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Standard 1: Candidates use their understanding of young childrens characteristics and needs, and of multiple interacting influences on childrens

development and learning, to create environments that are healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging for all children. 1a. Knowing and understanding young childrens characteristics and needs Rationale The environment I provide for children in my childcare program, my written curriculum, and my efforts to involve and support families show that I know and understand young childrens characteristics and needs. To demonstrate my competence of NAEYC standard 1a, I chose the first two stages of my self-study using Eriksons theory (Berk, 2005) that I wrote in the fall of 2005. I used his theory to examine my own childhood and described my findings in this study. Studying Eriksons theory, along with those of other theorists, has helped me understand childrens characteristics and needs. I apply that knowledge to create environments that are healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging for all children. Reflection I have studied many different theories and philosophies of child development, including Eriksons eight psychosocial stages and Piagets and Vygotskys theories about play (Saracho & Spodek, 2005). The self-study challenged me to reflect on my own childhood and helped me to understand how I developed valuable strengths in each stage. I realize that my research of the theories and philosophies of early education have played an extensive role in my understanding of young childrens characteristics and needs.

References Berk, L. E. (2005). History, theory, and research strategies. In Infants, children, and adolescents (5th ed., pp. 3-51). Boston: Pearson Education Inc. (Original work published 1993) Saracho, 0., & Spodek, B. (2005). Children's play and early childhood education. Journal of Education, 177(3). Retrieved from 9705281799.pdf?T=P&P=AN&K=9705281799&S=R&D=ap

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