Act of Baloney

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Act of Baloney

A review of the film Act of Valor The story is a product of a writer with delusional grandeur on defense supremacy with severe paranoia about security and terrorism, coupled with extreme ignorance, ranging from negative zero to negative 100 IQ. 93 million Filipinos won't buy the idea. It is an epic fail to sell the idea that Filipinos are terrorists. The story is already a fiction and won't even pass as a good fiction. Fail Here are my 7 reasons, why this story is a failure. 1. The production just picked the Filipinos to act as the courier of terrorism, well because we are passive, our government won't say anything even if they are depicted wrongly, especially Hollywood movies. 2. Filipinos are not stupid to commit suicide; it is never in the culture and blood of the Filipinos. We prefer to die DEFENDING, that is the Filipino act of Valor (e.g. Lapu-Lapu, Rizal, Marcos) 3. Filipinos will never settle in Mexico as the film depicted, well you know after Manny Pacquiao pounded their best boxers. 4. Filipinos will never work hard and then kill himself. If ever there would be Filipinos working to a foreign country, they would be, domestic helper, nurse, professionals but never an international terrorist, because there is no dignity in that kind of work. Imagine you work hard and then kill yourself ha ha ha, Filipinos may be poor but never an idiot and will never do such, that is just too low for their intelligence. 5. Filipinos will only be terrorist within their house yard never in the other countries, like Abu Sayaf they can only be as far to where they can hear their mother. "Abu uwi na, lintek na batang ito." 6. The Filipina in the end part portrayed best the emotion of 'to do or not to do' of course she will not do it but the director did the cut and shown the blast, to make it look she did it, ha ha ha fail. A Filipino will sing "Ang mamatay ng dahil sa yo" while imagining his or her family and if you are not member of the family, the heck you are. 7. A Hollywood film may depict one race as inferior or bad, but at the end of the film, after thinking about it's a piece of **** and the who comes out an idiot...precisely the writer or producer..this film must be re-titled "Act of Baloney" Marvin A. Marcelino, Critic

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