direct approach, or via specialist advertising

NATIONAL NEWSPAPERS - advertising in the national press is expensive, but likely to produce a good response for particular, specialist vacancies. Remember too there are national ethnic group newspapers which will reach a wide audience Specialist and professional journals - less expensive than the national press, these journals can guarantee to reach the precise group of potential applicants for specialist and professional vacancies INTERNET - is beginning to emerge as a recruitment medium. It is mainly used for graduate-level and technical jobs because it tends to target a self-selected group who are computer literate and have access to the web at their place of study or work. Its use is likely to grow LOCAL NEWSPAPERS, RADIO - for less specialized jobs, or to target groups in a particular local area, advertisements in the local media may produce a good response Local schools, colleges and the Careers Service - maintaining contact with schools, colleges and careers advisers will ensure that the organizations needs for school/college levers with particular skills and abilities are known. It can be particularly useful to offer students the opportunity to spend some time at the company, on work experience, or 'shadowing' WORD OF MOUTH - Introduction via existing employees or through an employers' network. Whilst this may be economical, it is likely to lead to a much smaller pool of suitable applicants and does not normally satisfy equal opportunities requirements because any

imbalance in the workforce may be perpetuated. The Commission for Racial Equality and the Equal Opportunities Commission both warn against such practices where the workforce is predominantly one sex or racial group.


The design and content of any advertisement used How applicants are to respond - by application form, fax, telephone, in person at the organization or agency, by letter, by email on the Internet, by tape or Braille. Who is to be responsible for sifting the applications? What is the selection process going to be? If interviews are to be held, when will they be and will everyone who needs to be involved be available? Are selection tests to be used? Is there the expertise to administer them and ensure they are non-discriminatory and appropriate? Are references/medical to be requested? Are arrangements in hand to give prompt acknowledgement of applications received?

Any advertisement needs to be designed and presented effectively to ensure the right candidates are attracted. Look through national, local or professional papers and see what advertisements catch the eye. The newspaper office will often advise on suitable formats. Advertisements must be tailored to the level of the target audience, and should always be clear and easily understood. They must be non-discriminatory, and should avoid any gender or culturally specific language. To support this, the organization should include

in the divert its statement of commitment to equal opportunities, which will underline the organization as one that will welcome applications from all sections of the community. Consider the in following the factors in the advertisement: the If the

organization is well known, does it have a logo that could feature prominently advertisement? Make advertisement consistent with the company image Should the job title be the most prominent feature? Keep the text short and simple while giving the main aspects of the job, pay, career prospects, location, contract length Can specific details - such as pay, qualifications and experience required - be given in a way, which will reduce the number of unsuitable applications? Is it possible to avoid generalizations such as 'attractive salary', or 'appropriate applications? Can you provide job details on tape or in Braille and accept applications in a similar format? Is the form of reply and the closing date for applications clear? Is there a contact name and phone number for further information and enquirys? All advertisements should carry the same information, whether for internal or external use. qualifications, which may discourage valid

Application forms can help the recruitment process by providing necessary and relevant information about the applicant and their












straightforward, appropriate to the level of the job. Using application forms has the following advantages: Comparing like with like is easier. CVs can be time-consuming and may not provide the information required. They provide the basis for an initial sift, and then for the interview. The standard of completion can be a guide to the candidate's suitability, if writing and presentation skills are essential to the job; however, is aware of the possibility of disability discrimination. They provide a record of qualifications, abilities and experience as stated by the applicant. Care also needs to be taken over some less positive aspects of application forms: There is a temptation to use application forms to try to extract too much information, e.g. motives, values and personality characteristics. The form should concentrate on the experience, knowledge and competencies needed for the job. Some people may dislike filling in forms and so be put off applying for the job. Some very experienced people may find the form inadequate, whilst those with little in the way of qualifications or experience may be intimidated by large empty spaces on the form Application forms add another stage, and therefore more time, to the recruitment process. Some candidates may be lost if they can obtain work elsewhere more quickly.


Selection is the process of choosing the best out of the available candidates. It adopts the process through which more candidates are rejected and fewer candidates selected therefore it is also called negative process. In other words, it is the process of picking individuals with requisites qualifications and competence to fill jobs in the organization.

It is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify those with a greater likelihood of success in a job. The techniques used are highly specialized. And the outcome of selection process is in the form of finalizing candidates who will be offered job. Interviewing can be carried out by individual (ex superior or

departmental managers), by panels of interviews or in the form of sequential interviews by different experts and can vary from a five minute chat to a process of several days, ultimately personal skills in judgment are probably the most important, but techniques to aid judgment include selection testing for: Aptitudes (particularly for school levers) Attainments General intelligence. (All of these need skilled testing and assessment) In more senior posts other techniques are; leaderless groups Command exercises Group problem solving


Whatever form the applications take, there may be a need to sift them before moving on to the interview stage. Such a sift serves to match the applicants as closely as possible to the job and person specification and to produce a shortlist of people to interview. To avoid any possibility of bias, two or more people should undertake such sifting, and it should involve the direct line manager/supervisor as well as personnel. The sifting stage can also help the organization by providing feedback on the advertising process and the suitability of the application form. It can also identify people who might be useful elsewhere in the organization. If references or medical are to be taken up before the invitation to interview stage, it should be made clear on the application form/information pack sent to the applicant. See References and checking for further information. Some jobs require of medical fitness and to be given at the seek commencement employment, employers may

preliminary information on a separate medical questionnaire at the time of recruitment. The candidates those who best match the specifications may then be invited for interview. The call letter should tell candidates that they should advise the organization in advance, if any particular arrangements need to be made to accommodate them on arrival or during the interview; for instance, ramp access or lighting levels. The call letter should also clearly state whether the organization would pay the candidate's reasonable travel expenses for the interview.


In some companies there will be a personnel or human resource specialist who will undertake most of the sifting and short listing. It is very important that the line manager/supervisor for the job also be involved, both at the job and person specification stage and at the interview stage. The final selection will thus normally is a joint decision, except in those very small companies where only a line manager/supervisor is available to do the recruitment of staff. Gaining the commitment of the immediate manager/supervisor by involving them in the selection process can be vital to ensuring that the new employee is settled successfully into the organization. It may be useful both for the candidates to see the environment in which they would be working, and, if they are to be part of a team, for the current team members to meet the candidate.

There is a variety of methods available to help in the selection process - including interviews, tests (practical or psychometric), assessment centers, role plays and team exercises, to name a few. Usually a range of methods will be used by the organization depending on the type of job to be filled the skills of the recruiter and the budget for recruitment.


The following information is intended to give applicants information about the selection process. Suggestions for completing the employment application, getting ready for the written test(s), attending an appraisal interview and other general procedures are included.

The first step is the completion of the employment application a rsum employment/salary history may be substituted for selected positions. The job announcement will clearly state if a rsum will be an acceptable substitute. In either case, this is your initial opportunity to provide information on your qualifications as they relate to the position for which you are applying. Completed applications are initially screened to determine whether an applicant meets the minimum qualifications for the position as outlined in the Job Announcement. Applications of those applicants determined as meeting the minimum qualifications are then reviewed by a Human Resources Analyst and a subject matter expert to determine who is to be invited to continue in the examination process. A limited number of candidates whose applications clearly show that among those competing they are better qualified in terms of relevant training and experience will be invited to continue in the examination process as outlined in the Job Announcement under "Application Process."


The employment application is your first chance to present your qualifications to the City. As such, it is extremely critical to your continued participation in the examination process. Before you begin, please review thoroughly what the Job Announcement specifies as the requirements to qualify for the position. You must meet these criteria to be considered for the position; please ensure you do, or you will be wasting your effort in completing the application. Most entries on the form are self-explanatory, but a few pointers on filling it out may help: Be accurate and honest. Falsification can lead to disqualification or dismissal. Be thorough when discussing experience. Convey experiences most directly related to the particular position, including volunteer work. Resumes may be attached, but will not substitute for application entries (unless specified in the Job Announcement). The application form provides a standard format necessary for consistent review of applications. "See resume" may result in disqualification. Applications must be received no later than the Final Filing Date specified on the Job Announcement. Postmarks are normally not accepted, so allow for mail delivery time. If you need more space to discuss your qualifications, you can attach additional sheets, provided they are similar in format to the original application form.

