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Jaypee Business School

A Constituent of Jaypee institute of information Technology (Deemed University) A-10, Sec-62, Noida(U.P.)

Social Internship Report on (Help Agra)

Submitted By :- Shaurya Raaj Pratap Enrolment No :- 10609192


Self Declaration

I Shaurya Raaj Pratap student of Jaypee Business School MBA 20102012 enrolment No 10609192, states that I have completed my social Internship from Help Agra from 1st March, 2012 to 30th March, 2012. I have completed my Internship report on promotion of various services provided by Help Agra.

Thanks and Regards Shaurya Raaj Pratap


To Whom It May Concern SOCIAL INTERNSHIP CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. Shaurya Raaj Pratap of M.B.A. Batch 20102012 of Jaypee Business School, Noida has successfully completed his social Internship from 1st March, 2012 to 30th March, 2012. The Project on evaluation fulfils all the stated criteria and the students findings are his original work. I hereby certify his work excellent to the best of my knowledge.

Sh. Kishan Kumar Agarwal General Secretary Help Agra(Regd) st 1 floor, S.N. Medical College M.G. Road, Agra



The special thanks goes to Mr. Om Prakash. The supervision and support that he gave truly helped the progression and smoothness of the internship program. The co-operation is highly appreciated. Projects studied during the program were highly interesting and educative. The enthusiasm and interest shown by the office bearers and members of the NGO during my internship helped me in understanding appropriately the functioning of this NGO. This internship program has made me realize the value of working together as a team and gave me a new experience in working in a social environment, which challenges our mental and physical faculties every minute. The one month long internship programme provided to me a lot of opportunity to work in different settings and exposed me to interaction with different sets of people. The working environment in the NGO was highly motivating and inspiring; I am highly thankful to all office bearers and members of the NGO who helped and guided me during my internship programme. I am also highly thankful to my faculty .. under whose able guidance I completed my social internship programme successfully. Last but not the least, I would like to thank all colleagues with whom I worked together in the projects during the internship programme.


Table of Contents


Introduction of NGO

Help Agra is a registered non-profit organization based in Agra, India. With its all-important philanthropic pursuit of alleviating the pain from cancer and the sorrow ostracize suffered due to incarceration, the trust has tried to achieve many goals in its short lifespan. The trust has put together a functional group of experts who take care of the various aspects of services coming within its gamut of operations. With a three-tier management hierarchical system in place each and every activity gets its due attention down to the minutest of details during each of the strategizing, planning and execution stages. The trust involves noted physicians, doctors and surgeons to give strength to its activities such as medical camps, ambulance & medical store facility. The trust disburses its valuable messages to the masses through events such as free ambulance service & cost to cost medical stores.


The trust activities concern the following area : Catch the Cancer : A nationwide endeavor to spread cancer awareness and to educate people in the prevention and cure of the deadly disease. The trust provides timely help for effective detection of cancer and gives the patients most affordable and reliable treatment once it is diagnosed along with cost to cost medicine facility & free of cost ambulance. People Behind Help Agra Executive list :S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Name Sh. Ashok Kumar Goyal Sh. Azad Mohan Agarwal Smt. Pravin Patni Sh. Mukesh Jain Sh. Ashok Bansal Sh. Gautam Seth Sh.Akhilesh Agarwal Sh. Anil Bansal Sh. Om Prakash Agarwal Chandiwale Smt. Rashmi Magan Sh. Harishankar Goyal Sh. Gopal Bansal Sh. Navneet Bansal Sh. Rakchit Tandon Sh. Girish Bansal

Vision and Mission Help Agra has embarked on its journey of service to humanity with the aim of bringing solace to people suffering from cancer and providing free of cost ambulance & cost to cost medicine facility


The trust identifies the financially weak families and individual who are victims of either of these two conditions, provides with long-term as well as short-term financial assistance, gives them adequate counseling for character development, and in case of prison inmates; once they are released from jail placing them in viable jobs. The trust holds regular good shows. Thus, continuing its mission of strengthening the delicate societal fabric of our multi-cultural citizenry.


Programs Overview :Our society is our responsibility What is the state of our society today? And How does one define Service to humanity? If we conduct welfare services for our society, are we really helping others, or are we working to improve our own surroundings? With the conviction and belief that every service to society is actually a service for our own betterment, Help Agra has taken up diligent endeavors to improve the conditions of people suffering from various stages of cancer, and to support them by providing free ambulance service & cost to cost medicine facility.


