Of Mice and Men Past Paper Questions

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Of Mice and Men

Jun01 To what extent, in your opinion, do George and Lennie learn from each other? (25 marks) How does the structure of Of Mice and Men contribute to its success, in your opinion? (25 marks) Jun02 Does George gain from his caring for Lennie in this novel? (25 marks) How do the settings of Of Mice and Men contribute to its success? (25 marks) May03 How important are minor characters in Of mice and Men? (25 marks) What is the importance of George and Lennies dream of living off the fatta the lan in Of Mice and Men? (25 marks) Jun04 What do you learn about Crooks in this extract and elsewhere in the novel? (25 marks) How important are dreams to this novel? (25 marks) You may wish to consider: George and Lennies dream of their own place Candys offer Curleys wifes hope May05 What are Georges weaknesses and strengths? You should refer closely his words, to events and to the actions and opinions of other characters in your answer. What is the significance of the setting in this novel? (25 marks) You may wish to consider: the language used to describe the settings the events associated with each setting the characters presented in those setting

Jun06 Do you agree that Lennie is always incapable of taking responsibility for his actions? You should refer closely to Lennies words, to events and to the actions and opinions of other characters in your answer. (25 marks) What is the significance of dreams in this novel? (25 marks) Jun07 By what means and how successfully is the character of George made sympathetic? You should refer closely to his words, to events and to the actions and opinions of other characters in your answer. (25 marks) Examine the part played by prejudice in the novel. You should refer closely to language, events and characters in your answer. (25 marks) Jun08 What is the importance of the role of Curleys wife in this novel? You should refer closely to her words, to events and to the actions and opinions of other characters in your answer. (25 marks) Examine the part played isolation in the novel. You should refer closely to language, events and characters in your answer. (25 marks)

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