Written exams are usually obtained from one of several test construction firms available to us. These tests are designed to









associated with the particular position for which you have applied. Questions are usually multiple choices, using scanned answer sheets for computerized scoring. Some tips on filling out these sheets: a) Make sure you are marking your answer in the row that corresponds to the test booklet question, b) if you change an answer, completely erase it so the scanner doesn't pick it up as a response, c) use only the pencils provided and make dark marks, and d) do not bend or fold your answer sheet. You can approach such tests in many ways, and if you are comfortable with your methods, then by all means continue to follow them. If you haven't had much testing experience, here are some ideas on how to tackle a test.

Performance exams test your ability to accomplish specific jobrelated tasks by providing the opportunity to actually perform them. These tests are scheduled through the Human Resources Department office, with notification to you in writing of the date, time, location and duration of the test. You will be given instructions on the tasks to be completed and then asked to complete them. Individuals with considerable relevant experience will conduct the evaluations. Safety, quality of work, adaptability, performance under stress, etc. are evaluated.


Some positions will require specialized testing, such as agility, shorthand, writing, etc. These tests are scheduled just as other tests are and you would be notified in writing of results.

If the job involves practical skills, it may be appropriate to test for ability before or at the time of interview. This is generally acceptable for manual and word processing skills, but less useful for clerical and administrative posts. Telephone skills are increasingly in demand, and candidates for telesales/call centre work will almost invariably be asked to undertake a practical test. Any tests must, however, be free of bias and related to the necessary requirements of the job. Consideration in giving any tests must include the objectives of such a test, the efficiency of the method selected, the numbers of candidates (and vacancies), the costs and benefits of such a method.





There are numerous tests commercially available, which can assist in measuring aspects of personality and intelligence such as reasoning, problem solving, decision making, interpersonal skills and confidence. Although many large organizations have used them for a number of years, they are not widely used, and some tests are considered controversial for instance, those that assess personality. Any organization considering the use of psychometric or

psychological tests should refer to the guides available, and make sure they have the need, skills and resources necessary. Tests should never be used in isolation, or as the sole selection technique. Where a decision is made solely on the automatic processing of personal data, an applicant may require that the organization reconsider any rejection or make a new decision on another basis. Biodata (short for biographical data), is a questionnaire format with multiple choice answers. The questions are of a biographical nature and answers are scored according to the scoring key developed by the employer. In general only really large employers, who have a large throughput of applicants, successfully use Biodata. Use of Biodata, like other tests, needs careful control to avoid any possibility of discrimination or invasion of privacy. Think carefully before using any test - is it actually necessary for the requirements of the job? Is the test relevant to the person/job specification? What is the company policy about using tests, storing results and giving feedback to the candidate? Marking criteria must be objective, and the record sheets should be retained in accordance with the Data Protection legislation.


Interviews suffer from a basic problem when asked what they would do in a particular situation candidates give the answer, which they feel the interviewer wants to hear.

The work sample technique attempts to overcome this problem by asking candidates to take on mini-jobs in a selection situation. Properly designed work samples capture key elements of a real job. Work samples have shown some of the highest validity scores compared to other selection methods. Even the smallest companies could employ the simpler forms, such as the following: A typing test for keyboard skills Role-playing group decisions Presentations reports The most sophisticated of work-sample procedures include 'inbasket tests', sometimes called 'in-tray exercises'. Candidates are given a typical in-tray containing a selection of material such as letters to be answered, reports to be analyzed, items to be prioritized, etc. They are given instructions on what to do and a time limit. Standard scoring methods are available.

ASSESSMENT CENTRES Assessment centers are procedures and not necessarily places. They function on the principle that no individual method of selection is particularly good and no individual assessor is infallible. They use multiple methods and several assessors in structured programmes which attempt to minimize the inadequacies of each method and cancel out the prejudices of individual selectors. Inevitably, assessment centers are a very expensive method of selection. They are focused on potential.

Most jobs are filled through interviews. The interview has two main purposes - to find out if the candidate is suitable for the job, and to give the candidate information about the job and the organization. Every candidate should be offered the same opportunities to give the best presentation of them, to demonstrate their suitability and to ask questions of the interviewer. A structured interview designed to discover all relevant information and assess the competencies of the applicant is an efficient method of focusing on the match between job and candidate. It also means that there is a consistent form to the interviews, particularly important if there are a number of candidates to be seen. Unstructured interviews are very poor for recruiting the right person. The structured interview is most likely to be effective in obtaining specific information against a set of clearly defined criteria. However, not every manager is skilled at interviewing, and may not be able to judge efficiently the applicant's skills and competencies. Ideally all interviewers should receive training, including the equal opportunities aspects of recruitment and the relevant legislation. Interviews need not be formal. The length and style of the interview will relate to the job and the organization. Some vacancies may call for a formal interview panel, some for a less formal, one-to-one interview. The interviewer(s) should consider the job and the candidates when deciding on the nature of the interview. All interviews, whether formal or informal, need careful preparation if they are to be successful. Each candidate should leave with a sense of being treated well and fairly and having had the opportunity to give of their best.


The interviewer should prepare by: Reading the application form, job and person specifications to identify areas which need further exploration or clarification Planning the questions. In some interviews it is appropriate to ask only one or two questions to encourage the candidate to talk at length on certain subjects. In others it may be better to ask a series of short questions on several different areas. If there is more than one interviewer, different people can cover different topics, e.g. job knowledge, training, and qualifications. Do not ask for personal information or views irrelevant to the job. Do not ask potentially discriminatory questions such as 'Are you planning to have children in the next few years?' Being ready for the candidates' questions, and trying to anticipate what additional information they may seek.


Conduct the interview in an environment that will allow candidates to give of their best. Arrange in such a way that there is show them cloakroom facilities, etc. no interruptions, divert telephone calls, welcome the candidate(s), and

If possible, let the candidate have a brief tour of the place of work. This is particularly useful in the case of people new to the job market (school-levers, returning men and women), who may have little or no experience of what to expect in a workplace. It may also prove valuable in offering an additional opportunity to assess the candidate's interaction with possible colleagues. Consider whether any adjustments need to be made to

accommodate an interviewee who has indicated a disability on the application form - it is easy to overlook simple adjustments that may be reasonable to make: Candidates with hearing impairment may not only need to be able to clearly see the interviewer as they are talking, but may need communication support if they are not to be placed at a disadvantage. Is there an alternative to steps for access to the building? Can the interview take place elsewhere, where access might be easier for someone with a physical disability? It is common that both interviewer and candidate are nervous. Thorough preparation will help both of you. Be careful not to fill silences by talking too much - the aim of the interview is to draw information from the candidate to decide if they would suit the job. The candidate should do most of the talking. Nevertheless, the interviewer will want to encourage candidates to relax and give of their best in what is, after all, a somewhat unnatural setting. It is important to keep the conversation flowing, and the introductions and initial 'scene-setting' can help all parties settle to the interview. The following pointers may be helpful in conducting the interview:

Introduce yourself (and other interviewers if present); this also gives the candidate time to settle down. Give some background information about the organization and the job - this helps everyone to focus on the objective. Structure the questions to cover all the relevant areas, and don't ask too many 'closed' questions. Open-ended questions (i.e. ones that can't be answered just by a yes or no answer) will encourage the candidate to speak freely - they often begin 'what', 'why', 'when' or 'how'.

Avoid leading questions. Listen, and make brief notes as necessary on salient points. Have a time frame and keep to it, allowing sufficient time for candidates to ask any questions they might have. Make sure the candidate is familiar with the terms and conditions of the job, and they are acceptable. If not, and the candidate is the best one for the job, then some negotiation may be necessary - be careful to avoid inadvertent discrimination. Tell the candidate what will happen next and when to expect to hear from the organization.


