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To: WBMS Principal WBMS School Leadership Committee Lisa Greenlee/Media Specialist WBMS Media Center Committee April 6, 2012 WBMS Library Media Program Evaluation

From: CC: Date: Subject: Overview

The Georgia Department of Education released a Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric in 2011. This rubric details the criteria expected in order to maintain an effective library media center that meets the needs of all students. Each category is rated as basic, proficient, or exemplary status. Of course, exemplary status is the ultimate goal. The following five categories are included in this evaluation: Student Achievement and Instruction Staffing Facilities, Access, and Resources Administrative Support Staff Development

Findings Using the Georgia DOE 2011 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric, I determined that our media program is mostly proficient in category one of the Student Achievement and Instruction section. Out of the six criteria, we had four proficient, one exemplary, and one basic status. The basic status was in the area of student achievement being routinely assessed. Category two of Staffing yielded proficient results for the two criteria in this area. Category three of Facilities, Access, and Resources resulted in three exemplary, two proficient, and one basic status. The basic status was in accessibility of the media center. Category four of Administrative Support resulted in four proficient and one exemplary status. Finally, category five of Staff Development proved to be in exemplary status. Overall, our media center is in at least the proficient to exemplary status which is something I am so proud to report! Action Steps In order to raise our performance level from basic to proficient in the Student Achievement and Instruction section, I recommend that we devise a plan whereas I am able to meet with teachers on a regular basis (i.e., grade-level meetings) to assist them in developing rubrics or other effective means of assessing student achievement. I recommend recruiting for parent volunteers to assist in the library to allow me more time to meet with teachers.

My recommendation for raising our status from basic to proficient in the Facilities, Access, and Resources category is to discuss the possibility of offering afterschool activities in the media center. I propose either a time before or after school where students would have access to the media center to meet their needs. I would also like to take one criteria at a time and develop an action plan of moving a particular criteria from proficient to exemplary status since exemplary is ultimately where we need to be. I recommend the consideration of employing one full-time paraprofessional person to move our media center from proficient to exemplary status in the Staffing category. This addition would allow the media center staff to be available throughout the instructional day to assist teachers and students with their needs. It would also allow me to attend important meetings (i.e., grade-level) in order to meet the needs of all of our teachers and students. I look forward to being able to meet with you and our Leadership Team to discuss each of these issues and ways that we can bring WBMS up to the next level.

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