Catch The Cancer:Introduction To How Cancer Beings Simply put, cancer is the result of unregulated cell division. Cancer cells divide when they are not supposed to, dont stop dividing when they are supposed to and dont die when they should. In the worst cases, the cancer cells leave the area in which they arose and travel to other parts of the body. Cancer cells do not look or act like the normal cells from which they originate. It is reasonable, then, to ask why do cancer cells behave so badly?. It turns out the answers lie in the genes of the affected cells. In cancer cells, changes to key genes cause the cells to act abnormally. The changes are often the result of changes to the DNA (mutations) in the cells. Because there are many different things that are capable of causing mutation, there are an equally large number of causes of cancer. The development of cancer takes place in a multi-step process, as the cells become more abnormal, they gain new capabilities, such as the ability to release growth factors and digestive enzymes. The cells continue to divide, impacting nearby normal cells, often reducing the function of the affected organ. Even abnormal cancer cells die sometime and a tumor that is large enough to feel can take years to reach that size. Although not all cancers share exactly the same steps, there are some general features that are shared in the development of many types of cancer. Another critical step in the growth of a tumor is the development of a blood supply (angiogenesis). Blood provides nutrients, carries away waste and the blood vessels provide a way for cancer cells to move around the body. Cancer Initiation, Promotion and Progression In the eighteenth century, London physician Percival Pott made the first link between cancer and environmental agents when he noted a high incidence of scrotal cancer among chimney sweeps. He hypothesized that it was caused by exposure to coals and tars. Out of this observation grew the two stage modal of cancer development by 1) initiations and 2) promoters. In the years since Potts observations a wide range of

chemicals, radiation sources, viruses and bacteria have been implicated in the development of cancer. The initial experimental studies of carcinogenesis were conducted in animals. Chemicals able to react with DNA and non-reactive compounds were both tested for their ability to cause cancer. The modal used was mouse skin carcinogenesis. In this system researchers painted test chemicals on the skin and observed the growth of tumors. Reaches Found that application of a DNA reactive substance only resulted in tumor formation when the animals were further treated with another non-reactive substance. A compound that reacts with DNA and somehow changes the genetic makeup of the cell is called a mutagen. The mutagens that predispose cells to develop tumors are called initiators and the non-reactive compounds that stimulate tumor development are called promoters. Approximately 70% of known mutagens are also carcinogens- cancer causing compounds. A compound THAT ACTS AS BOTH AN INITIATOR AND A PROMOTER IS REFERRED TO AS A complete carcinogen because tumor development can occur without the application of another compound. Initiation Initiation is the first step in the two-stage model of cancer development. Initiators, if not already reactive with DNA, are altered (frequently they are made electrophilic ) via drug-metabolizing enzymes in the body and are then able to cause changes in DNA (mutations). Since many initiators must be metabolized before becoming active, initiators are often specific to particular tissue types or species. The effects of initiators are irreversible; once a particular cell has been affected by an initiators it is susceptible to promotion until its death. Since initiation is the result of permanent genetic change, any daughter cells produced from the division of the mutated cell will also carry the mutation. In studies of mouse skin carcinogenesis, a linear relationship has been observed between the dose of initiator and the quantity of tumors that can be produced, thus any exposure to the initiator increases risk and this risk increases indefinitely with higher levels of exposure. Promotion

Once a cell has been mutated by an initiators, it is susceptible to the effects of promoters. These compounds promote the proliferation of the cell, giving rise to a large number of daughter cells containing the mutation created by the initiators. Promoters have no effect when the organism in question has not been previously treated with an initiators. Unlike initiation, promoters do not covalently bind to DNA or macromolecules within the cell. Many bind to receptors on the cell surface in order to affect intracellular pathways that lead to increased cell proliferation. There are two general categories of promoters: specific promoters that interact with receptors on or in target cells of defined tissues and nonspecific promoters are often specific for a particular tissue or species due to their interaction with receptors that are present in different amounts in different tissue types. While the risk of tumor growth with promoter application is dose-dependent, there is both a threshold and a maximum effect of promoters. Very low doses of promoters will not lead to tumor development and extremely high doses will not produce more risk than moderate levels of exposure. Progression In nice, repeated promoter application on initiator-exposed skin produces benign papillomas. most of these papillomas regress after treatment is stooped, but some progress to cancer. The frequency of progression suggest that the papillomas that progress to cancer have acquired an additional, spontaneous, mutation. The term progression, coined by Leslie Foulds, refers to the stepwise transformation of a benign tumor to a neoplasm and to malignancy. Progression is associated with a karyotypic change since virtually all tumors that advance are aneuploid ( have the wrong number of chromosomes ). This karyotypic change is coupled with an increased growth rate, invasiveness, metastasis and an alteration in biochemistry and morphology.