When used, the results of this component of the exam process will be used to determine if you should be included on the List of Eligible Candidates forwarded to the hiring authority for consideration for a departmental Selection Interview. This portion of the examination is normally weighted 100% (or as indicated on the Job Announcement). Typically, your previous test results are used only to qualify you for participation in the Panel Interview. The Panel is comprised of qualified individuals, which may or may not be employees of the City. Normally, the panel will consist of three evaluators. These individuals will evaluate your responses to a variety of job-related questions over the scheduled time period. Candidates receiving an average score of 70% or higher are placed on the List of Eligible Candidates. The List of Eligible Candidates is categorized into three blocks determined by the candidates averaged score: "A" block: Superior Candidate; "B" block: Well Qualified; "C" block: Qualified. Please keep in mind that being on the List of Eligible Candidates does not mean you will be selected for a position; it indicates that you are technically qualified. The following are some tips for the Panel Interview: Questions are job and experience related. Prepare for your responses along those lines. Concentrate and keep your answers to the point as a limited amount of time is scheduled for each interview. Be aware of the information given on your application. The board may ask questions about it.

Make sure you arrive for your interview about ten minutes early to give yourself a chance to relax. Allow plenty of time for travel, etc. Board members may take notes to help them remember you; don't be distracted.

Many employers invite applicants for informal interviews prior to the main selection procedure. These interviews are useful for information exchange, particularly in the case of professionals. They provide an opportunity to discuss the full nature of the job, the working environment, prospects for further development and promotion. There seems to be some ambiguity as to whether informal interviews should be used as part of the pre-selection process by the employer rather than self-selection by the candidate. The crux of the issue depends on what interviewees have been told. If they have been led to believe that it is a truly informal information session they will not consider the process to be fair if they are subsequently told that they have not been short listed as a result.

Despite the existence of alternative methods of selection most employers regard the formal selection interview as the most important source of evidence in making the final decision. A selection interview can be neatly defined as a conversation with a purpose, but not infrequently the purpose is obscure to the point of invisibility. More often than not, pointless chat would be nearer the mark. The interview has attracted severe criticism for a very long

time - being attacked on the grounds of its subjective nature, questionable validity and unreliability.


Once the List of Eligible Candidates is established it is sent to the Department(s) that is hiring to fill a current vacancy. The Department Head is responsible for setting up Selection Interviews. He/she may interview anyone on the list, referred to the department are qualified. The Department Head will be looking for the candidate with the best qualifications for their particular position. The candidate selected to fill the vacancy will undergo a medical examination, drug screen, background investigation, and a probationary period (see job announcement) before attaining permanent employment status. Additionally, in accordance with Federal Law, the candidate is required to provide proof of identity and proof they may legally work in the United States. All employees are also required to sign an oath of affirmation of allegiance as required by State Law. since all persons


State on the application form when any references will be sought, and do not approach a current employer unless the candidate has given express permission. If references are sought, they will be most effective if you include a job description with the request, with structured, relevant questions that will enable you to gain accurate further information about the candidate's abilities. Do not ask for personal information or for conjecture about the applicant.

Remember too that completing a reference takes time and proper consideration; so only seek such references if you believe they are necessary and appropriate. A simple form confirming dates of employment, capacity and particular skills may be satisfactory. The holding of particular qualifications, training or licenses may be important to the job, and it is reasonable to ask candidates for proof. If checks on such qualifications are to be made, it is good employment practice to make sure the applicant knows, and that copies of any relevant documents will be held on their personnel file. The timing of reference and qualification checks is variable. It is often the case that references are taken up at shortlist or offer stage, and the candidate may be asked to bring documentary evidence of qualifications to the interview. Job offers are sometimes made 'subject to satisfactory references being received', but this is not advisable. The referee may simply fail to provide any kind of reference. There is no legal requirement to do so. Or a referee may wrongly indicate the applicant is unsuitable, in which case if the offer is withdrawn on those grounds, the organization could face legal action by the applicant. The organization needs a policy of what to do in circumstances such as the non-supply of a reference an initial 'probationary' period might be an acceptable way of proceeding.


When selection interview is passed, references are checked, physical examination is done, and then on the basis of this the appropriate authority gives the acceptance for the selection.

In this, the offer letter is given to the candidate selected and there side demands acceptance in specific period.

Once the successful candidate is identified, and any necessary references and checks completed, send out an offer letter. This is preferable to telephoning the candidate, as a letter enables the specifics of the job to be re-stated, with the terms and conditions, any pre-conditions (e.g. subject to exam success), or post-conditions (e.g. subject to a satisfactory probation period). Remember that the employment contract is a legal one, and exists even before the candidate has commenced employment. The offer letter should set out the following points: The job title and the offer of that job Any conditions (pre or post) that apply to the offer The terms of the offer salary, hours, benefits, pension

arrangements, holiday entitlement, place of employment, etc The date of starting, and any probationary period What action the candidate needs to take, e.g. returning a signed acceptance of the offer, agreement to references, any date constraints on acceptance If the letter is to form part of the contract of employment, it should say so. Alternatively it could form the main terms and conditions of employment - a written statement required by law to be issued to employees within two months of them starting work.

EVALUATION The broad test of the effectiveness of the selection process is the quality of the personnel hired. An organization must have competent and committed personnel. The selection process, if properly done, will ensure availability of such employees. People who work independent of the HR department conduct periodic au


Study of recruitment and selection of IFFCO Ltd. This is confined inside the company in AONLA only. The study of my topic provides me that how to select the efficient candidates at the right time at right place and at right job so that we can get a target that we have decided in begging. The area of recruitment and selection is not so big but the study of recruitment and selection always be come in use whole life because the processes that has been adopted by the are always go at one point that is choosing of right person at right place at right time. The study was the process of recruitment prevailing in the company and also the process of selection prevailing in the company.


A properly planned and systematic recruitment process is necessary to minimize disruption of work due to changes in employees and to secure equitable distribution of employment opportunities. The main purpose is to have an inventory of eligible persons from amongst which proper selection of the most suitable person can be made. To find and employ the best qualified person for each job. To retain the most promising of those hired. To offer promising opportunities for life time working careers. To provide facilities and opportunities for growth on the job. It aims at integrating organizational needs and employee needs. It provides each employee with freedom and opportunity, to utilize and develop knowledge and skills to maximize possible extent. Proper recruitment and selection process ensures the right kind of person, at the right place and at the right time.

It also helps to avoid hasty or ill-conceived decisions and help to man the organization with the right of person. Need of recruitment is to discover the source of manpower to meet the requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting the manpower in adequate no. to facilitate effective evolution of an efficient working force.


The organization is an economic entity and people are there to perform the economic value has function. thrown The open increasing new globalization, and ushering in an era of information technology and the emphasis on stakeholders opportunities challenges for any business enterprise. In the fast changing business environment, the success of an organization lies in the efforts and competencies of its Human Resources. Human Resource development is a continuous development of the people in an organizational set-up. It helps and enables employees to acquire capabilities and skills to perform various functions associated with their role/ position and realize their full potential. The organization is viewing Human Resource as a key factor for successful implementation of its business plans in a fiercely competitive and rapidly changing business environment.

Accordingly, the organization has developed a comprehensive HR policy, which is geared to take care of the present needs and foreseeable future requirements. The organization believes it necessary to periodically review, revamp and rejuvenate the people management systems and processes, which can motivate the existing employees as also, attract and retain good people.


We Believe In Continuous Development Of Our People To Achieve Socio-Economic Goals Of The Organization In A Dynamic Business Environment. HR Mission To Encourage Employees Towards Effective Participation And Empower Them To Achieve Organizational Goals And Objectives.

