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population Source 1 People's Republic of China[63] 1,349,840,000 March 23, 2012 19.

3% Chinese Official Population Clock 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 India 1,203,710,000 March 2011 17% Census of India Organisation United States 313,229,000 March 23, 2012 4.47% United States Official Population Clock Indonesia 238,400,000 May 2010 3.34% SuluhNusantara Indonesia Census report Brazil 196,149,000 March 23, 2012 2.8% Brazilian Official Population Clock Pakistan 179,072,000 March 23, 2012 2.56% Official Pakistani Population Clock Bangladesh 158,570,535 July 2011 2.26% 2011 CIA World Factbook estimate Nigeria 155,215,000 July 2011 2.22% 2011 CIA World Factbook estimate Russia 141,927,297 January 1, 2010 2.027% Federal State Statistics Service of Russia Japan 127,380,000 June 1, 2010 1.82% Official Japan Statistics Bureau

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