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Fourth Semester Electronics and Communication Engineering EC 243 - PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURES Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer ALL questions. PART A - (10 >< 2 = 20 marks) 1. What are the characteristic of modular programming? 2. What is structur_ed programming? 3. What is dynamic programming? 4. Write short notes on algorithm analysis. 5. List down the user defined data types in C language. 6. What is a pointer? List any two advantages. 7. What is the difference between a Stack and a Queue? 8. Draw a neat diagram for circular doubly linked list and explain the same. 9. VVhat is an indexed sequential file? 10. Briefly discuss about Graphs.

PART B (5 >< 16 = 80 marks) 11. (a) (i) Define call by value and call by reference. When to use call by reference? Discuss. (8) (11) Write a program that uses a function to sort an array of integers. (8) Or (b) (i) List down the advantages of Top down design. (8) (ii) Write a program that uses a function to find the largest value in an array of elements. p (8) 12. (a) (i) Explain the divide and conquer algorithmic technique. Give suitable example. (8) (ii) Write a program to find the factorial of any given number using recursion function. (8) Cr (b) (i) Discuss the concepts of back tracking using stack. (8) (ii) By an example illustrate the use of back tracking; (8) 13. (a) (i) What is a structure? Create a structure for a student with fields as rollno, name, marks(5). (6) (ii) Develop a program to add, calculate average and print using the student structure. (10) Or (b) Write short notes on: (16) (i) File processing in C (ii) Control Statements. 14. (a) What is a stack? Write a menu oriented program tot add an item, delete an item and display all the items in the stack. (16) Or (b) Write functions for insertion and deletion of a queue using array. Write

down the limitation of queue implementation using array. (16) 15. (a) What is a insertion sort? Write a procedure for simple insertion sort. (16) Or (b) (i) Explain Bubble sort with an example. (8) (ii) Discuss about Garbage collection. (8)

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