For the purpose of these standing orders, workmen shall be classified into;

(a) Permanent Probationary (c) Temporary (d) Casual


(e) Apprentice or badly (g) Trainee

(f) Substitute

(A) Permanent workmen: - A workman who has been

engaged mon permanent post of IFFCO and who has satisfactorily completed the probationary or extended probationary period prescribed for him and who has been given letter by the management to effect confirming him against permanent post.

(B) Probationer: - a workman who has been provisionally

employed against a permanent vacancy and has not completed probation period or is continued to be engaged against an extended probation period. The probationary period shall be 6 month which can be extended at the discretion of employer once or more subject to the condition that the total period of probation including initial probationary period shell not exceed 12 month. All regular appointment against permanent vacancy whether first appointment or on promotion shell be on probation. The management shell be the sole judge to decide whether a workman has satisfactorily completed the probationary period or not. If the permanent employee is employed as a probationer any post, he may at any time during the probationary period be reverted to his old permanent post if the performance is not satisfactory, which the employee is duly informed in advance. At the end of the period of probation or extended probation, the service of a probationer may be terminated by the management, if the performance of the employee is not satisfactory during the period of probation. The service of workman would be regarded as

confirmed only after the letter of confirmation has been issued by the management on satisfactory completion of initial or subsequently extended probation period. The management shell issue the letter of confirmation within 3 months from the date, the employee has successfully completed probation period or extended period of probation.

(C) Temporary Workman: - means a workman who has been

engaged for work which is temporary nature or who has been temporarily or provisionally employed against permanent post or who is employed in connection with any temporary increase in work or in connection with extra work during the busy season or employed on a temporary cadre. The mere fact that period has prolonged beyond the period specified or that the temporary employee may for some time be asked to do work which is of a permanent nature, will not give right or give rise to any claim to such workman to claim permanency or permanent appointment.
NOTE: - without prejudice to the general meaning of the term

temporary workman as given above, all workmen except permanent workmen and probationer workmen engaged against permanent vacancy shall be treated as temporary workmen.

(D) Casual Workman:- a workman who is employed for work

of a casual nature or employed on the casual cadre. Casual workman shell not be entitled to service benefits or allowances as may be available to the permanent workman of IFFCO.

(E) Apprentices:- an apprentice as per apprentices ACT,1961.

(F) Substitute Or Badli:workman who is temporarily

a workman who is engaged absent, or engaged pending

temporarily to fill the place of another permanent or probationary appointment of a person in a vacancy of a permanent nature. A

substitute or badly workman shell not be entitled to the service benefits or allowances as may be available to the permanent workman of IFFCO. BADLI WORKMAN shell not be treated as workman/employee except on such days as he actually works.

(G) Trainee:- A learner or trainee who may or may not be given

any allowances /stipend during the period of engagement with IFFCO shell be determined as per the special contract between him and IFFCO.


(A). the recruitment and promotion policy of the organization is to recruit and promote the most suitable person. The suitability of a candidate is to be judged by a committee of senior officers. Based on his academic qualifications, experience in and outside IFFCO, nature of experience, interview performance, quality of past performance, his suitability for the post for which he is being recruited/promoted and his potential for future development. (B).the competent authorities for `recruitmentand`promotion Shall follow the basic policy for recruitment and promotion.

(2). Recruitment & promotion guidelines, will be applicable in case

of all recruitments and promotion to all posts in grade `E and below.

(3). Date Of Commencement:behalf.

these guidelines shall come

into force with effect from the date as may be notification in this







Agencies:(A). recruitment in grade `H1and above will be done at the be done by the respective units. (B).promotion in grade `G1 and above will be done at the corporate level, whereas the same in grades below `G1 will be done by the respective units.
NOTE:- for the above purpose each production unit , each marketing

zone , marketing central office will be considered as separate units.

(5). Recruitment:-

selection and /or appointment of a

candidate to a vacancy either from outside IFFCO through will be

made in accordance with the applicable law , rules , procedures , guidelines and specifications as may be laid down , by the management from time to time.

(6). Promotion:- promotion of an employee to a post will be

made in accordance with the rules, `guidelines and specifications as laid down , here in below and may decided by the management from time to time from amongst the employees in the next lower position / grade in the relevant cadre.

(7). Competent Authority:Director.

the competent authority ,

wherever not mentioned, in these guidelines will be Managing

(8). Classification Of Posts:- the post in grade `B and below

are classified under the following grades and in scales of pay as shown against each.

B B1 C C1 D E F F1 G



75000-117750 Executive Directors 65000-102050 Sr GMs 60000-94200 GMs 55000-79750 JGMs

51500-74750 DGMs 43200-69200 Chief Managers 38000-66500 Sr.Managers 35000-61250 Managers 32000-56000 Dy Managers

G1 Managers G2 SR.Engineers/Officers H1 Engineers/Officers H2







operators/Technicians/Chemist/MEO-Gr1 I J 28000(Sr,Tech/Optr/Chem-Gr1) J1 K Gr1) L L1 Tech/Optr/Che-Gr1) M N Gr-1) O P Gr3/O.Attendt) Q 5700-9300(-do- Gr3) 9500-15300(do- Gr2) 7500-12100(Jr.Tech/Optr/che12000-19200(-do- Gr2) 11000-17600(Jr Tech/Optr/MEO13800-22200(-do- Gr2) 12800-20600(Asst 15000-26250(-do- Gr2) 14500-25500(Tech/Optr/Chem 17000-29750(Chief- do Gr2 16000-

4100-6700(-do- Gr4)

NOTE:--(a). besides the above , casual / adhoc / specific

requirements may be met by taking daily wage earners (casuals) / adhoc appointees / contract appointees / deputationists. (b).appointment to unskilled / semiskilled positions may be initially be made on daily rates of notified minimum wage for a period of one year.

(9). Induction Of Apprentices: -

Apprentices may be

inducted as per the provisions of Apprentices Act for apprenticeship training. Except for graduate engineers action for induction of all other apprentices shall be made by the respective units. Graduate engineers in the different disciplines , may be inducted as graduate engineer trainee (GET) for one year. Action for their induction will be done at corporate level, Delhi.

(10). Induction Of Iffco Trainees:- depending upon the

manpower requirement IFFCO trainees may be inducted in the following disciplines with prior written approval of the competent authority.

(A). TECHNICAL DISCIPLINES:1. GRADUATE ENGINEERS subject to manpower recruitment promising candidates who have been engaged as graduate engineer trainees may be absorbed as assistant engineers , in grade G2 , on probation for six months.

2. DIPLOMA HOLDERS IN ENGINEERING/B.S.c (PCM)-- subject to manpower requirement diploma holder in engineering / B.S.c(PCM) may be engaged as IFFCO trainees for a period of one year. Other things being equal, apprentices who had undergone training in IFFCO would be given preference over other in the matter of recruitment as IFFCO trainees. Such candidates would also not be required to get their names sponsored by any employment exchange. They would also be relaxation in age by 3 year. The entire unit would maintain a list of persons trained as apprentices, year wise. The persons trained earlier, would be treated as senior to the person trained later. On successful completion of training as IFFCO trainee, they may be absorbed in IFFCOs services as junior technicians / junior operator, in grade `L on probation for six month, subject to availability of vacancies.

3. MATRIC +ITI CERTIFICATE HOLDERS IN DIFFIRENTE TRADES Subject to manpower requirement metric +ITI in different trade may be engaged as IFFCO trainees for period of 1-2 years , provided that training period inclusive of act apprenticeship training will not be less than 3 years. Other things begin equal, apprentices who had under gone training in IFFCO, would be given preference over other in the matter of recruitment as `IFFCO trainees. Such candidates would also not be required to get their names sponsored by employment exchange. They would also be given relaxation in age by 3 year. All the unit is maintain a list of persons trained earlier, would be treated as senior to the persons trained later.

On successful completion of training as IFFCO trainee, they may be absorbed in IFFCOs services as junior technicians / junior operatorGr-III, in grade `L1 on probation for six month , subject to availability of vacancies.