Defining cancer At its heart, cancer is the result of uncontrolled cell growth. Our bodies are composed of trillions of cells, all working together. In cancer, one of those cells stops paying attention to the normal signals that tell cells to grow, stop growing or even to die. Cancer cells still share many of the same needs and properties of normal cells but they become independent of the controls that makes our body function smoothly. The process by which a normal cell changes into one that behaves so abnormally can take a long time and is often triggered by outside influences. The next few sections describe the differences between normal and cancer cells and outline the steps leading to the creation of a cancer cell from a normal cells. Cancer is actually a general term that describes a large group of related diseases. Every case of cancer is unique, with its own set of genetic change changes and growth properties, some cancers grow quickly while other can take years to become dangerous to the patient. The many difference between cases of cancer even of the same organ(i.e, different cases of breast cancer), is one of the main reason that treatment is so difficult. Despite the difference between different types og cancer, all cancers DO share some common features, and these share properties are the basis for many cancer treatments and research efforts. It is important to understand the basic, shared, features of cancer. This will allow for an understanding of detaction, diagnosis and treatment options.


Introduction To Cancer By Type This section contains information detailing by type. As our focus is on the biology of the cancer and their treatments, we do not give detailed treatment guidelines. Instead, we link to organization in the US that generates the treatment guidelines. Thank you for your patience as we work to continue expanding this section with additional cancer types. If the cancer in which you are interested is not yet presented, please check back because we will be adding new cancer types regularly. Breast Cervical Colon and Ractal (colorectal) Leukemia Liver Lung Lymphoma Multiple myeloma Pancreatic Prostate Skin Stomach (Gastric)

Cancer may be categorized based in the function/ and location of the cells from which they orginate. The following terms are commonly used to categorize tumors by their tissue (cell type) of origin.


Carcinoma a tumor derived from epithelial cells, those cells that line the surface of our skin and organs. Our digestive tract and airways are also lined with epithelial cells. This is the most common cancer type and represents about 80-90% of all cancer cases reported.

Sarcoma- a tumour derived from white blood cells on their precursors. The cells that from both white and red blood cells are located in the bone marrow.

Lymphoma- a cancer of bone marrow derived cells that affects the lymphatic system.

Myelomas- a cancer involving the white blood cells responsible for the production of antibodies (B lymphocytes or B-cells).

Introduction to cancer prevention Because each cancer type is different in origin, composition, and responsiveness to treatment, reliable prevention techniques are very difficult to identify. Abidance that an activity or dietary items prevent cancer is difficult to confirm because the goal of cancer prevention is to produce an outcomes where nothing changes i.e cancer does not develop). Additionally, because cancer preventions cannot usually be accomplished by a single event, preventative measures must be taken for many years to give results that can be examined. Even if something is shown to help prevent a certain type of cancer, there is no guarantee that eating or behaving in a certain way will absolutely assure freedom from cancer development. Muchg of the evidence for cancer prevention is not definitive. As an example, a diet low in fat but high in fiber, fruits and vegetables has been associate with lower risk for several cancer. There has also been a number oif studies that have shown no connection

between these kinds of diets and reduced cancer cases. Exercise has been shown to reduce cancer accurencing ion some studies in others, exercise does not seem to make a differences. Dispite the conflicting the evidence , the national cancer institutes contents that the best way to help prevent cancer ius to exercise, as well as eat a low calories diet containing fiber, fruits, and vegetables they also suggest that people should avoid a sedentary life style, animals facts and grilled meats to lessen the risk of developing cancer. Research suggest that a combination of different essential nutrients is better than consuming a large amount of a single item. Another way to help prevent cancer is to avoid behaviors that are generally accepted to increase your risk of cancer. Some of the behaviors linked to cancer development are tobacco use, alcohol, consumption, obesity, and sun exposure. A study on Swedish family shows that an increased risk of cancer is more associated with environmental factors, diet and exercise rather that heredity. The American cancer society suggest that a third of all American cancer deaths are linked to poor diet and lack of exercise. Additionally, another third of all cancers deaths are preventable by avoiding tobacco products. The world health organizations beliefs that 40% of cancer deaths world wide could be prevented with proper diet, exercise, tobacco avoidance. In addition to these general guidelines, there are several specific compounds that have exhibited evidence that they may contribute to cancer prevention.

