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Saint Kenneth

By: Adam Bavuso

Facts About St. Kenneth

Also known as Saint Canice. Born around 515 AD. in Ireland. Was a Shepard. He was ordained a priest in 545 AD. After being ordained he went to Rome. He founded a Monastery and a Church in Ireland. Wrote commentary on all 4 gospels. Known as one of the 12 apostles of Ireland.

Stories about him

After preaching in Ireland St. Kenneth and St. Columba traveled to Scotland. They were trying to covert the Pagan King there. This made the king angry so he got his sword to kill them both but a miracle happened. As the king was about to hit them St. Kenneth made the sign of the cross and the kings hand was paralyzed.

Stories about him

One Day St. Columba was sailing in the Irish Sea when a storm came that almost capsized the boat. St. Columba told them to calm down because St. Kenneth would pray for them. At that moment God spoke to Kenneth about his friend. He immediately went to the church to pray.

Feast Day
October 11th

Why I Chose Saint Kenneth.

The name has been used by family members and St. Kenneth is a good role model for me.

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