(B).MARKETING DISCIPLINES:1. PhD. IN AGRICULTURE-- PhD. In agriculture may be inducted for one year training. On successful completion of training as IFFCO trainee, they may be absorbed in IFFCOs services as assistant marketing officers, in grade `G2 on probation for six month, subject to availability of vacancies. 2. M.Sc (AGRICULTURE)/ MBA (MKTG)M.Sc (agriculture) /MBA (mktg) may be inducted as marketing trainees for one year training. On successful completion of training as IFFCO trainee, they may be absorbed in IFFCOs services as field representatives, in grade `J1 on probation for six month, subject to availability of vacancies. 3. B.Sc. (AGRICULTURE) -- B.S.c (agriculture) may be inducted as marketing trainees for one year training. On successful completion of training as IFFCO trainee, they may be absorbed in IFFCOs services as field representatives, in grade `k on probation for six month, subject to availability of vacancies.

(C). FINANCE DISCIPLINE:1. CHARTERED/COST ACCOUNTANT-- Chartered/cost accounting may be inducted as financial management trainees (FMT) for one year training. On successful completion of training as IFFCO trainee, they may be absorbed in IFFCOs services as field representatives, in grade `G2 on probation for six month, subject to availability of vacancies.

2. GRADUATE/POST GRADUATES IN COMMERCE-- B.Com and will be inducted as trainees for a period of 1 year. On successful completion of training as IFFCO trainee, they may be absorbed in IFFCOs services as Jr. Accounts assistant, in grade `L1 and `L on probation for six month, subject to availability of vacancies.

(D). PERSONNEL & ADMN:1. MSW/MBA/TWO YEAR FULL TIME POST GRADUTION DEPLOMA IN PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT-may be inducted as trainee (personnel) for one year training. may be inducted as financial On successful

management trainees(FMT) for one year training.

completion of training as IFFCO trainee, they may be absorbed in IFFCOs services as field representatives, in grade `G2 on probation for six month, subject to availability of vacancies. STRATEGIC GROUP 2. post graduate diploma in business management from

VAMNICOM , XLRI , TISS , post graduate from Delhi school of economics , Indian institute of foreign trade , Indian institute of mass communication , IRMA or other institute of comparable repute may be inducted as management trainee for one year training , by campus selection. On successful completion of training as IFFCO trainee , they may be absorbed in IFFCOs services as field representatives , in grade `H1 on probation for six month , subject to availability of vacancies in different disciplines e.g. marketing , finance ,HR , P&A , transportation etc.

3. During training period, they will be paid stipend and such other benefits as may be decided from time to time.

(11). Recruiting Office:Recruitment action for induction of apprentices/trainees shall be initiated by head office personnel department, in respect of categories mentioned at above shall be initiated by personnel department of the concerned unit / division.

(12). Direct Recruitment At Management Level:Management graduation from premier institutes may be recruited directly in grade G2 , in different disciplines as under. (A)MARKETING: Graduation (agriculture) + post graduation diploma in

management from IIMs will be inducted, based on campus selection, in grade G2, as assistant marketing officers. MANAGEMENT SERVICES GROUP: Engineering graduation + + post graduation diploma in management from IIMs will be inducted, based on campus selection, in grade G2, as assistant officers. (MS).

PERSONNEL & ADMINISTRATION: Graduation + post graduation diploma in management from IIMs with specialization in personnel management will be inducted, based on campus selection, in grade G2, as assistant personnel officers.

FINANCE & ACCOUNTS: Graduation + post graduation diploma in management from IIMs with specialization in finance will be inducted, based on campus selection, in grade G2 , as assistant finance officers.

(13). Procedure For Filling The Posts By Recruitment:A. Vacant position in organization chart shall not automatically be treated as operative to be filled by recruitment. The positions shown in the chart are estimated requirements and are to be operated only when it becomes necessary to operate them.

B. Prior approval of the managing director shall be obtained before initiating recruitment action. C. The frequency of recruitment will depend upon manpower

requirement. D. The selection committee shall be constituted by the competent


(14). When in the opinion of the management, required number of

suitable persons are not available within the organization to fill up any post, the post can be filled up by recruitment. Recruitment to various posts will normally be made from the following sources: 1. Employment Exchange as per the provision of Employment

Exchange (compulsory notification of vacancies) Act. 2. Recruitment by advertisement, either in newspapers or on

IFFCOs website.

3. 4.

Campus selection form premier institutions. Apprentices/trainees who had/have satisfactorily completed

their training. 5. 6. 7. plants. 8. Data bank maintained by IFFCO based on job applications On contract for a specified period. By deputation from other organizations. Landloosers, whose land had been acquired for setting up

received directly.

The posts may be filled up by recruitment by different methods as under:A. Posts up to grade `I shall necessarily be notified to the local/central employment exchange in accordance with the employment exchange (compulsory notification of vacancies) act, 1959 and the rules framed there under , from time to time.

B. Posts in grade H2/H1 shall be advertised in local newspapers, out of which one should be in vernacular language. C. Posts in grade G2 and above may be advertised on all India basis, either in the newspapers or on IFFCOs website. D. Action to fill up all posts by deputation, in any grade, shall be initiated by head office personnel department. E. While notifying the vacancies to the employment exchange or to the press, specific provision shall be made for reservation of posts for SCs/STs/OBC candidates in accordance with the orders/instructions issued from time to time. F. Vacancies reserved for SC/ST/OBC may be notified to various SC/ST association/agencies. G. Application etc. H. The divisional / departmental head will have the list screened in accordance with qualification and experience laid down for the post and prepares a short list of candidates, for test / interview. The competent authority may at its discretion relax received may be classified in general,

scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, OBCs , departmental

the specification after recording the reasons for doing so. Qualifications and experience standards are set out in attached career growth chart , for different disciplines. Cases with regard to career growth of employees re-deployed to cadres where their qualifications of the new cadre , will be dealt on case to case basis , so that no undue benefit is granted or on injustice is done. I. The procedure for selection will be as may be decided by the competent authority who will decide whether a test is necessary or an interview, or both, for selecting candidates. At present recruitment is being done through on-line test on objective type questions- 90% subjective and 10% general knowledge questions. And those who qualify minimum fixed percentage they are being Interviewed by a Committee consists of Experts and HR personnel. In interview the candidates mostly been asked about subjective knowledge and a few GKs and then the Best out of the lot is considered for Appointment according to work knowledge and personality subject to medical fitness only. It will be the responsibility of the concerned personnel department to keep all record for reference. Proceedings of the recruitment committee will be drawn by the personnel department and got signed from all the members of the recruitment committee. Applications of candidates not selected will be retained for one year from the date of interview and destroyed thereafter. Minutes of selection committee shall be retained for future reference.

J. The selection committee shall prepare a panel of names, in order of merit, for the approval of the competent authority. The panel of selected candidates shall be valid for a period of 6 months from the date of approval by component authority. The validity may be extended for a further period of 6 months with the prior written approval of the competent authority. K. The offer of appointment to the candidate in the approved panel shall be made , strictly in order of merit , from the panel of selected candidate irrespective of the fact whether the candidate is departmental or outsider. Verification of certificates with respect to qualifications, experience, date of birth, etc. shall be done by the personnel department respective unit before sending the letter of appointment. L. As far as possible, all candidates will be offered the post at the minimum of the grade. However, the selection committee may recommend not exceeding 5 increments in a deserving case, if it is required to protect the existing emoluments of the person. While granting such increments, the committee shall take into account the total compensation package presently available to the candidate and what is being offered by IFFCO. Full justification shall be recorded in writing by the recruitment committee in recommending additional increments.

(15). The selection committee will normally consist of internal

managers/officers. External specialist/experts may be co-opted , if

so required , subject to approval , in writing , of the competent authority. The component authority to constitute recruitment committee and to approve their recommendations shall be as under; 1). For the posts in grade `H1 and above 2). For all posts below grade `H1, : Managing director : unit heads for units ED(P&A) for Head office Mktg. Director for Mktg. Divn

(16). Due consideration will be given to the candidates whose

agricultural land is acquired by IFFCO. They will also be given age relaxation of3 years and relaxation in qualifying marks by 5% where written examination has been prescribed to determine the suitability of the candidates.