ANTIOXIDES The possible role of antioxidants in the prevention and treatment of a variety of medical conditions has been very highly publicized. For some diseases, anti-oxidants may well play an important role. Unfortunately, some of the excitement is not based on scientific evidence. In order to understand how antioxidants works, it is first important to understand the process of oxidation.


WHAT IS OXIDATION? Oxidation is a chemical process. Oxidation is the reason that metals rust and apples turn brown. When this same process happens inside your body, it can harm cells and tissues. Free radicals are small chemicals that are responsible for oxidative damage. Free radicals can be contained in (or caused to form by) a variety of things including tobacco smoke, radiation (like sunlight or x-rays) and even the normal functioning of the human body. Free radicals are unstable and they can interact with, and alter, other molecules. Targets of free radicals include DNA, lipids and proteins . when free radicals interact with other molecules, they can cause changes ( called oxidation) that interfere with the normal activity of the altered target molecules. The altered activity of the altered activity of the affected cell part can cause severe problems for the cell and ultimately the entire body. You can learn more about oxidation in the closer look on this page. WHAT ARE ANTIOXIDANTS? Antioxidants are molecules that, as the name suggests, prevent or reserve oxidation. Examples of dietary antioxidants including vitamins C and E. antioxidants are able to interact with and neutralize free radicals in vitro, improve health and prolong life in animals, and many studies are underway to investigate the potential of these compounds to prevent cancer in humans. Antioxidants are important to humans because they stop radicalized molecules before they cause damage. Compounds that exhibit antioxidants properties do this by donating an electron to a free radical without the electron they donate. Some antioxidants function in a suicidal manner, neutralizing free radicals by forming permanent bonds with them. Sources and uses of antioxidants There are many good sources of antioxidants including green tea, berries, tomatoes and soy. Antioxidants can be found in many fruits and vegetables because plants produce antioxidants to help protect themselves from free radicals created by radiation from the

sun . the body naturally produces some antioxidants that help protect against free radicals damage . Unfortunately, these do not provide complete protection . Humans most consumes antioxidants from other sources if they wish to decrease their risk of developing diseases that are increased by free radicals damage . Outside of the body, antioxidants can also be used for many practical purposes : museum curators use them to preserve artifacts derived from living things, they can prevent food from spoiling . they are also used to make better rubbers, plastics, automobiles fuels and paint . Plant Products (Phytochemicals) Phytochemicals are compound found in plants. The phytochemicals below are being investigated to see if they are beneficial to human health; even when extracted from the plant from which they originate. In recent years, there has been a large amount of research to investigate the usefulness of specific nature compounds in the prevention and the treatment of cancer. The list below is not meant to be complete. There are numerical other chemicals that are being examined. Drugs Drugs that are used to help prevent cancer are highly regulated by the federal government to insure quality and safety. Most drugs that are suggested by doctors to help prevent cancer are for a specific population that is at a high risk of developing certain cancer types. These drugs are not suggested for all people because they can cause other problems that may not be worth the cost of protection. Nevertheless, some drugs have shown to decrease the risk for cancer and have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for cancer prevention. These include non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and the hormonal antagonists Tamoxifen and Raloxifene.

Cervical cancer Vaccines


The development of vaccine against HPV is a major step in the fight against cervical cancer. Currently, there are two vaccine approved for the prevention of infection with HPV, Gardasil and Cervarix. Gardasil is FDA approved for the prevention of HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18 infection is young women aged 9-26. on October 16, 2009, the FDA also approved Gardasil to prevent genital warts caused by HPA types 6 and 18. Cervatrix was approved for use in the United States in October 2009. Importantly, the vaccinations are prophylactic and are not effective against the progression of pre-existing HPV infection or cervical dysplasia, and should not deter women from annual screening tests, especially since not all cancer causing(oncogenic) forms of HPV are included in the vaccines.

