DVWS Installation

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DVWS Installation: (requires a working version of DVWA 1.0.7) 1. Download the DVWS source code from http://dvws.secureideas.net/downloads/files/dvws.tgz. 2.

Decompress dvws.tgz. This should create a webservices directory. tar zxvf dvws.tgz 3. Move the webservices directory to the DVWA vulnerabilities directory. DVWA Live CD: mv webservices/ /opt/lamp/htdocs/vulnerabilities/ 4. You can now access the webservices portion of DVWA by manually visiting the following url, or manually add the web service menu items (instructions below). http://[dvwa_ip]/vulnerabilities/webservices/ Add web service menu items: 1. Add the following lines to the dvwaHtmlEcho function in dvwa/includes/dvwaPage.inc.php. a. $menuBlocks['vulnerabilities'][] = array( 'id' => 'websvc_exec', 'name' => 'Web Service Command Execution', 'url' => 'vulnerabilities/webservices/exec/.' ); b. $menuBlocks['vulnerabilities'][] = array( 'id' => 'websvc_sqli', 'name' => 'Web Service SQL Injection', 'url' => 'vulnerabilities/webservices/sqli/.' ); Enjoy!

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