(17). Dependents of deceased employees will be entitled to age

relaxation of 3 years and relaxation in qualifying marks by 5% where written examination has been prescribed to determine the suitability of the employees. Relaxation of 5% marks in education qualification will be given to the dependents of deceased employees.

(18). Other things being equal, rural people will be given

preference in the recruitment of field staff in marketing division.







experience, etc. for recruitment shall be as contained in appendix. In the absence of written specifications, the same shall be laid down with in approval of the competent authority, as and when required. For certain highly specialized skill expertise recruitment, formal academic qualification may be waived. Some such examples are

high pressure IBR welders, riggers; fabricators etc. keeping in view exigencies of organizational requirements the competent authority may also permit induction of persons in grades other than normal induction grades.

(20). Departmental candidates (IFFCO EMPLOYEES) may also make

applications against the open advertisement; provided they meet advertised specifications with regard to qualifications , experience (expert age limit) etc.

(21). Travelling allowance will be paid to the candidate for the to

and from journey from their mailing address to place of interview as per the entitlement given below , for attending the interview. A. Grade C above B. Grade G1 to D - 1st AC by rail or economy air fare. 2nd AC by rail.

C. Grade G2 to H1 D. Grade H2 & below -

3rd AC by rail. ordinary sleeper class by rail.

No travel expenses will be paid for attending the written test conducted for recruitment except for SC/ST candidates by ordinary sleeper class rail.

(22). Probation:All regular appointments against permanent vacancies whether on first appointment or on promotion, shall be on probation for a period of six months in the first instance. The period of probation can be further extended period of 3 months at a time , subject to the condition that total period of such extension shall not exceed one year. The service of an employee will be regarded as confirmed only

after a letter of confirmation has been issued by the management on satisfactory completion of the initial or subsequently extended probationary period and on satisfactory verification of character and antecedents from the concerned authorities. The management shall be the sole judge as to whether or not an employee has satisfactorily completed the period of probationary period. At any time during or at the end of the period of probation or extended period of probation of fresh appointee , the services of a probationer employee can be terminated without assigning any reason whatsoever and without any notice. If any existing employee is appointed / promoted as a probationer in a new / higher post , he can at any time , during the period or extended probationary period , be reverted to his old permanent post without assigning any reason , whatsoever and without any notice or compensation.








(23).Promotions shall be limited to the career growth spelt out by

management and subject to availability of vacancies , in next higher grade , and subject to the suitability of the employee in accordance with guidelines procedure etc. as laid down.

(24). The seniority list of the employees discipline / cadre wise in

grade H2/H1 and above will be maintained by the corporate personnel department and in grade I and below , by local units/divisions.

(25). The seniority of employee for the purpose of drawing

eligibility list , for the purpose of consideration for promotion , shall be determined as under: A. The first reference date will be entry date into the present grade.

B. if the date of entry into the present grade of two employee is

same , then the date of entry into the previous grade will be considered. C. Likewise, if the date of entry into all grades is the same in respect of two employees, the date of joining in IFFCO shall be considered. That means , the employee who joined first shall be treated as senior. D. If the date of joining is also the same , then the age shall be taken into consideration. The employee whose is older (in age) shall be treated as senior. E. The seniority of an employee shall be reckoned from the date of his becoming eligible If an employee acquires additional qualification that affects his eligibility period he shall be given benefit only if it is relevant to the cadre in which the employee is working. Only qualifications recognized by AICTE , UGC and state technical boards will be accepted.

(26). On each cut-off date , the list of employees falling within the
zone of eligibility shall be prepared with reference to the specifications laid down. Out of the zone of eligibility ; a further list i.e. zone of consideration shall be prepared in the following ratio; A. For 1 vacancy 5 candidates

B. C. D.

For 2 vacancy For 3 vacancy For more than 3 vacancies

7 candidates 10 candidates thrice the number of










consideration may be extended by the competent authority in respect of SCs/STs.

(28). Competence to discharge the responsibilities of each joy is

the prime consideration for promotion to a post. The judgment of the competence of an individual to discharge his duties will be based on academic qualifications, experience in and outside IFFCO, nature of experience, interview performance his suitability for the senior quality position of past and his performance,

potentiality for future development. matching to the eligibility period in accordance with the guidelines. For example , if a person is eligible for consideration after 5 years , his ACRs for the preceding 5 years will be reviewed.

(30). The departmental promotion committee shall recommend the

panel of names of promotion. Only such number of person shall be placed on the panel as the number of vacancies is required to be filled.

(31). Promotion shall always be on grade to grade to grade basis

i.e. The next higher grade only and not to two higher grades.

(32). Departmental promotion committee meetings shall be held

once in a year, before May. Only such persons will be considered by the departmental promotion committee who become eligible as per

the specifications as on 30th April of the relevant year, subject , of course , to availability of vacancies.

(33). The departmental promotion committee will normally consist

of internal manager/officers. External specialists may be co-opted, if so required , subject to approval , in writing , of the competent authority. The competent authority to constitute departmental promotion committee and to approve their recommendations shall be as under; 1). For the posts in grade `G1 and above 2). For all posts below grade `H1&below units/Divn, not Below `C grade ED (P&A) for Head office Mktg. Director for Mktg. Divn : Managing director : head of the concerned

EFFECTIVE DATE OF PROMOTION:(34). The promotion order will ordinarily take effect from 1st may
ever year irrespective of the date when the departmental promotion committee proposals are approved by the competent authority.

(35). An employee will not be eligible to be considered for

promotion to next higher grade unless he has completed the required period of service in his existing grade. This stipulation is in addition to all other requirements.

(36). In case an employee is working against the post which has

alternate grades or the post is being operated at a lower grade then

it is provided in the organization chart , the employee has still to complete the prescribed period of time in the lower grade before he/she can be considered for the high grade. Consideration for next higher grade will not be automatic but depend on multiple facets such as educational/professional background, annual confidential reports, interview performance, and overall competitiveness to shoulder higher responsibilities. Further the employee should be cleared from vigilance, disciplinary angle.





A. Details of employees in the zone of consideration for promotion falling under the following categories , shall be specifically brought to the notice of the members of the Departmental Promotion Committee. 1). Employees who are under suspension , pending enquiry. 2). Employees in respect whom disciplinary proceedings are pending or a decision has been taken to initiate disciplinary proceedings. 3). Employees who are awarded punishment as a result of enquiry. 4). Employees against whom vigilance case is pending and / or being contemplated. B.

The departmental promotion committee shall assess the suitability Of the Employee coming within the purview of the Above along with other Consideration in in such cases till where the circumstances mentioned eligible candidates without taking into The recommendations shall of be DPS kept

the disciplinary case pending or contemplated against them. disciplinary/vigilance contemplated, Conclusion of the case. Case is pending or abeyance

If the disciplinary action result in dropping of allegation or complaint Against the employee and the employee is completely exonerated, the recommendations of the DPS, kept in abeyance will be acted upon. If any penalty is imposed on the employee as a result of the disciplinary proceeding or if he is found guilty , the recommendations of the DPC , kept in abeyance shall not be acted upon.









In case the employee is awarded punishment his eligibility period shall be extended by the following period(S). a) b) Demotion/Reduction in post/grade/pay Withholding of increments with or Without cumulative effect - 2 years - 1 year

Where the employee has been demoted (reduced to next lower grade) his seniority shall be reckoned from the original date of entry in the demoted grade and not from the date of demotion.


As employee who brings outside influence in the matter pertaining to his/her service will be debarred from consideration for promotion for a period of one year from the date of his eligibility.

(40). An employee will normally be recommended for promotion to

grade G 1 and above at a place of posting . In case he refuses to accept the promotion, with the change in the place in the place of posting, he will be debarred for promotion for two years.