Introduction to cancer Detection and Diagnosis Once a key problems in the treatment of cancer is the early detection of the disease. Often, cancer is detected in its later stages, when it has compromised the function of one or more vital organ systems and is widespread throughout the body. Methods for the early detection of cancer are of utmost importance and are an active area of current research. After the initial detection of a cancerous growth, accurate diagnosis and staging of the disease are essential for the design of a treatment plan. This process is dependent on clinical testing and the observations of physicians. It is important for cancer patients and their families to understand the results given to them so that they can take an active role in the planning of the treatment protocol to be used. This section includes information on some of the methods used to direct cancer. Also discussed are some possible tests that are still under investigation. You can touch find information on the result presented in pathology(path). Reports and a section that describes the process of cancer staging. Because no test is 100% accurate, it is

important to understand the limitations of medical tests. The limitations of any particular medical test are described by its sensitivity and specificity and false positive/false negative rates.

Side Effects of Cancer Treatments A wide variety of drugs is used to treat cancer. Many of them have side effects, some of them potentially serious and long-lasting. One reason that cancer drugs tend to have many/severe side effects is that cancer cells are not very different from healthy cells. Choose a topic from the list on the left to learn about a particular side-effects and treatments/prevention methods. 10,000 people die of cancer everyday,10,000 more are told everyday that they have it. A person suffering from cancer dies everyday, little boy little. His family members and those nearest to him are made aware every moment of the impending death and its inevitability. Their lives stop around the moment when they are first told they have it. When the truth is that a little bit of awareness can not only prevent this condition, but also totally cure it; as cancer is a disease born out of our own wrong habits and incorrect lifestyles. Do your bit with us and become an instrument of happiness for someone who is either suffering, or who could develop this deadly disease lates on. With your help and support we can cure the sufferings of many.

Our Objectives 1. To help create awareness about breast, uterus, mouth and throat cancer in the urban poor

2. To create awareness amongst the youth in schools, colleges and offices, etc, about different aspects of the disease 3. To hold medical and cancer detection camps in underprivileged areas to diagnose and treat cancer patients 4. To hold seminars and road show in the slums to teach self-detection method and spread awareness. 5. To make educational and medical aid available to the families of poor
6. To provide free of cost ambulance service to save casualty if any provide

medical help at nominal cost



1. We create awareness amongst the masses by holding appropriate events, camps, seminars, conferences & road shows 2. We involve in our endeavors not only the common people but also medical and entertainment professionals to bring strength to our message 3. We maintain up-to-date database of all resources such as those of specialized hospitals, specialist doctors complete with their contact details and their timing 4. We provide free of cost ambulance facilities for emergency cases so that helps is available immediately 5. We provide financial assistance to the needy and the poor who cannot afford to get treated for this disease 6. We provide cost to cost medicine facility facility for the poor who cannot afford to by medicine 7. We create a database of all the families of the poor and provide medical help at nominal cost 8. We also set up adequate medical camps to treat the families free of cost or at nominal costs within their localities.

Raising awareness of cancer survivorship There are many ways to define cancer survivorship , but for the purpose of this report, it is a distinct phase of the cancer trajectory which has been relatively neglected in advocacy ,education ,clinical practice ,and reseal Quality cancer survivorship care involves the provision of four essential Components of care within a delivery system that facilities access to comprehensive and coordinated care (BOX ES-1). Raising awareness of the medical and physiological needs that may follow cancer treatment will help both Survivors and their health care provider to ensure that appropriate assessment are completed and available intervention employed . the constellation of

cancers long term and late effects varies by cancer type ,treatments Modealiuty, and individual characteristics ,but there are common patters of Symptoms and condition that must be recognized so that health and wellbeing can be improved Essential components of survivorship care 1. 2. Prevention of recurrent and new cancer, and of other latev effects; Surveillance for cancer spread , recurrence , or, second cancers ; assessment of medical and psychosocial late effects ; 3. Intervention for example ; consequences of cancer and its treatment , for

Medical problems such as lymphedema and sexual dysfunction ; symptoms , including pain and fatigue ;psychological distress experienced by cancer survivor and their caregivers ;and cocern related to employment ,insurance ,disability ;and 4. coordination between specialists and providers to ensure that all of the survivors,s health needs are met.


Achievement of Help Agra Press Release :Print media :1Help Agra has started 24 x 7 free of cost ambulance service. Any needy person

can dial 102 and ambulance without any charges will be provided to the needy.




Creat awareness about cancer & how to prevent it are also the prime objectives

of Help Agra.



