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STEP 1: From the comparative data obtained from the previous graphs we get

From the iterative procedure we know that W=45033.129 Kg f. We obtain the value of S (wing area)=86.602m2. STEP 2: Also we know the value of aspect ratio from the comparative data . Aspect ratio=9.2 . From which wingspan(b)=28.22658 m. STEP 3 : Now again looking into the comparative data to find the value of fineness ratio =1.25, we get l=overall length=35.28m. STEP 4 : We can also find the mean aerodynamic chord by using the values fixed for the wingspan and the aspect ratio .

STEP 5: Assuming a span efficiency factor of 0.9 we get the induced drag factor term k=1/(eAR)=0.03843.


The fuel that we are planning to use for our IAE V2522 engine is JETA-1 having a density of 804.07 . Also from the preliminary weight estimation, Wf=9466.28 Kgf. Using the formula ,we get volume of fuel =11.77 .

We are planning to accommodate 75% of fuel in the wings while the remaining 25 % will be placed in the fuselage. Now using the formula Volume of fuel in the wing=[ We get . ]

Now choosing appropriate airfoil for the obtained thickness to chord ratio we get the following airfoils for NACA 4418 NACA 2318 NACA 23018 NACA 64-218. However we know that Where W is the cruising weight . We get =0.4375. . Taking average value we get 0.46035. STEP 7 : Even though we have selected 3 airfoils having the same t/c ratio,the process of finalizing a particular airfoil involves the use of the plot between Here we compare the plots between NACA 2318, NACA 4418, NACA 23018 and NACA 64-218 we find that NACA 4418 is suitable because of its low .

coefficient of drag when compared to the other two airfoils at the particular value of 0.46 as shown .

18.0% Thickness: 4.0% Camber: Trailing edge angle: 21.5o Lower flatness: 27.8% Leading edge radius: 3.6% 1.797 Max CL: 15.0 Max CL angle: 44.44 Max L/D: 7 Max L/D angle: 6.5 1.209 Max L/D CL: 2.0 Stall angle: Zero-lift angle: -4.0

STEP 8 : Estimation of stalling speed From the data we estimate the runway length to be equal to 1200m. Also from Newtons equation of motion , N Here, Final velocity ,v=0 (since the aircraft comes to rest). Assuming a=0.2g. We have U= Vstall= Now , =71.969 . .


We get 2.2171. Therefore For this we choose the flaps . =0.4201.

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