(41). EMPLOYEES ON DEPUTATION/LIEN:An employee on deputation or having lien in any other organization may be considered for promotion, if otherwise eligible, but he will not be given regular appointment to the higher post until he has served his connections with the other organization, subject to the rules of previous employer, as are applicable on the date of absorption / promotion.


Period an employee spends on suspended lien will not be counted for the purpose of promotion (other than employees granted Suspended Lien for taking up assignment in OMIFCO).


The Competent Authority at his discretion may modify and amend these Guidelines or relax any of these guidelines. The Competent Authority to amend the Guidelines and to grant relaxation shall be the managing Direct.

(44). SAVINGS:-

These are only Guidelines and in the nature of administrative instructions and shall not be a part of service terms and conditions of any employee. These may be relaxed or changed as deemed fit and proper by the from time to time. Management



Matching with the organizational growth Manpower

needs, the promotional avenues of employees would depend on their Educational background, Experience, Competence to shoulder higher responsibility, potential for future development, Annual Appraisal Reports, Assessment by DPCs, and such other considerations as may be necessary to judge the


Personal selection grade (PSG) would be given subject to following conditions; A. Employees stagnating on account of non-fulfillment of educational qualifications including all non-metric regardless of their cadres will become eligible for PSG on completion of the following period.

1st PSG 2nd PSG B.

7 years 8 years

Employees though qualified but stagnating on account of non availability of vacancies or career growth will become eligible for PSG on completion of the following period. C. Employees with outstanding record can be considered for PSG even before the above period, however , it will not be earlier for than the normal eligibility period. D. Performance of the employee should be at least good

consecutively for preceding 5 years. E. There is no disciplinary, vigilance case pending and/or

contemplated against the employees. F. The employees are otherwise suitable for shouldering higher responsibilities. G. PSG shall be personal to the employees. H. They would carry new designations. I.

Service rendered in PSG shall be reckoned for the purpose of promotion, to next grade subject to other rules. J. Where the career growth of a cadre has been enhanced the PSG given earlier below the new upper grade will be treated as normal promotion. The subsequent PSG will be considered the first PSG.


If an employee reaches the maximum of the pay scale due to non-

promotion despite being eligible on account of non-availability of vacancy or career growth, he will continue to draw annual increments beyond the pay scale, as personal to him.


Details of career Growth, Discipline wise, with reference to

Qualification, indicating the eligibility period etc. are given in the Annexure.

WAGES (BASIC PAY) AND ALLOWANCES IN IFFCO:Wages , allowances & other benefits of the employees belonging to workmen category , in the manner indicated below.



(a) The regular scales of pay is applicable to all the employees. (b) The employee who ceased to be in the services of the society due to retirement on superannuate on or death while in service or

on account of resignation duly accepted by the society, will also be entitled. up to the date of cessation of service unless otherwise specifically debarred. (c) Benefits of this will not be allowed to those employees whose service has been terminated on account of dismissal & abandonment. (d) Employees who have gone to other organization on lien or deputation will be governed by the term & conditions already agreed to between the two organizations.


DURATION:wages structure will be valid for period of 10 years. It shall

continue to operate until replaced by a fresh order.

(3). ANNUAL INCREMENT:Annual increment from 1.1.2007 will be 3% on current basic pay.

(4). PROMOTIONAL INCREMENT:On promotion an increment of 6% of prevailing basic pay will be given.

(5). LTC/LTE:- is admissible calculated 20% on the basis of 12 months basic pay. (6). HRA:Rate of HRA 20% from 1.4.2009.


A shift Rs.75/-only B shift Rs.75/-only C shift Rs.150/-only

(8). DEARNESS ALLOWANCE:(a). industrial D.A at AICPI pay scale would be nil , account for fixing the basic pay in the revised. (b). 100 % neutralization of AICPI all officers with effect from date. (c). it is quarterly. (September November) , (December February) , (March May) , (June August).

(9). HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE / RECOVERY:Classification Rate of HRA (1) A1 (Calcutta, Chennai, 30% of of cities/towns

basic pay Delhi & Mumbai) (2) A, B-1 & B-2 15%

of basic pay (3) 10% of basic pay Other places




The rate notified by government from time to time.

(11). REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES:For news paper and periodicals allowance is given.

(12). WASHING ALLOWANCE:Washing allowance is 4% at on basic pay.

(13). EDUCATIONAL ALLOWANCE:Transport subsidy is given 2% at basic pay.

(14). CANTEEN SUBSIDY:Canteen subsidy is given 10% at basic pay.

(15). CONVEYANCE ALLOWANCE:Radius 5 Kms of place of duty will be paid to employees on monthly basis limited to 12% basic pay.

(16). ALLOWANCE FOR LONG WORKING Hrs.Workmen who are posted in plants & are required to work 48 hrs. in a week. They will get 5% of basic pay.


The performance related payment shall not be exceeding 5% of PBT of the society for the relevant financial year on PBT.



1 1 9 24 26 21 54 145 119 14 56 20 49 110 52 78 5 2

1 6 10 5 7 1 25 25 16 23 1 3 1 2 5 4

3 3 5 3 17 22 7 26 2

1 2

1 2

10 4 1

1 5 2

1 1 9 24 26 22 64 158 131 24 57 20 92 159 75 127 8 2 3 1 3 20 10 1


10 12 823

1 7 8 151

3 3 102

1 20 23 1082

Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. It is a careful investigation or inquiry specially, through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. In other words, research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deductions and reaching conclusions; and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.

The basic types of research are as follows:

variation of one or more of the above stated approaches, based on either the purpose of research, or the time required to accomplish research, on the environment in which research is done, or on the basis of some other similar factor. On the basis of time: one time research or longitudinal research; in the former case the research is confined to single time period, whereas in the latter case the research is carried on over several time periods. On the basis of environment: research can be field setting research or laboratory research or simulation research.


Research process consists of series of actions or steps necessary to effectively carry out research and the desired sequencing of these steps.


types of research problems viz., those relate to states of nature and those, which relate to relationships between variables. At the very outset the researcher must single out the problem he wants to study, essentially two steps are involved in formulating the research problem viz., understanding the problem thoroughly, and rephrasing the same into meaningful terms from an analytical point of view. Here, the problem is the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process in the SDG.


After extensive literature survey, researcher should state in clear the working hypotheses or hypotheses. Working hypotheses is the tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences. As such the manner in which research hypotheses are developed is particularly important since they provide the focal point for research.


Procedure of recruitment and selection prevailing in SDG is not effective.


There are several research designs, such as, experimental and nonexperimental hypotheses testing. Experimental designs can be either informal designs or formal designs out of which the researcher must select one for his own project.

DETERMINING SAMPLE DESIGN: the researcher must decide

the way of selecting a sample or what is popularly known as the sample design. In other words, a sample design is a definite plan determined before any data are actually collected for obtaining a sample from a given population. The important sample designs are:

It is also known as purposive or non- probability sampling. This sampling method involves purposive or deliberate selection of particular units of the universe for constituting the sample, which represents the universe. When population elements are selected for inclusion in the sample based on the ease of access, it can be called convenience sampling.

SIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLING: this type of sampling is also

known as chance sampling or probability sampling where each and every item in the population has an equal chance of inclusion in the sample and each one of the possible samples, in case of the finite universe, has the same probability of being selected. Here in my study of process of recruitment and selection

convenience sampling is used as a sample design as to have the

ease of access, because the managers or the executives have not much time so, who so ever is founded by me I take them into my sample for the study.


In dealing with any real life problem it is often found that data at hand are inadequate and hence, it becomes necessary to collect data that are appropriate. There are several ways of collecting the appropriate data, which differ considerably in context of money costs, time and other resources at the disposal of the researcher.

PRIMARY DATA: This data can be collected either through

experiment or through survey. If the experiment is conducted then there would be quantitative measurements, in the case of a survey, any one or more of the following can collect data; By observation Through personal interview Questionnaires

SECONDARY DATA: This is the data collected through the

literatures and the journals that are already available and easily available to the researcher in the library or on the web sites these are the data, which has been used by other also for any kind of their use. Here in my study of recruitment and selection process the primary data was collected by the observation and through the interviews or discussions with the HR executives and the managers and also through the questionnaire containing open ended questions.