Donating Radiotherapy machine to S.N. Medical College for treatment of




Free jumbo pack to Dengue patients has also been distributed to some 7,000 Patients.



Providing immediate aid (24 x 7) to road accidental patients has been a highly acclaimed effort of Help Agra.


6- Help Agra also provides absolutely free medicines to very poor patients & also

provides medicines at cost price to needy patients.



Help Agra also transports poor people living on road sides, bus stands & railway stations to Mother Teresa home on its own expenses.



Help Agra also provides air conditioned vehicles at nominal charges to the needy and poor to carry dead bodies of their kin to rural & backward areas.


9- Help Agra provides transport facility at reasonable charges to needy pregnant ladies to carry them to hospitals.



Help Agra also provides free facilities of doctors, X-ray, lab testing & other required medical facilities to poor and needy.


11- Help Agra also provides free food packets to poor & needy people.



Help Agra also educates and encourages people to donate dead bodies of their kin to medical colleges for academics and research purposes.



Educating & motivating people for eye donation is also one of the successful efforts of Help Agra.



Help Agra also provides water coolers at the hospitals for the use and benefit of people at large.



Apart from helping human beings, Help Agra has also done remarkable work in providing medical aid to animals.


Events 1Help Agra has started its 24 x 7 Ambulance service on where one can dial 102 as help line no to avail this service free of cost.



OPD service which was non functional at lady Fatima Hospital was resumed by Help Agra on ..



Help Agra has started free of cost surgery to poor & needy people from 23 March, 2009.



On 29 May, 2009 Help Agra has supported & shifted 2 year old girl to Mother Teresa home as the parents of the girl had left her alone in the hospital.



With the motive to help animals, Help Agra team has donated coolers to the Bear rescue facility to protect the animals from hot summers.



On 12 March, 2010 Help Agra has added one more ambulance to its fleet.



Help Agra completed its 500 days of service on 14 March, 2010.



Help Agra provided employment to prisoners lodged in the jail by assigning to them the task of making 158 benches.



Free medical check-up camp was organized by Help Agra from 21th to 25th, May, 2010.



Appreciating the efforts of Help Agra, Lions club Agra has donated one Auto wheeler for the use of pregnant women on 26th August, 2010.



160 benches were donated by Help Agra to facilitate the patients well wishers visiting hospitals.



Help Agra also provides CRITICAL AMBULANCE to the needy patients.



On 21st July, 2011 Help Agra started ambulance service for road accident cases.



On 22nd Feb, 2011 with a vision to provide medicines at no profit for poor & needy people, Help Agra moved its step forward by purchasing land near S.N. Medical college.



Free of cost medical facility for mentally retarded people was introduced by Help Agra on 12th Jan, 2012.


Swot Analysis of Help Agra Strength :1.

They have plenty of time & strong support team to carry out their work on their different programmes. The organization has strong reputation within the community. There are many big business houses who are working along with help Agra. Many doctors have also supported the mission to Help Agra.

3. 4.

Weakness :1.

It is a new organization and it is less known among NGOs. They have small funds with shallow skill base peoples in many areas. They are vulnerable to high attrition of employees because they are less motivated to work. Opportunities :-


1. 2.

They are working on many sensitive issues like cancer, ambulance facility and free of cost medicine stores. Government and other corporate companies are supporting it in all the programs. Other NGOs from other places are also extending their helping hands. Threat :-


There is no perceptible threat.


Recommendations Various steps which Help Agra should follow to carry on their task more smoothly are as follows :1.

It should strengthen its ability to inform the public about their latest efforts to the society. It requires educating the public by mobilizing the media. It should form linkage and partnership with universities and academic institutions in order to constructing a new fund route that can sustain their activities. Recognize the need for facilitator in their structure. Undertaking inclusive approach, recognizing the wide range of NGOs and civil society organizations.


3. 4.



Being Associated with the Help Agra was a great experience. It was a great opportunity to learn the various facets and aspects of NGO functioning which can be summarized as follows:-

1. 2. 3. 4.

Learnt a lot about NGOs functioning, their vision, objectives and the problems it faces in the various departments like finance, marketing and others. Also understood the initiative taken by private institutions as a part of corporate governance social responsibility and its impact on the society. Studied about how to help the society and what Help Agra is doing in this field. It broadened my horizon of thinking about life and spurred me to think about helping the poor and needy in our society.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


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