Secondary data is collected by the literatures and the web sites of the companies.


Execution of the project is a very important step in the research process. If the execution of the project proceeds on correct lines, the data to be collected would be adequate and dependable the project should be executed in the systematic manner and in time.

ANALYSIS OF DATA: after the data have been collected the

researcher turns to the task of analyzing them. The analysis of data requires a number of closely related operations such as establishment of categories, the application of these categories to raw data through coding, tabulation and then drawing statistical inferences.

HYPOTHESES TESTING: after analyzing the data as stated

above, the researcher is in a position to test the hypotheses, if any, he had formulated earlier. Do the facts support the hypotheses or they happen to be contrary? This is the usual question, which should be answered while testing hypotheses. Various tests, such as chi square test, t-test, f-test, and have been developed by statisticians for the purpose. In this there are two statements, which are tested, one is positive and other is negative that is favorable and unfavorable.






hypotheses is tested and upheld several times, it may be possible for the researcher to arrive at generalization, i.e., to build a theory. As a matter of fact, the real value lies in its ability to arrive at certain generalizations.

Sample unit here are the persons in the human resource

department. i.e. in the recruitment and selection process.

5% DEGREE OF FREEDOM 2% Hence, Data collected gives results that; Ho is accepted and Hi is rejected i.e. procedure of recruitment and selection prevailing in IFFCO IN AONLA UNIT.


Tools and techniques used in the IFFCO Ltd were mainly personnel interviews by the HR executive or managers and the persons involved in the recruitment and selection process in the company. And getting filled some questionnaire by the executives. In order to know the exact process and the details of the sources they use.


DATA COLLECTION I PRIMARY DATA I -------------------------------------------------------------I PERSONAL QUESTIONAIRE SECONDARY DATA I --------------------------------------------------------------I CO.WEBSITES I LITERATURES I INTERVIEW



1-Is the Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicant for employment?


98% 2%

On basis of Exhibit-198% employer are agree with this point 2% feedback was not agreed.

2- Recruitment increases the pool of Job candidates at minimum cost?


85% 15%


On basis of Exhibit-2 85% response was Yes and 15% response was No.

3- Which type factors influencing Recruitment policy?

Internal factors External factors Both

15% 15% 70%

On basis of Exhibit-3 the result present 15% person was in favor of internal and 15% was with external factors but the highest person were agree with both factors

4- Recruitment procedure the first stage is the planning which includes information about the nature of job?


100% 0%

On basis of Exhibit-4 above 100% respondent answer was Yes.

5-IS Recruitment Policy adopted by the company is effective or not?


80% 20%

On basis of Exhibit-5 80% response was Yes and 20% response was No.

6-Is Recruitment is positive process?


85% 15%

On basis of Exhibit-6 response was No. 85% response was Yes and 15%

7-Are Selected Candidate Eligible according to their work ? YES NO 90% 10%

On basis of Exhibit-7 response was No. 90% response was Yes and 10%










Internal External Both

15% 15% 70%

On the basis of Exhibit 8- IFFCO mostly give preference to both type sources but some time according to situation its use some time only an method .

9-Is Promotion and transfers among the present employees can be good sources of Recruitment?





On basis of Exhibit-9 95% Peoples are think it is true fact and because when someone promoted by internally on high post he feel more total and only 5% present respondent was not think ill.







organizational commitment and job satisfaction?


100% 0%

On basis of Exhibit-10 100% respondent was agree with this because it organizational policy of Promoting employees enhance employee moral and satisfaction.

11-Is Job Analysis is the pertinent in Recruitment about facts as title location duties etc


90% 10%

On basis of Exhibit-11 90% persons says job analysis provide the pertinent about job and 10% was in negative

12-What is your method to collect Job Data. ?

Interview Observation

10% 30%

Technical Conference 60%


On basis of Exhibit-12 Mostly companies prefer for Technical Observation method for collect job Data 60% agree with it and 30% was with Observation method and 10% wad with interview method.

13- Which characteristics are related to job description?




20% 60%

On basis of Exhibit-13 answer was both Job description related to Task 20%

employees was agree with it and 20% was with Duty and 60%

14- For Which job compatibility questionnaire developed?

Employee performance


Absenteeism Turnover and Satisfaction

15% 60%

On basis of Exhibit-14 Questionnaire developed for employee performance 25% ratio was with it and it developed for Absenteeism 15% persons say it but 60% says it developed mostly for Turnover and satisfaction.

15-Is Recruitment next stage is selection?





On basis of Exhibit-15 Selection is recruitment next stage 85% says yes and 15% says no.


IFFCO LTD. is the company, which has the good choice of process of the recruitment and selection. It always tries to select the efficient candidates as per the job requirement. As per my research it shows that the company t has the flexible environment where all the employees are free to do work in an efficient manner to full fill the motto and is to complete the work having good quality. Cycle time in the recruiting and selection is very less. They have to work on the tracking of employees, as it may waste the time of the person involve in selection, when they came to know by seeing their face that it is the one ho was interviewed previously.

Overall they are the good leaders of recruiting and selecting the candidates, and making their full utilization. Now they are also forwarding to make use of the smart hiring by which the best candidates of required skill can be located.

Various aspects of recruitment and selection were studied. For conducting this study an interview schedule was prepared and was got filled by individual members i.e. the workers of the industry. Separate interview schedule were prepared in order to note down individual information and then analyze it. The whole report represent that how what are the various techniques that helps to find out that how we select the best candidates at right time for right job at right place so that we will able to make the work in efficient way


The company should that for the senior level selections they always are go for the internal recruitment because it is the cheaper and time saving source of selection of employee. For the lower level the company should that he go for the campus interview because by this they able to get the employee as per the requirement and the cost of selection will be less. The company should also increase in the salary at the time because some it may be the cause of leaving the job.

Company basically takes two or three for finally selection so the company should that he reduce the time of selection so that the employee can join the organization as soon as possible. Company should that he select the employees per the requirement and also have the CV so that as per requirement he may call the candidates. Company should that he make a proper record of the employee who have join the organization and who had leave the organization so that they will able to find what are ratio of leaving and joining the organization of the employees. When the employee leave the organization, company should that he fill the exit interview form and keep it in the record so that organization will able to know that what are the basic reason behind leaving the organization. There should be some particular date on which the test and interview would be conducted i.e. all the candidates who are recruited in the whole week should be lined up for test and interview on some specified date of the week.



Hr Related web site

1-Is the Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicant for employment?

Yes No

2- Recruitment increases the pool of Job candidates at minimum cost?

Yes No

3- Which type factors influencing Recruitment policy?

Internal factors External factors Both

4- Recruitment procedure the first stage is the planning which includes information about the nature of job?

Yes No

5-IS Recruitment Policy adopted by the company is effective or not?

Yes No

6-Is Recruitment is positive process?

Yes No

7-Are Selected Candidate Eligible according to their work ?

Yes No

8- Which type recruitment sources your company prefer for employee?

Internal External Both

9- - Is Promotion and transfers among the present employees can be good sources of Recruitment?

Yes No

10-Is internal Recruitment enhancing 'employee' organizational commitment and job satisfaction?


Yes No

11-Is Job Analysis is a pertinent in Recruitment about Job facts as title 'location' duties etc'?

Yes No

12-What is your method to collect Job Data?

Interview Observation Technical Conference -

13-Which characteristics are related to job description?

Task Duty Both

14-For which job compatibility questionnaire developed?

Employee Performance Absenteeism

Turnover and Job Satisfaction

15 -Is Recruitment next stage is selection?

Yes No

Personal .. Name of the



Telephone / Mobile Address


Signature of Respondent

Q. Is there is any significant difference between the capability & Morale of the employee if it has been selected from either external or internal sources

There is no significant difference between the capability & Morale of the employee if it has been selected from either external or internal sources.

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